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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by briannalm

  1. yes i am also in councinling right now,i just went to a therapist for the first time 3 weeks ago and this past week,what i thought my problems with food all my life were from habits instilled in me from childhood is actually a medical eating disorder,it has shaken my world this week,i am in the thought now that the lapband may be my best way,as i will be forced in the beginnig to find ways other than food to ease my emotional spikes that i fill with food in other ways ,and hopefully,forcefully those methods will stick,i am afraid at this point i am just under weight for qualifications which is sadening me and making me think about ALOT of things right now,one of the necessary steps is a sleep study,which i requested even before my dr reccommended the lap band as i have sleep problems my whole life,i am anxious to see those results and go from there

  2. i will try my best to describe my situation,i have struggled with binging and hoarding food all my life(i will be 25 next month)I recently went to a therapist to get help as i thought i just had an emotional attachment and problem with eating,but she diagnosed me with acctually having a compulsive overeating dissorder,and by the informative comment by my doctor i have been looking into the possibility of getting the lapband done,i am currently at 234 lbs and i am 5 foot 6 inchs,has anybody else who recieved the lapband proceedure started out with a binge eating disorder,has it helped you,and what if anything could you reccommend?:wink:

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