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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by melmarlem

  1. Please, please tell us how you've done it. I saw your photos and you look amazing. Any pointers? Congratulations!

  2. melmarlem

    Anyone with Aetna Insurance ???

    I have Aetna. I also did the 3 month program. My doc's office submitted the paperwork and I was approved in 5 days! Aetna is awesome!
  3. melmarlem

    A little scared of surgery

    Just remember that your drive to the hospital will be more risky than going under anesthesia :frown: It's normal to be scared, I was too. But just think of all the great things to come when you lose the weight. Relax. It will be here and over before you know it...and you'll look back and wonder why you were so nervous to begin with :w00t: Best wishes!
  4. melmarlem

    Port Flips, Surgery, and Recovery. Questions!

    Just curious travelinsnorkel- Do you have the lap-band or the realize band?
  5. When I had surgery last week and was having gas pains, I took the gas-X strips that dissolve on your tongue. Well my doctor's physician assistant walked in and said that gas-x does NOT work for the CO2 that they pump into you during surgery. He said gas-x only works for gas in the intestines. The only advise I have is to walk, walk, and walk! :frown: Hang in there, it should go away within a couple of days.
  6. melmarlem

    anyone eat fast food yet?

    I'm also in the mushies stage and am allowed to have chili from Wendy's. Yummy! :frown: Just make sure to chew, chew, chew! Some of the hamburger pieces are big.
  7. melmarlem

    Mean People..

    Hang in there girl! You are doing fantastic! Sometimes people are just so miserable themselves, they feel the need to make others around them miserable too. And you're right, you can lose weight, but she'll always be ugly...inside and out! :frown:
  8. Hey everyone! I'm 22 and I was banded a little over a week ago on the 18th of August, 2009. I did not have to do any kind of pre-op diet. In 9 days I've lost 17lbs. The first week was rough but so far I don't have any regrets! I'm most looking forward to being able to shop in the "misses" clothing section instead of the "womens".
  9. melmarlem

    What is wrong here??

    I was banded on the 18th of August, so I'm new to this too! The only advice I have for you is to not gulp! Sip fluids often. Your goal should be 2-4 ounces every half hour, which is 1/4 or 1/2 cup every 30 minutes. Hang in there!
  10. melmarlem

    post op food question

    It all depends on your surgeon. Each surgeon seems to have his/her own "rules" as to what you can or cannot have. During the liquid stage after being banded, I was allowed to have broth, Protein shakes, thinned cream of wheat Cereal made with skim milk, yogurt, cream Soups made with skim milk and ran through a blender, sugar-free Jello, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free puddings, sugar-free koolaid, and 100% fruit juices.
  11. melmarlem

    Off topic....want your input

    I'm not a teacher, and I don't have kids of my own, but this sounds crazy to me! Yikes! :thumbup:
  12. Want to be free- I was also banded a week ago, and like you, I only had to do 1 week of liquids! I'm also on the mushies/soft foods stage. My dietician made menus for me, and a tablespoon of peanut butter is actually an option for a snack. My education nurse did say that in her opinion, peanut butter shouldn't be added in until 2-3 months out. I've been too scared to try it out though! :thumbup:
  13. melmarlem

    Who To Tell?

    I just had surgery a little over a week ago, and I'm pretty close to your age. For me, telling the people closest to me was a big relief. I initially made my pre-op appointments without telling a soul. I had everything planned out and set in stone. When it came time to telling my parents I was terrified of what they would say, if they would support me or not. But I was really surprised! It took a little bit of convincing for my dad, but in the end he said, "I just want you to be happy, and if this will make you happy, then I'll stand by you." I can't tell you how important it was for me to have my mom and dad with me on the day of my surgery last week. I can't imagine going through it without them. You need all of the support you can get right now! In my opininon, you should definitely tell both of your parents. Yes, you are an adult and you don't HAVE to tell them, but I think you'll feel better if you do. Give them a chance, maybe they WILL support you. Also, is it fair to have one parent know, and not the other? It's a lot to ask for one parent to keep a secret from another. Either way, the other parent is going to find out. Why not tell them now? So you can have complete and total peace on your surgery day. Either way you decide, best wishes to you! :thumbup:
  14. melmarlem

    Approved!!!! by Aetna!!

    Congrats! Aetna is awesome! :thumbup:
  15. melmarlem

    Submitted to Aetna...

    Aetna makes us do either a 3 month multidisciplinary program or a 6 month program with our physicians. They make us do this to show compliance, that we are willing to adhere to the "rules" after being banded. They don't ask you to lose any weight, at least they didn't for me. I think I actually GAINED weight! :thumbup: Really, it's just another hoop to jump through to get approved. I was happy I did the 3 month program with the nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and my physician because I felt better prepared for surgery.
  16. melmarlem

    Submitted to Aetna...

    I have Aetna PPO as well. I did the 3 month program and was approved with no problems. I was just banded on the 18th of August, and so far Aetna has been wonderful.
  17. melmarlem


    I was banded on the 18th of August, and have been belching a lot too! I also thought it was from the gas, so I asked the physician assistant about gas-x. He said that gas-x is only effective for gas that is within the intestines. Crazy huh? :biggrin:
  18. Well tomorrow is the day I get banded. I'm very excited but nervous at the same time. I was hoping I'd be able to sleep well tonight, but it doesn't look like I'll be getting any sleep! I absolutely love coming to this forum and reading the good, the bad, and the ugly. It helps me tremendously to see how others have succeeded. I know I can do this!
  19. melmarlem

    Nervous and can't sleep!

    Thanks so much for thinking of me! My surgery went very well. I ended up staying in the hospital longer than expected because I had a hard time waking up, and my 02 sats were low, and I kept setting off the alarms! Other than that I feel great and am sooo happy to be home! :biggrin:
  20. best wishes to you tomorrow! we can do this :)

  21. melmarlem

    Almost 7 months after surgery. Down 87 pounds.

    stunning :tt2: way to go!
  22. melmarlem

    The "F" word

    Recently I have come to the conclusion that I cannot stand hearing the "F" word. You know..the word "fat". They say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Couldn't be further from the truth. In my opinion, being called "fat" is the worst thing to ever be called. Call me large, overweight, obese, heavy, chubby, chunky...anything but "fat". What brings this up? Well I overhead some...errr "intelligent" person say, "I don't think we should have universal healthcare unless all the "fat" people have to lose weight or pay for their own healthcare." If only she could walk a day in our shoes, she would know it just isn't that easy... Thanks for letting me rant! Being banded in 9 days!
  23. melmarlem

    The "F" word

    Wow, thanks everyone for posting your opinions. It was fun reading the responses...they were very powerful...and very true. Only 2 more days to go until I get banded. Can't wait to not be "fat" anymore!!
  24. melmarlem

    Menu Ideas

    Also you can have sugar free jello. You can check under the food and nutrition section here. Lots of people have posted ideas for what to eat during the liquid stage.
  25. melmarlem

    Menu Ideas

    How about broth, blended soups, cream of wheat, or protein shakes? :biggrin:

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