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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Hello Mushies!

    I had my 1 week follow-up yesterday - got to love a 5PM appointment downtown. Took me 2+ hours to get home (normally a 55 min drive). But the appointment went awesome! Dr. Spiegel came in, took the steri-strips off and said my incisions look great! (I was afraid the strips would hurt when they removed them - but they didn't) The incisions are soooo small - I can't imagine him getting any tools in there. I had only lost 4lbs, he said he had expected me to loose more on the clear liquids. I told him I was only getting about 500 Calories a day, he said that was why I wasn't loosing. :-) I was supposed to start the Thicker liquids stage yesterday, but he moved me up to the mushy stage! I was so happy I wanted to kiss him. When we got home last night, I made baked Tilapia 3 whole ounces and 1 bite of mashed potatoes. I ate my fish first (took like 20 minutes) and was no longer hungry. I am totally amazed. I know it will go away and I will soon be able to eat more, but I just can't believe it actually works. Wow. This morning I got up, ate Cream of Wheat (Oh My GOD was it good). For lunch I had part of a dry baked potato with some low-fat Broccoli and Cheese Soup I made for my thick liquid stage. I didn't even eat 1/2 of my potato - normally I would have eaten all of that, part of a sandwich and chips and coke and cookies. Oh, and overnight - don't ask me how, I lost 2 more lbs. I am down 6 pounds! I just can't believe it. It is odd though, I keep fixing my plate thinking, yea right, like that will fill me up, and there is ALWAYS lots of food left. I have to admit, the hardest part is NOT drinking during or after. I feel parched. I am not much of a soda drinker, so that won't affect me much, but I am so used to drinking with my food. I had to take my drink and put it in the fridge so I wouldn't grab it by mistake!
  2. minpinmom

    I need some one my age to talk to about this

    Hey girl. I understand your fears, I too have never had a baby and don't like Dr.s. I am not sure how old you are, I am 32. I have detailed almost every detail in my Blog. Even the fills. Here is my blog - if you want more details on something, let me know and i will see what I can remember. (its been 2 months) and God has a way of making us forget the un-pleasantries. http://lapbandtalk.com/blogs/minpinmom/
  3. minpinmom

    I am In LOVE

    Okay, so I am in love with my BodyBugg. I started the program on Monday, had my coaching session this morning with Coach Tamala and I LOVE it! I am having over 1000 calorie deficit a day and I am not working out like I thought I would have to. It is amazing how many calories you burn just doing household chores. Other positive, it motivates me to do more Household chores! lol, my house is cleaner than ever. What am I going to do now? Hmm, shopping burns a lot of calories too. I can see where this is going. On a side note, I am having another fill next week! I have it scheduled for Thursday the 17th at 400PM. I am actually going to carpool with a gal I met there at my last fill. Come to find out, she lives just minutes away from me. How lucky can I get?
  4. minpinmom

    I am In LOVE

    You wear it under your clothes. Usually my short sleeve shirts cover it, but heck, I am so proud of it, I don't care who sees it! I got mine off of Cragslist - for 240 - you might have been talking to me - it has been a crazy week, so I can't remember who all I have talked to. I wear mine all the time. After the first day, you don't even feel it there. I have even slept in mine for the last 2 nights. I hope you can find one half price, I will keep my eyes open for you!
  5. minpinmom

    I am In LOVE

    Okay, so I am in love with my BodyBugg. I started the program on Monday, had my coaching session this morning with Coach Tamala and I LOVE it! I am having over 1000 calorie deficit a day and I am not working out like I thought I would have to. It is amazing how many calories you burn just doing household chores. Other positive, it motivates me to do more Household chores! lol, my house is cleaner than ever. What am I going to do now? Hmm, shopping burns a lot of calories too. I can see where this is going. On a side note, I am having another fill next week! I have it scheduled for Thursday the 17th at 400PM. I am actually going to carpool with a gal I met there at my last fill. Come to find out, she lives just minutes away from me. How lucky can I get?
  6. I too have a 4CC band. I had 1.6 put in for my first fill and .4 for my second. I am currently at 2 CC. From here forward, he will put in a tiny bit because a small amount will make huge changes. He told me he decides on which band according to the size of your stomach when he gets in there. (I was totally flattered when he told me my stomach was very small) LOL, he probably thinks I am a head case. I took it as a huge compliment!
  7. I have told everyone that I know and I haven't had ANY bad seeds in the bunch! I know I must be one of the lucky ones, although, I choose to believe that it is my attitude towards it. Everyone knows I am so proud of the fact that I am lucky enough to have this life saving device - they are happy for me. I was prepared for bad responses - so far, I haven't had any! Even people that I wasn't too fond of before, are super supportive and a bit envious.
  8. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I have my first coaching session with Coach Tamala Wednesday - I can't wait!
  9. minpinmom

    BodyBugg - to be . .

    I finally got mine setup this morning - I LOVE it! I am so glad I did this. I just hope I can keep it up!
  10. minpinmom

    BodyBugg - to be . .

    Okay, so I am so freakin excited I can't stand it. I got a BodyBugg! If you don't know what one is, here is the website: http://www.bodybugg.com/ There is a wonderful Thread on here about BodyBugg and it is 60 pages long - I have read every page. I knew I wanted one, but also knew we couldn't afford 400 dollars. HOWEVER I found one on Craigslist - the lady bought it from her personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. Well, her trainer must have held her head underwater and forced her to! She never even opened it. She said she was scared to tell her trainer she wasn't going to use it. So I bought, the unopened BodyBugg with the wireless display. It even has a 3 month subscription to the website with it! I am so jazzed. I only had to pay $240 for it. We drove across town Friday night in the pouring rain to meet at the Ikea :-) to make the swap. I felt like I was doing a drug deal. I handed her an envelope of money and she handed me a bag of "product"! Too funny. I guess I am truly a dork. Tomorrow, it will be setup. Funny thing, it is being setup under the ladies name that I bought it from, she had to call her trainer to activate it and chickened out and told her it was for her! So tomorrow is the big day. I can't wait to be a BodyBugger! I will try to keep my Blog updated with my thoughts on the program. Here's to money well spent!
  11. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    WooHoo, my bodybugg is up and working. I am so jazzed! Thank you guys for so much information and positive input on this little tool. Y'all are such an inspiration!
  12. Okay, I had a coupon for the Quaker Mini Delights - so I thought, hey I will try it. Let me tell you - I am freakin hooked! I tried the Cinnamon Streusel it is seriously as good as a coffee cake - and it only has 90 calories per pack. They are each about the size of a nickel (and you get a LOT in there). They are multi grain with a yummy icing. Here are the stats. But let me tell you, if you want something sweet - this is awesome! 90 Cal 4G Fat 0 Chol 95MG Sodium 14G Carbs 6G Sugar 1G Fiber 2G Protein
  13. minpinmom

    BodyBugg - to be . .

    Okay, so I am so freakin excited I can't stand it. I got a BodyBugg! If you don't know what one is, here is the website: http://www.bodybugg.com/ There is a wonderful Thread on here about BodyBugg and it is 60 pages long - I have read every page. I knew I wanted one, but also knew we couldn't afford 400 dollars. HOWEVER I found one on Craigslist - the lady bought it from her personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. Well, her trainer must have held her head underwater and forced her to! She never even opened it. She said she was scared to tell her trainer she wasn't going to use it. So I bought, the unopened BodyBugg with the wireless display. It even has a 3 month subscription to the website with it! I am so jazzed. I only had to pay $240 for it. We drove across town Friday night in the pouring rain to meet at the Ikea :-) to make the swap. I felt like I was doing a drug deal. I handed her an envelope of money and she handed me a bag of "product"! Too funny. I guess I am truly a dork. Tomorrow, it will be setup. Funny thing, it is being setup under the ladies name that I bought it from, she had to call her trainer to activate it and chickened out and told her it was for her! So tomorrow is the big day. I can't wait to be a BodyBugger! I will try to keep my Blog updated with my thoughts on the program. Here's to money well spent!
  14. minpinmom

    military insurance?

    Check out the Insurance forum on here - we Tricare people have been posting like maniacs since it became an approved procedure. You may find some of your answers! Good Luck and keep us updated!
  15. minpinmom

    TRICARE: Requiring H. Pylori????

    They didn't do it on me, but I was one of the first to get it, maybe it is something new they are doing.
  16. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    It says not to, that I have to login and setup my profile before connecting my ArmBand. UGH - I am so impatient! This is killing me!
  17. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Okay, so I got it! That was super quick! I am so excited, until I tried to login and realize that I have to wait for a representative to give me a stinkin user name and password and they are closed till Monday! Do you guys know if I can at least wear the BodyBugg this weekend to get the numbers in it, or do I need to wait until I have the computer part setup?
  18. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    So I wonder how many calories I burned while reading all 60 PAGES! I am hoping to become a member of the BB Gang - I found one, with the wrist display, brand new, still in the box, unopened - has the 3 month membership and everything for $240 - it is local and I am going to pick it up. I am so freakin excited and a little tired after reading so much :-) Thank you guys for so much inspiration!
  19. minpinmom

    Ok that was not scary!!

    You totally cracked me up with the Oreos comment! Congrats, I hope it goes smoothly for you!
  20. minpinmom

    tracking workouts/weight loss/nutrition

    I use Daily Plate - it tracks your food and water and there is also an option to track daily exercise. You may want to check it out. I used to swear by FitDay until someone here turned me onto Daily Plate - it is a million times better!
  21. minpinmom

    Conroe or Willis Tx Support Group

    I am in Conroe, the closest support group I know of is in The Woodlands - I haven't been yet - but plan to. If you decide to start one, let me know! I am trying to find an exercise buddy that wants to meet and walk, bike or do the Water Rec Center, or Curves - but no go so far.
  22. I had mine done by Dr. Felix Spiegel in Houston, TX. Hopefully it will go super fast for you!

  23. minpinmom

    Food Processor/Blender

    I love my Bullet - I use it everyday. (right now I am using it 3 times a day)
  24. minpinmom

    Learning to Chew

    I have had a few episodes of the dreaded PB and slime. I am pretty sure it is because I am not chewing enough and probably eating too fast. It is such a new world to get used to. The funny thing, I can eat Chicken or Salmon and not even think about eating and everything is fine, but man, let me try a baked potato, eggs, or soft fish and it kills me. I think my mind determines it is already soft - and not much to chew. It is a total unpleasant experience. I feel a tightness in my chest - then I feel like the food is coming back up, but I don't have to vomit. It is a very odd feeling the first time. The thing I don't understand, where is it getting stuck at? It is hard for me to believe it is stuck at the band, because the purpose of the band is to hold the food back for a while, so that doesn't make sense. I just don't get it. If the pain hit 10 minutes after you eat, then it would make sense that it was too big of a bite for the band, but I can eat for 20 minutes and take one bite that is too big and BAM - here comes the slime. I am trying to chew slower and take longer times between each bite. It really does seem to help. However I am a slow learner - I keep trying the food until I can get it right.
  25. minpinmom

    Tricare Prime approval question...

    Here is a Chart by Met Life: Met life ideal height weight tables references I know you have to meet the requirements on the high end, so at 5'7", your ideal weight for a SMALL Frame is 123-136lbs. So 100 lbs over 136 would be 236 and 200% over 136 lbs = 272lbs So, if you have any co-morbidities, you can get in on the 100lbs over with co-morbidities. If no co-morbidities, start adding weights around your ankles when you weigh :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
