I am dealing with the same situaton. I have good credit, but I burned up about 5 inquiries to get a loan just in the last week so obviously that hurts my score. Here's a suggestion... obviously if you have a credit score, than you have some credit somewhere. Do you have credit cards? Pay at least 21% of your balance (your score will go up once you have debt below 79% of your limit). Pay off anything you can as quick as you can. Wait 30 days after all of this is done and then check your credit score again, it should have gone up, and you should be in a good position to try again since you will have less debt. If you work as much as you say you do, you should be able to put that money towards your debt. It will be faster than saving for the entire surgery on your own! And DO NOT make any more inquires UNTIL YOU GET YOUR SCORE UP.... I am in the process of doing this right now... the higher the score and the less debt, the better the chance you have of being approved. Good luck!!!