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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jonsjourney

  1. Hey Christefur... are you getting psyched about the surgery?

  2. Hi, thanks for the comment you left me on being bigger down there. Welcome to the lapband world. I got my surgery in July. I'm sure your going to do great.

  3. Hey starving artist that makes double me and has a gorgeous home ;) check out the ranting I did on the "stop calling it socialized medicine" thread. You might like to read the whole thing.

  4. jonsjourney

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    BJEAN... "I am not quite so sure about tort reform. It sure depends on how it's done. I don't think we as patients should be barred from seeking retribution for malpractice. Now if you're talking about putting some caps on what can be awarded, then I'll listen." I greatly disagree with you about establishing caps on retribution for malpractice. My son was left in my wife's birth canal and my wife told that the doctor would tell her when she was in labor and given medicine to stop delivery and some to help her sleep. My son was left there over night and his head was crushed. He lived for five days before we turned off life support after he was brain dead and his heart was failing. That doctor's indiscretion and lack of checking my wife's dilation as she requested killed my baby. We received no remorse from the doctor and when I asked what specifically killed my son he told me to ask the NICU since the baby died in there. I am suing that bastard as far as the legal system will allow me to. I do not care about how if benefits me financially. I want him to be held accountable by his bosses and insurance company. I want his malpractice insurance to go up significantly and I want him to be reminded in his paycheck that he left my son to die. I want him to think twice about refusing to check a woman that insists that she is in labor and the baby is coming and never to tell her that he will tell her when she is in labor. Now that I have said all that, I DO NOT SUPPORT MALPRACTICE SUIT CAPS TO PROTECT THE DOCTOR through an effort to control medical costs. Sometimes the practioner can be so wrong that the crap needs sued out of him!
  5. I am needing to get some advice about the intake of food and how much is too much or too little. I just got my first fill a couple days ago and I am almost not hungry at all now. If I do get hungry a couple drinks of tea cures it. I have been drinking three protein shakes with water and that is giving me 450 calories a day. I have been walking 30 minutes a day also. I take liquid minerals and my proteins shakes are loaded with vitamins. Is this ok for me to consume so little calories a day. My fill doctor told me not to worry about calories and just eat healthy food but I am not hungry and I have lost weight already since the fill. So, here is my question. Is it ok to have very minimal calory intake and ride the weight loss wave or am I damaging my metabolism by doing this and will have more problems with weight loss and maintenance later on? Any advice is appreciated.
  6. Well, hello and welcome to my first blog ever. I got lap band July 20th, about 3 weeks ago in Monterrey, MX by Dr. Zapata. It was a very good experience and I do recommend Monterrey for such precedures. The hospital was exceptionally nice and I had the most attentive medical care that I have experienced. It was better than I expect I would have received in the US. Now that the band is in and I am trying to return to my normal rutine I do find it difficult to manage my eating. I am hypoglycemic and at times my need for food is critical. When I have low blood sugar my ability to make good decisions is diminised from the lack of energy to my brain, hence I eat quickly on whatever is easy to find - usually a bready carb of some type. Now that I have lap band I get clogged up and throw up each and every time. If anyone has any recommendations on this please let me know. When I am not having low blood suger I am making wise food choices and sticking to my food plan. I have lost 20 lbs now and I do plan on posting pictures that show the progression toward my goal weight of 170. My preop weight was 266. I look forward to all the health benefits of not being obese as well as the ability to be more active with my son and the additional life benefits with my wife. Fat people really are limited in every way. This will be such a liberation from a lifetime of limitations. It almost makes you feel unworthy when your family or friends will not be enjoying the same freedom, but everyone must make their own choices. I have chosen to start a new journey toward health and energy. God be with me, because it is a long road...
  7. jonsjourney

    mens weight loss amounts

    You are doing awesome man! My goal is much the same but I started at 275. I plan on 165 as my goal and when I was that weight last I was a 32 or 30 waist as well. Oh man, the good ole days.
  8. jonsjourney

    mens weight loss amounts

    I have been banded since July 20, so 5 weeks and I have lost 32 lbs. I have been walking 30 minutes a day like the doctor said and that seems to really make a difference.
  9. jonsjourney

    Need Advice From Bander Veterans About Food Intake

    I am on day 5 and it is getting a lot easier to be able to eat. I still have to be super cautious about what I eat though since things get stuck a lot easier now.
  10. jonsjourney

    Need Advice From Bander Veterans About Food Intake

    Thank you for the advice. You are right.
  11. jonsjourney

    Need Advice From Bander Veterans About Food Intake

    I have heard that same thing before. I am starting to eat some solids and hopefully avoid that type of reaction. Thanks!
  12. jonsjourney

    Need Advice From Bander Veterans About Food Intake

    I am needing to get some advice about the intake of food and how much is too much or too little. I just got my first fill a couple days ago and I am almost not hungry at all now. If I do get hungry a couple drinks of tea cures it. I have been drinking three protein shakes with water and that is giving me 450 calories a day. I have been walking 30 minutes a day also. I take liquid minerals and my proteins shakes are loaded with vitamins. Is this ok for me to consume so little calories a day. My fill doctor told me not to worry about calories and just eat healthy food but I am not hungry and I have lost weight already since the fill. So, here is my question. Is it ok to have very minimal calory intake and ride the weight loss wave or am I damaging my metabolism by doing this and will have more problems with weight loss and maintenance later on? Any advice is appreciated.
  13. jonsjourney

    Anyone else bigger "down yonder"?

    Not to be a big dork but what does NSV mean?
  14. If your insurance is paying for the surgery then I am sure it will pay for the fill. Mine ma pay for the fills but the place I have to use does not bill insurance so I have to submit a copy of the receipt after the service is performed and paid for in full. Suck huh? It is definitely a major commitment both physically and financially.

  15. Wow, did you have to pay for the visit without getting the fill? The 28th is not that far away though. Congrats on the 7 more lbs. Is that 27 now total?

  16. jonsjourney

    Anyone else bigger "down yonder"?

    My goal is to not have my stomach be the thing that protrudes the most from the side profile of my body. That would be awesome.
  17. Hey. that's awesome that you are getting your fill today. I really want to hear how it goes. I am getting mine on Monday the 24th. Talk about expensive. I am a cash patient and it is $350 for the first fill and that's if I drive 5 hours to Fort Worth. If I drive 1.5 hour to Austin it is $450. I do have a good friend in Fort Worth I am going to see and make it worth the effort as well. Are you completely healed up for your fill in the port inscision?

  18. jonsjourney

    Hey Guys!

    My wife only likes it when she is on top. I didn't realize that was an issue for all you guys.:crying:
  19. jonsjourney

    What do you wish you knew before the surgery?

    My nutritionist told me the you can have beer if you pour it in a large glass and put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes to let most of the fizz go out. I haven't tried it yet since my surgery last month but I am sure sooner or later I will give it a whirl.
  20. jonsjourney

    What are some dreams or goals you have for yourself

    I would like to be able to play with my son in the yard and not get overheated and dripping sweat. I want to be able to hike again in the mountainslike when I was a kid.
  21. jonsjourney

    mens weight loss amounts

    Is it okay to only have 500 calories a day. Do you not feel weak all the time?
  22. jonsjourney


    From the album: My Family

  23. jonsjourney

    My Family

  24. jonsjourney

    Lennox goes swimming

    From the album: My Family

  25. jonsjourney

    Dada and Baby

    From the album: Before Pictures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
