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Shrinking Shadow

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shrinking Shadow

  1. You're such a beautiful girl. Good luck with your surgery!

  2. Thanks so much for the photo compliment! To tell the truth, I just started walking. I lost 80 without any exercizing. It's getting a lot slower though. Good luck!!

  3. You're such a beautiful girl! Can't wait to see the "after" pics!! Good luck! Heather

  4. Me too!! I really have to concentrate when I eat or it will get stuck like you said, and the pain is horrible. I've thrown up more than I care to count, but that's because I eat too fast. I'm working on it though. Good luck! Have a great weekend!!

  5. I'm great thanks! I think I'm finally at that "sweet spot" that they talk about. I'm not hungry in between meals any more. Thank goodness! I had lost 39 about a week ago, so probably 40 by now. I have had a few issues with eating too fast, but other than that, everything is great. I still haven't gone down any sizes though.?? You see all these people on these magazines who lost 25 lbs and go down 15 dress sizes. hahah Not me!

  6. Hey there!! I'm Heather from VA. I got banded the same day as you. Hope you're doing well.

  7. ok sounds great. I will email ya!

  8. LOL. Yeah I would feel the same way! I'm going to try the taco salad thing. Sounds DELICIOUS! And thanks for the book recommendation! I'm going to look into that for sure! Here's another question I had - am I supposed to be measuring things on a scale, or putting them in 1/2 cup and eating what fits in there? Sometimes I do one, sometimes I do the other. But the other day I had 1/2 cup of Mamwich with lean ground beef and I weighed it and it was like 6 ounces! I'm a little confused on that. I go to the DR tomorrow. I will ask. Do you have this problem?

    Are you down any sizes? I'm not. :0(

  9. What a great idea! I'm definately going to try that too!! Do you have any more great ideas for what to eat? Like what you really like and dislike? I'm not very creative. How many have you lost total since the pre-op? I think I've lost 25 according to my scale, but I go to the dr on Thursday so we will see.

  10. Hey there! I took your advice about the turkey bacon and got some, but I haven't cooked it yet. I go back on Thursday and they schedule my 1st fill! I'm so excited at the thought of feeling restriction! Right now I'm hungry but I'm trying not to focus on it. I went through the same thing of not losing but not gaining. I was a tad disappointed too. I'm impatient too! I want it to be gone! But I guess I didn't gain it in 6 months so I'm not going to lose it in 6 months. :0( Hope you had a great weekend!! H

  11. HA! I eat egg beaters too. Do you know the microwave trick? Just put 1/4 a cup or so in the microwave and nuke it for about 1.5 minutes and you have scrambled "eggs". It's great!


    I can't believe the self control I've had since getting this band. I haven't cheated at all. I measure everything, I do it exactly by the book. I hope it continues! Oh - I learned how to make a photo album! Woo Hoo! Now I need to learn how to do that "weight ticker" thing. Do you know? Hope you have a great day! Heather

  12. WOW! I just saw your pics and you look fabulous! 120 lbs is quite an acccomplishment! Great job! You have motivated me. Thanks! (I just had it on June 10th)

  13. I have a crabfeast coming up on July 25th - wish me luck! I don't want to stop doing stuff that I love just because of this band, but that's what I've been doing for the past month. As dumb as that sounds, it's exactly what I've done. It's just sooo hard to be around food, being hungry and knowing you can't really eat it! I hope I feel better after I get a fill.

  14. They haven't even scheduled it yet!! UGH!!! I go back on July 16th to see if I'm "tolerating" normal food - but let me tell you - I could "tolerate" eating a horse right now I'm so hungry! They said it would be a week or 2 after that. I have to tell ya, I cannot wait to feel some restriction! I love bacon too - so when I go to the store I'm gonna get some of that turkey bacon. Do you recommend a certain brand or are they all the same?

  15. I would like to lose 150 but would be happy with 125. And I find that it's harder to get in protein too now. I've never had turkey bacon but I will definately give it a try! I tried turkey hotdogs and I didn't love them. I could tolerate them, but I don't love them. Now I just need to get the excercizing down. I HATE to excercize!!

  16. I had lost 20 when I went to the Dr a few weeks ago. I had it on June 10th and I was down 18. I only lost 2.5 lbs with all that mooshy food!! UGH!! I can't wait to get it tightened because I am soooo hungry. How are you doing? How much do you want to lose by the way?

  17. I know exactly how you feel. I didn't go to any cookouts with my friends on the 4th. I went to my brother's house where I could weigh everything and not look so ridiculous. I'm having a hard time not going out with my friends. Around where I live there are crabfeasts which are all you can eat and drink. It's my favorite thing to do, but I'm afraid I won't have as much fun this year. I'm trying to hold my head up though. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel! No more eating out on Friday nights, no more beer with friends.

  18. Part 2 -


    I was lucky in reference to the pain - I hardly had any. I was sore, but it's nothing I can't live with. I keep focusing on the end result and that makes the pain "not so bad".


    Keep your head up - you will be fine. Just remember the long-term results and remember that what you're doing is for your health and your future. It will be worth it! You have gone through the hardest part! You will never be the same weight as when you started.



  19. I hope you get this too - I'm new at this too and have no idea what I'm doing just yet! :0)


    I know what you mean about starving. I am sooooo hungry! I get to start on "regular" food today! YAY!!! No more mooshy food! I found that the mooshy stage was the hardest. I am so sick of tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, etc. Plus, I haven't lost weight like I would like to have. I had my surgery on June 10th and I've lost 20 lbs - only 3 lbs on the mooshy diet. I'm hoping it gets better once I can incorporate veggies in my diet. I can't wait to have some grilled chicken and brocolli! 6 months ago I would have said I couldn't wait to have a big fat pizza with some german chocolate cake afterwards! haha

  20. So how did it go??!

  21. Just thinking about you today - hope you're doing well.

  22. Shrinking Shadow

    Was anyone scared?

    I was TERRIFIED. I thought about dieing on the operating table. I thought about being under anesthesia and feeling everything and not being able to tell the Dr. I was in pain. I thought about having a cardiac arrest. I worried about the breathing tube they put down your throat. I thought about it all!! I know EXACTLY how you feel!! I cried so much that event he admitting lady came in and hugged me. The Dr's, the nurses, everyone felt bad for me. I had never been in the hospital before, or even had stitches. One minute the girl was asking me a question, and the next minute I was waking up in recovery. I was banded on 06/10/09 and I would do it again in a second. It wasn't bad at all. Hope this helps! :0)
  23. Only 2 more days!! Good luck! :))

  24. Shrinking Shadow

    Days after surgery

    Hello! I just had surgery last Wednesday, June 10th. I laid around for a few days, but for the most part, I feel great!! I was back to work yesterday. I'm a little sore, but nothing I can't live with. I only took 1.5 percocets the whole time I was recovering. Good luck!

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