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Everything posted by onikenbai

  1. onikenbai

    Anyone in the Barrie, Ontario area?

    I'll let you know next time I'm headed up your way! I'm not up there too often but one butter tart every six months isn't the end of the world. It would be a bad thing though, if I lived in Barrie... temptation would call, leave a message and then try me on my cell, but would also email me just to make sure I'm checking my messages. Does it count if you eat only the inside of the butter tart? I'm really not that keen on pastry and I figure not eating the pastry is a calorie neutralizer. Sort of akin to ordering a diet coke with your 3000 calorie cheesecake.
  2. I'm visciously allergic to most adhesives. My skin will go bright red and puff up about 1/2 inch before coming off completely a day or two after. I had surgery a few years ago and, despite my telling them VERY CLEARLY not to put on a specific type of bandage, I woke up to about three square feet of my skin covered by this bandage. I couldn't wait until they ripped it off of me. Then the real pain began as I had to wait out the whole new growing of skin. Took about 6 weeks for my skin to be somewhat back to normal and I was lucky I wasn't completely scarred for life. The pain of the surgery was nothing in compared to the hell of the allergic reaction. FYI -I learned this from the dermatologist... if your skin is red and you can't decide whether it's infected or just irritated, stretch a bit of it between two thumbs. Irritated stretched skin will change colour and go white, infected stretched skin stays red. This is by no means a perfect diagnostic tool, but it is pretty reliable.
  3. onikenbai

    Nothing to do with the band...just need help

    The main question is is he not reading well because he has no interest in it and merely requires practice, or does he have a learning disability? At ten he should be reading decent sized books of about an inch thick. Stay far, far away from the Harry Potters! Those are a nightmare for teaching English reading because there are far too many words that are changed or clipped for accent. Don't choose any book that he's already seen the movie to or you run the risk of having him tune out because he already knows how it's going to end. If he's just moved in with you then you may be able to establish the bedtime reading routine, but instead of reading to him, have him sit beside you and read to you. That way you can help him with struggling words easily. It really breaks up the concentration to pass the book back and forth so if he never lets go of the book he will stay more focused. Plus there is less of a "show" of him not knowing the word. I agree you should get him anything that he'll like, even if you hate it. Ten is still young enough to enjoy being read to. You could have a more difficult book on hand that you know is way above his reading level but that he can get into. You can have him read to you for 10 or 15 minutes from the easier book and then you can read to him for 15 minutes from the book he really wants to hear. That can be his reward. If his mother is not a reader, not enough practice in general could be a big component, even if he does have a learning disability. A big thing is not to drag lessons on for much more than a half hour because the attention span just won't be there and he'll come to dread reading practice. As a person who very recently was in a position of being 100% illiterate (not in English though) I remember well the hell of trying to learn to read. Every. single. day. was tough. If I had somebody to go to the grocery store with me to point out words and say "that says PORK" I would have been overjoyed. You just have to stop and consciously think about your day and where you read. Because you are fluent, you don't think about it. A trip to the grocery store for him could be a lesson if you make him read the boxes. Take him to the movies and get him to read the listings and times, how much does popcorn cost, etc. Is the pool open? When does it open? I nearly peed my pants with joy when a notice showed up in my mailbox that said my Water was going to be turned off Tuesday afternoon and I actually understood it! Stupid every day stuff piles up to a whole lot of lessons.
  4. How did your grocery bill change post-surgery? Did you find you were spending a lot less on food than you did pre-surgery or was it about the same because you bought more expensive products? I ask the live alones because you only shop for you and maybe the cat, unlike the family bandsters who shop for a whole lot of mouths. I don't have a large income and I'm a self pay so I'm hoping that a good chunk of the money that formerly went to groceries can now be diverted into paying the bank back for the surgery. If that plan isn't going to work then I may have a potential problem :thumbup:.
  5. onikenbai

    Scale Issues

    Dude, the antidepressants don't help, trust me. If anything they tend to pack it on you! I think I was on the amitriptalyne only 1 day before I scarfed down a whole loaf of bread. They turn you into a not so selective cookie monster.
  6. onikenbai


    What's wrong with gum chewing? I would think they'd encourage that as it gives you something to chew on. Acid production in the stomach from gum chewing maybe?
  7. onikenbai

    Alcohol Abuse and weight loss

    If he stopped drinking did he pick up another habit that he hasn't fully realised is sabotaging his weight loss? If instead of holding the beer bottle has he moved to some pop or cheetos? Some people just need something to keep their hands busy while watching TV. Teach him to knit. Maybe that will work. Seriously. If it doesn't work, well then, he still learns a new skill!
  8. I go through a lot of pants anyway as I tend to lose them to barbed wire at work. I already have a budget set to pants so there will be no big change there. By the time they get too big to look decent even with a belt I'll probably have ripped the ass out of them.
  9. onikenbai

    Scale Issues

    The scale can be your worst enemy if you obsess over it. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat, so it's completely possible to gain weight over time as a GOOD thing. If you're working out and building muscle you may not see a loss in the scale department but you will see it in the butt of your jeans. Long-term trends are what's important, not the day to day fluctuations. Obsessing over the scale number just gives us a new obsession now that our obsession with food has taken a hit.
  10. onikenbai

    I need my coffee....

    Coffee is very hard on the stomach, and it's not the caffeine that's the problem either. There are compounds in coffee which increase the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach, which can lead to ulcers and other bad things. It is also known to have an impact on the esophogeal sphincter and can make food more likely to come back up on you. It has a tendency to slow down the digestive tract in general. Decaffeinating the coffee does not remove the culprit oils. This also explains why many people who cannot drink coffee can do other sources of caffeine with no problem. Depending on how iffy your stomach is to start out will probably depend on what your doctor has to say about drinking it after surgery. Coffee is a mild diuretic and the doc may want you to stay away from it for a bit if he's concerned about you getting enough fluids in general. I personally can't even swallow a sip of it without being doubled over in pain 10 minutes later, and this is before surgery.
  11. onikenbai

    Protein, Protein, Protein...

    Exhaustion is also one of the signs of vitamin B defficiency. That's easy enough to check with a trip to your GP.
  12. onikenbai

    All Hail the Thin Pig

    I am in favour of chocolate. I think it is a good thing, and I think it could just possibly have justifiable grounds for being its own food group. I don't eat a whole lot of it since it does not return my love, but every once in a while chocolate just has to be a part of your life. And it is for this reason I'm posting this public service announcement about the nopudge products. I happened across them in my local grocery store during one of those moods when your brain says you really want to be good, but your stomach doesn't agree. The comprimise was the purchase of these non-fat brownies that actually taste like something I'd want to eat more than once! The mint ones are divine. Plus, if you are mixerless like me and rely on the strength of your wooden spoon, you're going to get one hell up an upper body workout making these bad boys. Don't skimp on the pan spray either, I learned that one the hard way. If you're out of PAM, parchment paper is your new best friend. Please cheat responsibly. I take no responsibility for you eating the whole pan at one go... the box even gives you the recipe for making a single serving rather than the whole pan so apparently they don't want to take responsibility for you eating the whole pan either. Welcome to No Pudge Fudge - Fat Free Brownie Mix
  13. onikenbai

    All Hail the Thin Pig

    I am in favour of chocolate. I think it is a good thing, and I think it could just possibly have justifiable grounds for being its own food group. I don't eat a whole lot of it since it does not return my love, but every once in a while chocolate just has to be a part of your life. And it is for this reason I'm posting this public service announcement about the nopudge products. I happened across them in my local grocery store during one of those moods when your brain says you really want to be good, but your stomach doesn't agree. The comprimise was the purchase of these non-fat brownies that actually taste like something I'd want to eat more than once! The mint ones are divine. Plus, if you are mixerless like me and rely on the strength of your wooden spoon, you're going to get one hell up an upper body workout making these bad boys. Don't skimp on the pan spray either, I learned that one the hard way. If you're out of PAM, parchment paper is your new best friend. Please cheat responsibly. I take no responsibility for you eating the whole pan at one go... the box even gives you the recipe for making a single serving rather than the whole pan so apparently they don't want to take responsibility for you eating the whole pan either. Welcome to No Pudge Fudge - Fat Free Brownie Mix
  14. onikenbai

    Feeling Good Without Brownies

    Have you tried the nopudge brownies? The mint ones are to die for! Welcome to No Pudge Fudge - Fat Free Brownie Mix
  15. If I'm out sampling groundwater, spray from sampling gets all over your clothes and your equipment. Dust from drilling contaminated sites also settles all over you and your stuff. Some days when I get home I look like I'm ready to be deep fried becuase I'm covered in dust batter. Potentially contaminated dust batter. Some days I pretty much strip in the driveway because I can't bring the clothes I wore to work into the house for washing without turning them inside out. Bringing food and drink into the situation is generally a company no no because of the potential for it to get contaminated dust and splashes all over it. In the short term that's not a big deal, but after a few years of constant intake of low levels of contamination, you can get quite sick. I'm thinking maybe it's time to patent the beer hard hat. I'd fill it with non-alcoholic beverages of course...
  16. Carbonated beverages have been shown to suck potassium from the body. If you are going to be on a calorie restricted diet (as we all are before the surgery) make sure you're getting enough potassium to compensate for the cola.
  17. If there were then there wouldn't be such a big flap about operating on people with cystic fibrosis, so I am inclined to think not.
  18. As far as I know, no. There's more than one different type of inhaled anaethesia but I think that's the only actual variety. It's not like they can do it as a local or spinal tap. I have to discuss anaethesia with the surgeon as well. The standard one makes me puke my guts out every time. There is apparently a tummy friendly alternative.
  19. onikenbai

    Birth Control Pill and Weight Loss

    Not all pills are built the same. Talk to your doctor and maybe you will get switched to something else that suits you better. Swelling does sound like Water retention. Even though it sounds opposite to what you would expect, drink more water. Less salt.
  20. Kind of a related question... I work a fairly physical job where I'm outside for long periods of time in the sun. Not quite as hard core as road crew but it can be fairly draining. To boot, I can't always have my Water bottle with me because I might contaminate it with PCBs or whatever else I'm working with that day. Anybody in a similar situation where they just can't keep sipping all day? What do you do?
  21. onikenbai

    Stomach flu and lapband?

    Man, you'd hate to be me. When I get sick I cough so hard I puke. I agree that nobody likes to vomit. Plus, it's very hard on the teeth.
  22. I could handle this but I'm banned from fruit entirely as it contains sugar, and I'm allergic to milk. Bummer. I think I'm going to look like this ---> at the sight of a stick of gum fairly soon.
  23. onikenbai

    The World Goes Digital. I Do Not.

    I don't own a scale. I've never owned a scale. Until now, I've been fine with this because, honestly, I really didn't want to know what it said. I got weighed four or five times a year at the doctor and that seemed enough for me. But now I need a scale and I'm discovering how hard it is to buy one that doesn't need batteries. All I want is something I can jump on and watch the dial go round and then bounce back and forth until it comes to a stop at my weight. Old school, I know. The problem is that all the scales in the stores are digital! I don't want my scale to speak to me and I don't want to worry about having to replace batteries. When did "no additional parts must be added periodically to make this work" go out of fashion? I love modernity. Computers rock and are a lot more user friendly than an abacus. Some things just don't need to be moderized because often, the old school version outlives the modern. So if you know where I can get a good non-digital scale in the Toronto area give me a shout. Otherwise it's off to do some internet shopping. Very modern. Yay! I found one! Why they were selling them at the grocery store of all places, I'll never know, but I care not.
  24. onikenbai

    The World Goes Digital. I Do Not.

    I don't own a scale. I've never owned a scale. Until now, I've been fine with this because, honestly, I really didn't want to know what it said. I got weighed four or five times a year at the doctor and that seemed enough for me. But now I need a scale and I'm discovering how hard it is to buy one that doesn't need batteries. All I want is something I can jump on and watch the dial go round and then bounce back and forth until it comes to a stop at my weight. Old school, I know. The problem is that all the scales in the stores are digital! I don't want my scale to speak to me and I don't want to worry about having to replace batteries. When did "no additional parts must be added periodically to make this work" go out of fashion? I love modernity. Computers rock and are a lot more user friendly than an abacus. Some things just don't need to be moderized because often, the old school version outlives the modern. So if you know where I can get a good non-digital scale in the Toronto area give me a shout. Otherwise it's off to do some internet shopping. Very modern. Yay! I found one! Why they were selling them at the grocery store of all places, I'll never know, but I care not.
  25. onikenbai

    The World Goes Digital. I Do Not.

    I don't own a scale. I've never owned a scale. Until now, I've been fine with this because, honestly, I really didn't want to know what it said. I got weighed four or five times a year at the doctor and that seemed enough for me. But now I need a scale and I'm discovering how hard it is to buy one that doesn't need batteries. All I want is something I can jump on and watch the dial go round and then bounce back and forth until it comes to a stop at my weight. Old school, I know. The problem is that all the scales in the stores are digital! I don't want my scale to speak to me and I don't want to worry about having to replace batteries. When did "no additional parts must be added periodically to make this work" go out of fashion? I love modernity. Computers rock and are a lot more user friendly than an abacus. Some things just don't need to be moderized because often, the old school version outlives the modern. So if you know where I can get a good non-digital scale in the Toronto area give me a shout. Otherwise it's off to do some internet shopping. Very modern.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
