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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Quaker Mini Delights - OMG

    I get mine at Wal-Mart, but I have also seen them at HEB
  2. minpinmom

    Quaker Mini Delights - OMG

    I am hating y'all right now - I had a fill 2 days ago and am still on liquids. Damn Quaker Minis! I think they will be the first thing I get to "eat" I am really glad y'all like them, let me know if the other flavors are as good as the struesel ones.
  3. minpinmom

    Calling all Tricare Patients!!!!!

    Woo Hoo! You will be happy to know that Tricare does NOT require a 6 month supervised diet. They only require you to meet the weight requirements. Either 200% over your ideal weight (according to Met Life Chart), or 100lbs over your ideal weight with co-morbidities. I wasn't required to do ANYTHING. I was approved with a letter of Medical Necessity from my Surgeon to Tricare. Hopefully it will be as easy for you! Good Luck and keep us updated!
  4. minpinmom

    Calling all Tricare Patients!!!!!

    I am Tricare Prime.
  5. minpinmom

    Calling all Tricare Patients!!!!!

    I was one of the first to be approved when Tricare started with Lapbands. I got my approval from my PCM to see the surgeon. The surgeon sent in a letter of Medical Necessity to Tricare. Once they received this, I was approved within 24 hours. I didn't have to have ANYTHING else for Tricare. I had surgery on 2/19 and had my second fill yesterday! So far I have paid : $12 for my initial visit with my PCM $12 for my initial visit with the Surgeon $11 for the overnight stay at the Hospital $12 for my first fill $12 for my second fill I am a pretty happy camper!
  6. I kept taking mine - they asked me what kind I was taking and put it in the records and told me to take it that morning with a sip of water. :-) Thankfully it is tiny so I don't have to cut it up either.
  7. I am in Conroe and really want to do a trial to Curves to see if I like it. I would love to have a buddy. I have never been a member to any type of Gym, so I am a bit nervous, but the idea of Curves sounds pretty appealing. Let me know if you are interested. I work from home, so I can do it anytime. Uhm, I mean anytime after like 10:30 :-) I stay up late and like to sleep till 9:00 :-) I would also be interested if anyone walks - or does anything like that. I think I would get off my butt if someone was waiting on me to go! I am trying to talk my hubby into joining the Conroe Rec Center and doing the Water Aerobics with me - but so far - he thinks it is a good idea, but I haven't been able to get him to go check it out with me. Can you tell I don't like to do things by myself?
  8. minpinmom

    So I had my second fill

    Yesterday, I had my second fill. (Thank God for the cancellation!) It wasn't as bad as the first time, I guess because I knew what was coming. He looked at my chart and asked me if I wanted him to use a larger needle or stick with the smallest. Chicken Little, of course said stay with the little needle. The prick doesn't hurt, but since my port is deep and he has to press down to reach it, that burns a little, but not enough for me to want him to go larger :-) I am on liquids again, and I hate liquids. Dr. Spiegel is pretty strict after a fill. Liquids (clear) the day of the fill, then for the three days following too. (He does allow - insist, you drink Slim Fast, but other than that, they have to be clear liquids). Then on day 4, you go onto mushies for the rest of the week, then start on regular foods. I can't wait for mushies. I am doing so good, I am logging everything into Daily Plate. I love that thing. I can SEE what I am doing. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to put it down, but it allows me to cut back later in the day for a splurge in the morning. I have entered some of my recipes on there, it calculates all the nutrition for you. I LOVE it! Hubby got me a new bicycle yesterday - it is a granny bike. :-) I searched everywhere for one, and the people were all laughing at me. I would ask them if they had any bikes like Jessica Fletcher rides on Murder She Wrote. I found one on Wal Mart online and it said it was available in SOME stores. It wasn't in the first two, but the third store had it. I made it mine. ----> Swooning <---- I went riding today, for maybe 15-20 minutes and OMG I thought I was going to die! My legs were total jelly. Tomorrow I will try to go a bit further and maybe one day I will be a seasoned bike rider!
  9. minpinmom

    So I had my second fill

    Yesterday, I had my second fill. (Thank God for the cancellation!) It wasn't as bad as the first time, I guess because I knew what was coming. He looked at my chart and asked me if I wanted him to use a larger needle or stick with the smallest. Chicken Little, of course said stay with the little needle. The prick doesn't hurt, but since my port is deep and he has to press down to reach it, that burns a little, but not enough for me to want him to go larger :-) I am on liquids again, and I hate liquids. Dr. Spiegel is pretty strict after a fill. Liquids (clear) the day of the fill, then for the three days following too. (He does allow - insist, you drink Slim Fast, but other than that, they have to be clear liquids). Then on day 4, you go onto mushies for the rest of the week, then start on regular foods. I can't wait for mushies. I am doing so good, I am logging everything into Daily Plate. I love that thing. I can SEE what I am doing. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to put it down, but it allows me to cut back later in the day for a splurge in the morning. I have entered some of my recipes on there, it calculates all the nutrition for you. I LOVE it! Hubby got me a new bicycle yesterday - it is a granny bike. :-) I searched everywhere for one, and the people were all laughing at me. I would ask them if they had any bikes like Jessica Fletcher rides on Murder She Wrote. I found one on Wal Mart online and it said it was available in SOME stores. It wasn't in the first two, but the third store had it. I made it mine. ----> Swooning <---- I went riding today, for maybe 15-20 minutes and OMG I thought I was going to die! My legs were total jelly. Tomorrow I will try to go a bit further and maybe one day I will be a seasoned bike rider!
  10. Hey guys, I have upped my Water consumption to 10 glasses a day. I started 2 days ago and I have gained 5lbs. Now, I assume, hope, pray, that this is just the extra water and it will slowly go away, taking lots of extra fat with it. I know I need a fill, but I am still counting/logging EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth into DailyPlate. I am keeping around 1000 - 1100 calories a day. Pre-band, I was consuming 3500+ a day. Now, with that being said, I have not started exercising (bonking myself on the forehead), but I feel that I should be loosing more. Hell, every diet I have been on has been more successful than this! -note to self, short term success, remember that- I had lost 15lbs (since 2/19), now it is only 10. The odd thing, I feel that I am eating super healthy, my calories are maintaining well. Ugh!
  11. minpinmom

    Water and Calories Question

    Yes! It has gone back to what it was - now I am on stinkin liquids again, had a fill yesterday so I won't expect any weight loss for a week. But I know it is on the way!
  12. I was banded on 2/19, had a follow-up 1 week later and at that appt, they scheduled my first fill for 3/10 (3 weeks after surgery). After your first fill, he wants us to call in after 2 weeks if you are hungry, eating too much or not loosing enough and every 2 months if you think you don't need a fill. I had my second fill yesterday 4/1. 2/19/08 - Surgery 2/26/08 - Follow-up 3/10/08 - First Fill 4/01/08 - Second Fill
  13. minpinmom

    Something very strange is happening to me

    Too funny! You crack me up!
  14. minpinmom

    Someone Cancelled!

    I am so excited. I had a fill scheduled for 4/16 and I was so frustrated, I have been eating a LOT more than 6oz at a time - and I am feeling like I am about to get out of control. So, I called in this morning and sure 'nuf, they had a cancellation for tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so ready for it! Oh, and I am still a freakin chicken. I can't help it. The first one did not hurt - wasn't a fun time at the spa, but it didn't hurt. But, once again, I am chicken little. Oh well, I will pretend to be brave - then when it is over, I can act all Wendy Bad Ass! Wish me luck . . .
  15. minpinmom

    Someone Cancelled!

    Thank you for the support! The first fill, I was shaking in my boots - well, my sandals :-), but afterwards, it really wasn't that bad, but of course, here comes the second time and I feel like a 2 year old, I don't wanna get a shot . . . I am actually excited about it, I am READY for restriction!
  16. I don't think she was saying that for sure with your Insurance, but some insurances consider that. (Tricare doesn't) I will keep my fingers crossed for you that Medicare doesn't either. My husband (who doesn't need WLS) is in your boat, he was medically retired by the AF, and the VA has him permenant and total. So he is on Medicare and Tricare for Life. (It has been a breeze for all of his stuff). I sure hope this will be a breeze for you as well.
  17. minpinmom

    Someone Cancelled!

    I am so excited. I had a fill scheduled for 4/16 and I was so frustrated, I have been eating a LOT more than 6oz at a time - and I am feeling like I am about to get out of control. So, I called in this morning and sure 'nuf, they had a cancellation for tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so ready for it! Oh, and I am still a freakin chicken. I can't help it. The first one did not hurt - wasn't a fun time at the spa, but it didn't hurt. But, once again, I am chicken little. Oh well, I will pretend to be brave - then when it is over, I can act all Wendy Bad Ass! Wish me luck . . .
  18. That sounds like it makes more sense. But with my insurance I had to be 200% over the high end of my ideal weight. With her ideal weight for 5" tall, Large frame is: 137lbs. So, you figure what 200% of what that is, which is 137 X 200% = 274lbs is 200% over her ideal body weight. This is how Tricare figures it - and how I was approved. I was only a few lbs of being approved. And I didn't have any co-morbidities. I was 259lbs, 5'4". I can only assume they put me in as small boned (nice to be small something:-) My ideal weight was 114 - 127. 127 X 200% = 254. This is what Tricare told me, NOW, with that said, it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings if they were wrong and I got the surgery paid for anyhow!
  19. Mine, Tricare Prime is the same way, they don't care about your BMI. Since they are both government agencies, they will probably both use the same Met Life Chart. Here is the link: Met life ideal height weight tables references At 5'0", even if you have a LARGE Frame, Met Life says you should weigh 122-137lbs. You will have to be 200% over both ends , so 137 X 200% = 274lbs You will make it under the 200% side, so you won't need to worry about your co-morbidities. WooHOO! This is how I made it too. Good Luck and keep us updated.
  20. minpinmom

    Advice? Going to file....

    Do you love him? If you do, fight for him. (His health, mental and physical and your marriage). Not all counselors are created equal. There are some fabulous programs for Crisis intervention - and they are much cheaper than a divorce! If you don't love him, get a good lawyer and a play therapist for your 2 year old. I have worked in the Mental health field for over 5 years and divorce is never pretty. Good Luck in your decision.
  21. minpinmom

    Water and Calories Question

    I should probably invest in a nutritionist. I knew eating too little can stop the weightloss - I didn't loose but 2lbs when I was on my liquid diet and the Dr. said it was from too few calories, but I was eating like 300 - 600 a day. I thought 1000 would be plenty. (makes me kinda happy to think it may not be!) I really need to get my butt in gear and start exercising. My Best Friend just had a baby and we are going to do the trial to Curves together, but, uhm, she just had a baby and it is SO hard for her to find the time, I guess I should just jump in there by myself! Thanks for your advice!
  22. minpinmom

    Anyone doing the MS150 or similar races?

    I just wanted to tell you guys a big THANK YOU! My husband has MS and there is always someone riding in his name. It is an awesome event and pulls in a lot of money for MS research. Thank you guys again!
  23. minpinmom

    Quaker Mini Delights - OMG

    lol, I have convinced myself - it will UP my protein intake! Ha ha!
  24. minpinmom

    I actually mowed the yard!

    Well, it isn't much of a victory, but I haven't mowed in forever. I mowed the front yard on Wednesday and the back yard on Thursday. It felt good - except for the sweat under the boobs - I hate that! I am going to do a 3 week trial at Curves - I am getting pretty adventuresome! My best friend just had a baby (the second beautiful Godson she has given me in 3 years!) she wants to join - so I think we are going to do it together. Not bad if you can find a participating Curves near you. Bring in 3 Milk Caps and get 3 weeks trial for free!
  25. minpinmom

    Hicupps after a fill

    I get the hiccups all the time now! It drives me crazy. However when I start getting full, I hiccup 1 time - it is a warning (I guess). But I got the hiccups 3 times yesterday and it wasn't when I was eating or anything - and they lasted forever!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
