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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by gunghang

  1. Try your hardest not to drink caffeine as it messes with your blood sugar and makes you hungry. Drink lots and lots of Water.

    That's useful intel. Obvious to some, but news to me.

    For a long time coffee upset my stomach. Now I can drink it again, and I've come out of what was supposed to have been retirement and often drink quite a bit of coffee at work. This may help explain why my weight loss stopped last fall and I've actually gained back 15% of what had been my loss.

    Unrelated: My attempt at doing my own fill didn't work out too well. Even when I hit the port, the needle just slid off. Very frustrating. Any cheapskates out there been successful with this?

  2. My fills have always been free. This may in part be because I visit the team that did my surgery when I'm in Manila.

    To give you an idea of medical costs in Thailand, I bought needles today. They were one baht each. (about three cents)

    Sometimes I "open up" and sometimes I "close." Once, eating some food with peppers while walking and not following the food with Water resulted in my puking three times (one requring a motorcycle taxi to stop). Vomit and public transportation go together so well!

    I've been "open" for close to a year now and that is unacceptable. Still, with the band I've maintained about 85% of my weight loss and still plan to get back to my low point and continue on to my goal.

    I'd like to say that I'm not suggesting you go out of your way to upset your stomach, but that's exactly what I'm suggesting. Maybe some raw onions will have the desired effect.

    I once had reflux (my surgeon disagreed, he thought I was "challenging the band"). That was no fun. It started up about less than a year after surgery and then stopped by the one year anniversary.

    Good luck with your continued loss

  3. My name is James. I've gained weight over the past year (just another hiccup, I hope) and am ready to try filling my own band. That is how I've come across this board.

    I did my surgery in Feb. or March 2004. I live in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. I went to St. Luke's Med. Ctr. in Manila for the surgery. No waiting. I came across the procedure while alone in the Chiang Mai condo and when I heard back from Dr. Dineros and asked about the next opening, the reply was something like two or three days. The surgical team (which included a psychiatrist) was USD 7,500 and the hospital fees were about $2,000 more. With airfare, it came to about ten grand. (I understand that the procedure is now available in Bangkok.)

    Dr. D has The Healing Hands Clinic in an adjacent bldg. He was able to meet me at the airport (I was a little paranoid after being drugged and kidnapped a couple of years earlier.). Staff was nice. I have no complaints.

    Starting weight was about 355 lbs. (Remember, scales are only accurate to 3% or so at that weight.) I dropped to between 215 and 210 last fall before gaining and losing and have hit a new peak at 235. My last fill (last November) didn't seem to "take." One of my surgeons came to the office from home to do it, and I could feel the band tighten and verified that it was tighter by chugging a glass of Water and then throwing up. Soon, I was able to eat the same as before the fill, however.

    The band is still doing its guardian angel thing. I eat more slowly, and the gain is due to the wrong foods at the wrong time. Still, I wouldn't mind having it tighter again, at least for a while.

    My goal is between 80 kg. or 175 lb.

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