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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Zoom-Zoom

  • Rank
    Goooooo Bansters.........
  • Birthday 01/14/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 38 and have had three children. When I started this journey, I was sick and tired of being overweight. My top weight was 229 at 5'1, size 18 in pants and 2x in shrits. I am now happier and weight 177 and in a size 10-12.
  • Interests
    Love to swim, play volleyball, and have fun.
  • Occupation
    I am Admin Asst III with DSHS in Austin Texas.
  • City
    I live in Manor, Texas.
  • State
  • Zip Code

Single Status Update

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  1. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



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