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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. The powder - I have to add ice to it when I blend it - also about 1 tsp low fat peanut butter to the chocolate makes it pretty good. My Dr. won't allow powders once you have been banded, you have to drink the pre-canned kind - I still put them in my bullet with a couple cubes of ice, it really changes the consistancy.
  2. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    You need to get an online account with Tricare, that way you can see your referral go through in real time. Mine normally takes about 4-5 days, depending on how fast YOUR Dr.s office is. As soon as Tricare gets it, it take about 1 day (in my experience). Go to your Tricare West website and there should be some way for you to log in. (on Tricare South, you log in with SS# and then change your login info after that)
  3. minpinmom

    Hello Mushies!

    I had my 1 week follow-up yesterday - got to love a 5PM appointment downtown. Took me 2+ hours to get home (normally a 55 min drive). But the appointment went awesome! Dr. Spiegel came in, took the steri-strips off and said my incisions look great! (I was afraid the strips would hurt when they removed them - but they didn't) The incisions are soooo small - I can't imagine him getting any tools in there. I had only lost 4lbs, he said he had expected me to loose more on the clear liquids. I told him I was only getting about 500 Calories a day, he said that was why I wasn't loosing. :-) I was supposed to start the Thicker liquids stage yesterday, but he moved me up to the mushy stage! I was so happy I wanted to kiss him. When we got home last night, I made baked Tilapia 3 whole ounces and 1 bite of mashed potatoes. I ate my fish first (took like 20 minutes) and was no longer hungry. I am totally amazed. I know it will go away and I will soon be able to eat more, but I just can't believe it actually works. Wow. This morning I got up, ate Cream of Wheat (Oh My GOD was it good). For lunch I had part of a dry baked potato with some low-fat Broccoli and Cheese Soup I made for my thick liquid stage. I didn't even eat 1/2 of my potato - normally I would have eaten all of that, part of a sandwich and chips and coke and cookies. Oh, and overnight - don't ask me how, I lost 2 more lbs. I am down 6 pounds! I just can't believe it. It is odd though, I keep fixing my plate thinking, yea right, like that will fill me up, and there is ALWAYS lots of food left. I have to admit, the hardest part is NOT drinking during or after. I feel parched. I am not much of a soda drinker, so that won't affect me much, but I am so used to drinking with my food. I had to take my drink and put it in the fridge so I wouldn't grab it by mistake!
  4. minpinmom

    Swimming after surgery???

    I just had surgery and my Dr. gives us a book of rules - it says we have to wait 2 weeks to swim. (Not bad, I would have thought it would have been longer).
  5. No, I didn't have staples, I have clear stitches - with the steri strips over them. I would think it would be long enough - maybe take one off of the smallest incision and see what it looks like. Or, just call your Dr.s office, the girls in the front can probably tell you for sure! I had staples on a previous surgery I had a few years ago - I was scared to death that it was going to hurt when they took them out - but they didn't What a relief.
  6. minpinmom

    Off the wall . . . safety

    LOL, kind of funny, but I am a lot like you. I don't hunt, I go, and watch and ride 4 wheelers and make a lot of noise, but not much for the killing - have to say though, I have eaten my fair share of venison - love the stuff (I wonder if I will ever be able to eat it again, it is much tougher than tame meat) I have lost 4lbs, my Dr. says I am not consuming enough calories or I would have lost more, so THANKFULLY, he moved me to week 3 (mushies) and I get to skip the thick liquid stage. I have seen the ports in lots of places, and really haven't heard any difference of opinion them (by the people who have them) The fills are what scares me the most - when I was at the Dr.s today, he was doing fills left and right, no one seemed to pay it a second thought - but if they would have taken my blood pressure right about then I would have had a new co-morbiditiy! I hate needles. I am feeling so great, I can't believe I had surgery a week ago. I am out shopping and goofing, driving, working, walking, everything. I haven't had any problems. I sure hope it stays that way! My scars are tiny, we took new pictures tonight, I will post them probably tomorrow. Hope you have a wonderful night!
  7. minpinmom

    Off the wall . . . safety

    I have obsessed so much about Lap Band, I rarely discuss other things that are going on in my life. Something that I have done recently and I am very proud of, I took my course and qualified for a Concealed Handgun License. I have always been a crack shot, my Dad was Military and now a Gun Smith. My family are all avid hunters. I believe I am the last of my family to get their CHL. Last Saturday, I sat through an 11 hour class to complete my training. I also qualified with my .32 auto and, if I may brag a little, I scored a perfect 250! Out of 50 shots, ranging from 3 yards, 7 yards and 15 yards, I shot perfect every time. (I told yall I was a crack shot!) I sent in my paperwork a couple days after surgery. Now I have to undergo the 60 day FBI background investigation. Shouldn't be a problem, I have worked for the Government and held a Secret Clearance - this is about the same as getting clearance for my CHL. Well, needless to say I am very excited. No longer will I worry about walking to my car at Wal-Mart, or when I have to travel alone. Thank you Texas for recognizing my right to bare arms! Our theme for Training Day: "The individual who owns his own personal firearms, and commands the skills necessary to use them well, owns a peace of mind that his adversaries cannot match" - Jeff Cooper
  8. minpinmom

    Tricare Standard Steps

    I am feeling GREAT! Today was my one week check up and everything is going perfect. I can't believe how easy it all was. Here is the link I use to find a Dr. - I stay signed in, so I am not sure if the option is available or not. Here is the link to try. Humana Military
  9. I am one week out and had my first follow-up today - My Steri-strips were all still on and they removed them - actually seemed surprised they were still on.
  10. minpinmom

    Tricare Standard Steps

    As soon as your coverage starts you either pick a PCM (Primary Care Manager) or they may assign you one - (they did this when we were Active Duty). You MUST go to your PCM FIRST, and get a referral to see the surgeon that you want. Tricare will NOT pay for it unless you get a referral from your regular Dr. My referrals normally take 4-6 days to come through. Once you get on Tricare, email me and I will walk you through how to setup an online account with them (very easy) That way you can track your referrals and everything in real time - you can see the info as soon as they input it, instead of waiting for it to come in the mail. Wendy@BeldwinKennels.com Hope this helps!
  11. minpinmom

    My Surgery is Scheduled!

    I can't believe it, the Dr.s office called, and said they had been double checking my stuff because they said it is paid at 100%, and most people have a co-pay, deductible or something, but they checked and it is correct. I have a pre-op appointment this Friday, she mentioned a barrage of tests. I am only worried about the blood test. I am anemic, and occasionally the Dr.s get concerned and put me on iron pills, so I am starting the iron pills tonight as a preventive measure My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, this Tuesday, like in less than a week Tuesday. Gulp, I am a bit freaked out, I feel like puking and crying and laughing and eating all at the same time! I will learn more at my appt on Friday and I hope I have time to post everything I go through, if I don't, I will post afterwards. Tomorrow I am taking everyones advice and cleaning house. I don't want me or my hubs to have to worry about it while I am out. I have a 10 hour day on Saturday, I am taking my CHL (Concealed Handgun License) test. So that day is smashed. Sunday we are supposed to be meeting my best friend and her hubby and baby for our annual v-day dinner, but I am wondering if I am going to be so busy trying to get ready that I may need to cancel. I still have a few odds and ends to pick up at the grocery store prior to - not have to haves, just want to haves. I may go do that tomorrow night. I can't believe this. I knew it was coming, but I didn't account for the feelings that would hit me like mac truck. I can't wait to be on the other side of this journey.
  12. minpinmom

    My Surgery is Scheduled!

    I am doing great! I just got home from my 1 week post op appt. and everything looks good. I am one of the few who didn't loose a massive amount of weight on the clear liquids, so he moved me up to mushies Woo HOO! I have been starving. Tricare has never refused to pay something on my end - If you can get the Code for Fills from your Dr., you can call and check if they are covered (but I am sure they are)
  13. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    I have heard of people putting ankle weights on under their jeans for weigh ins too - you can wear lots of layers, heavy steel towed boots - there are lots of ways to get your weight up without having to resort to gaining. Don't get me wrong, gaining has never EVER been a problem for me - but if you need it, you can get inventive for weigh ins.
  14. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    Don't worry about what you read on the online manual - the actual manual hasn't been updated - there have been new RELEASES of updates, but if you search the manual, it will still say excluded. My Dr. told me I was Medium boned (measurement of wrist/elbow or something) But I am pretty sure he put in my paperwork that I am small boned, either way, my surgeon was the one who sent the letter, and he WANTED me to have the surgery, as yours will too - they will help you however they can. For Small boned 5'3" woman, the Met Life Ideal Weight is 111lbs - 124lbs. You have to be 100 lbs over (both ends), so if you are 224 or heavier, you meet qualifications with co-morbidities. If you have no co-morbidities, then you must be 248lbs or more (for the 200%) The coverage for Tricare (I have been told) is the same except you will possibly have a deductible/higher copay/etc. The actual coverage should be the same. I would call Tricare and if you don't get answers you like, keep calling, all Tricare Operators are NOT created equal!
  15. minpinmom


    That is so cool - I hope you count that as a great victory!
  16. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    I am assuming you are 237 not 137 :-) that sounds sad to say, but hey if you were 137 you would be wanting the band! I copied this out of the Policy for you - if I were you, I would go to Tricare online and research each associated medical condition to see what sets it as a "condition". I was lucky, I was fat enough not to have co-morbidities -wow is this a screwed up world we live in! TRICARE POLICY MANUAL II. DESCRIPTION Morbid obesity means the body weight is 100 pounds over ideal weight for height and bone structure, according to the most current Metropolitan Life Table, and such weight is in association with severe medical conditions known to have higher mortality rates in association with morbid obesity; or, the body weight is 200% or more of ideal weight for height and bone structure. . . . .covered when one of the following conditions is met: 1. The patient is 100 pounds over the ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of these associated medical conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome (and other severe respiratory diseases), hypothalamic disorders and severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints. 2. The patient is 200% or more of the ideal weight for height and bone structure. An associated medical condition is not required for this category. 3. The patient has had an intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and, because of complications, requires a second surgery (a takedown).
  17. minpinmom

    Staying in Hospital

    I did NOT get sick, as soon as I was lucid enough to speak I told the nurse I felt sick, they shoved something in my IV and that was all she wrote. Tell them ahead of time you have nausea following anesthesia. They will keep you well. Don't wait till you start feeling sick, let them know you get sick with surgery and if you get sick with pain meds (like I do) ask them to medicate you for nausea PRIOR to administering pain meds.
  18. minpinmom

    Trying to make a decision...

    I would find out how many LAP BAND surgeries they have each done. There is a huge learning curve and they may be awesome at the RNY, but maybe have done only a couple hundred lap Bands. I would make sure you go to someone who has done 500 or more Lap Bands. JMHO
  19. minpinmom

    My Surgery is Scheduled!

    You will pay $12.00 copay for your initial visit with your Surgeon, Tricare is NOT requiring psych eval or meeting with Nutritionist. If you are 200% over your Met Life recommended weight, you are in - if not, you need to have co-morbidities (sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, back problems, etc.) Once I got my approval I had to pay $11.00 for the hospital that is it. It has cost $23.00. gotta love Tricare!
  20. minpinmom

    Surgery is tomorrow. HELP!!!

    I had surgery a week ago tomorrow. I understand what you are going through - but, just know the worst part is the liquid diet the first couple of weeks after the surgery! I didn't have to take any pain killers following surgery, it is really just uncomfortable. Relax, in a week, you will be griping about soup! Good Luck and let us know how it goes as soon as you can.
  21. minpinmom

    Incision Pictures

    It really wasn't bad. Dealing with a liquid only diet following surgery is WAY worse than the pain!
  22. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    I feel great except I am starving! I can't wait to have some thicker drinks tomorrow. I really don't have any pain, it is uncomfortable, but not enough for meds. (and I am a self-confessed wimp)
  23. minpinmom

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    Those of us on the 19th and 20th have been erased - hmm, does that mean I am not starving on a liquid diet? :-)
  24. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    Tricare covers Lapband no matter what region you are in. Some regions were slower in getting their systems updated.
  25. minpinmom

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    You are in Tricare West, here is the link, it looks way different from mine (Tricare South), so I can't tell you where to look once you get there. I have heard that the VA covers this through CHAMPUS - but I don't know for sure. TriWest Healthcare Alliance

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