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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    I remember my Dr. telling me I was medium framed - BUT I only qualified under 200% as small Frame. I can only assume that my Dr. fudged and said I was small framed. If it is your surgeon that does it - I am pretty sure he will say you are small framed. They WANT you to have the surgery. However, if you have an unwilling PCM, they may not. Sorry, I'm not much help on that one.
  2. minpinmom

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    Here is a link to the met life charts. Met life ideal height weight tables references Just remember, they require you to meet the high end of the suggested weight for your height.
  3. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    ~jblotner~ I found mine brand new - unopened with the digital display for $240 off of Craigslist. I only searched for 1 day when I found it.
  4. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Its good to know we can do that (switch arms) - I am pretty sure Coach Tamala said it would skew the results. I have another coaching session next week, I will ask her again.
  5. minpinmom


    Yes, my Dr.s says ice tea is fine. Believe it or not, not drinking with my meal is the hardest for me. I feel so thirsty. I think it is because I KNOW I can't have it, but still, I am really wanting a swig of something when I eat. I think it will get better - uhm, I hope it will get better. :-)
  6. minpinmom

    Tricare: APPROVED!!!!

    I saw my approval online and that is how I knew I was approved. Although, it may depend on who is on the other end of the computer typing. :-) In Process is AWESOME - mine turned to Cancel for a while, I immediately called and before I even got through, it had been changed back to in process. I was a tad bit addicted to the website during the approval stages :-) For Tricare South, the website is: Humana Military Healthcare Services
  7. minpinmom

    What do you do with your old clothes??

    We talked about doing a clothes swap on here - but it never got off the ground. You could post the sizes they are and the area you are in - then if someone wants them they could pay for shipping and a small fee for your trouble. I plan to do that when I get to that point. :-)
  8. minpinmom


    I eat carbs - and probably a normal amount of them. I just eat protein first and then eat whatever else I want after that. I agree, you would probably loose more weight if you cut them out, but, like you, if I could live without them, I wouldn't have had to had surgery! Now, the carbonated drinks. My Dr. says no too, then he tells you, if you have to have one, pour it over ice and let it sit for a few minutes. It isn't good for your pouch, but I guess it isn't going to destroy it either. However, I haven't missed my cokes at all (yet)
  9. minpinmom

    Pre-packaged foods

    Okay, so I got a BodyBugg and did my consultation with my coach - she warned to still weigh all of my food, even if it is pre-packaged, such as 100 calorie packs, a slice of bread, etc. I didn't think it was a big deal, but thought what the heck, lets see what it is. Okay - EVERY single 100 Calorie pack was off. Like it would say 1oz is the serving and it would be like .75 ounce. I felt really ripped off. I even opened a second package and added enough to make it an entire serving and I got like 4 more pieces. I cook Tilapia all the time, they are pre-frozen and say 4 oz on them. I weighed them, 2 of them were 3 ounces and the other two were 4.5 ounces. THEN, I measured 1 slice of bread - it was TWICE as heavy as the label says it is. So when I eat a sandwich, I really consumed 4 slices of bread. No wonder I go for a week and think, damn I have been so good and I haven't lost an ounce! Damn it all to hell! So, I am going to go to Wallyworld tonight and get a digital scale so it can be more accurate. I just thought I would share!
  10. minpinmom

    Before and During Photos

    Thank you, thank you for all the nice remarks. ~Shalloway61 I have had 2 fills and I am scheduled for my 3rd. I can't wait for some real restriction!
  11. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Lifesaver~ I think you should still have 2 free coaching sessions even if you got it from 24 hour fitness. I would ask your trainer (the one who set it up for you). Also, my Coach told me NEVER to switch arms - the bugg has some sort of device in it that can tell in what position your arm is in. She said it knows if you are sitting, standing, riding a bike or walking on your hands. She said when people switch arms, it has to be upside down to work on the left arm - and if it is upside down, it thinks you are walking on your hands! However, she said if your arm gets irritated, you can move it up high or low, it doesn't have to be in the exact same spot each day.
  12. minpinmom

    Went to my first seminar...

    He is medically retired. Long story short - he got hurt, they did surgery on his back and made it worse, they did a Spinal Fusion and cut a nerve that caused a permanent rare nerve disease in his foot - and the fusion failed. Then, come to find out he has MS. So they got rid of him pretty fast. I fought for total retirement and won. He is 100% through the Air Force and 90% through the VA. He was too sick to speak for himself at the time. If you haven't noticed, I am a bit of a fighter - I NEVER take no for an answer. They tried to just refuse to let him re-enlist and told us to go to the VA for benefits. 10 minutes later, after I spoke with IG, we had a medical board scheduled. Once he was out, I spent 2 weeks in San Antonio at the National Review Board getting his status changed to total and permanent. It was worth the fight. I am an Army Bratt and AirForce Wife :-) All my nephews and such are enlisted as well - seems I always have a loved one overseas somewhere.
  13. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I was just searching my online BB screen and found a part where we can order replacement pieces - you can get a digital readout for 39 bucks! I already have mine, but for those of you that don't have it yet, that sounds like a good deal!
  14. minpinmom

    Went to my first seminar...

    I think that would be awesome - talk about a motivator! I do understand wanting him to be here during it too, for help and motivation - but if he can't be - you could buy yourself a really hot "pick him up from port outfit" that is 2 sizes too small and work towards getting into it. I actually lost TONS of weight during 9-11, my hubby was in Egypt and we had lost all sat phones I only heard from him every few weeks. I lived on base and we were at Delta - it took 2-3 hours to get onto base if you left. I lived off of 2 SlimFasts and 1 LeanCusine every day. I walked my dog at least 3 hours a day. I was so stressed out, but boy did the weight come off. Of course, it came back and brought some friends with it lol, but once you are banded, you won't have to worry about that!
  15. minpinmom

    Tricare: APPROVED!!!!

    First thing to do is find out if your insurance covers the procedure. Insurance is the most difficult part of getting Banded. Hopefully your insurance will cover it. Something else you can do is go ahead and start researching Dr.s in your area to see who you like, relate to and such. Let us know how it goes!
  16. minpinmom

    Tricare: APPROVED!!!!

    The only thing that I had to do was be on liquids for the 24 hour before surgery. (I consider myself one of the lucky ones) Liquids are the worst for me - I hate it. It is much better after the surgery, you don't really have any hunger - but before was like killing me!
  17. minpinmom

    Went to my first seminar...

    You know how cool it will be for him to come back and you have had surgery and be loosing! Talk about a welcome home party! WooHoo - that was the only good thing about deployments was picking up the honey at the airport, all dressed up and racing home!
  18. minpinmom

    Before and During Photos

    That is my BodyBugg - I have only had it for less than a week, but I am in LOVE! It calculates how many calories you burn by all sorts of sensors. You wear it all the time, then it wirelessly synchs to your pc and tells you all sorts of stuff. Like how many calories per minute you burn, how much more you need to burn to keep loosing 2 lbs a week, etc. I FREAKIN LOVE IT! lol. I wish I could work for the company - I bet I could sale them - I love them that much. Here is the website for them if you want to look into them. Okay, it gave me an X and said to be moderated when I put the website on here. If you google bodybugg, it will come up.
  19. minpinmom

    Pre-packaged foods

    I think it is false advertising! I had an unopened box of the Oreo 100 calorie packs and it measured exact, but - the individual ones were all different. That is pretty screwed up.
  20. minpinmom

    Tricare: APPROVED!!!!

    WooHoo! I am so excited for you. Things move fast from this point, or at least they did for me. Once my Dr.s office received my auth, I had surgery 5 days later. I hope all goes smooth for you!
  21. minpinmom

    I need some one my age to talk to about this

    Dogs rock! I puppy sit a friends Yorkie from time to time, although my dogs think that little dogs with hair translate into fun squeaky toy to chase!
  22. minpinmom

    Before and During Photos

    Thank You! That is just about the nicest comment ever. I love my BodyBugg - I wish I could sale them - I think I could do it, they are so motivating! I REALLY want to keep some boobs lol, I have always had big boobs - and NEVER had a flat tummy. Although, I would settle for just a flat tummy!
  23. minpinmom

    Before and During Photos

    Okay, I can't believe how hard it still is to see myself in pictures, but here they are. I am 7 weeks out and down 17lbs.
  24. minpinmom

    It's Official - I am BANDED!

    I can't believe I am sitting here, writing about my surgery. It has been such a long trying road and I have finally found my path. On Tuesday, February 19th, I showed up at University General at 5:30 AM. They have free valet parking and the people are so freakin nice. They took us up to a waiting room with our loved ones. About 5 minutes later, they took us to the back to the pre-op area. We each had our own nurse and area. We were given a gown, cap and sticky slippers to change into. Hopped on the bed and my bed started getting nervous. I wasn't too nervous about the surgery - mostly the IV. I know that sounds silly, but I have an abnormal fear of needles. Well, the IV went in fine, they hooked me up and brought back my honey. I was second to go in for surgery, so I had to wait a while. At about 8:15, they came to get me, I kissed hubby and they rolled me back. I got to see the operating room and then went into lalaland. I woke up and remember hearing the anesthesiologist telling me not to rub my eyes. My throat hurt like hell and come to find out that was because of all the scar tissue from previous surgeries in my throat, it got all torn up from the breathing tube. They asked me how the pain was and all I said was please don't let me throw up. They gave me another dose of nausea meds and then I guess they gave me some pain meds in my IV, not for sure. Soon after they took me up to my room where my hubby was waiting. I felt pretty good, started chewing on ice and using Chloraseptic tabs for my throat. I was up and walking with an hour of getting in my room. About 2 hours later, they took me down for a CT scan. They made me drink this horrible concoction and then lay down on the CT table (that hurt, I am not gonna lie). The CT scan took maybe 3 minutes, the guy was awesome, got me up WITHOUT any pain. Then wheeled me back to my room. They brought in a lovely lunch of broth, water and jello. I sipped on a few things. I had no hunger at all. I didn't take any pain meds until late that night. I had made probably 40 rounds of the hospital walking constantly, and I had begun coughing (which hurt like hell), so that I could sleep they gave me some pain meds and let me tell you - wow, I couldn't tell you my name at that point. I slept until about 4 that morning, then woke up and started walking. They let me take a shower around 7AM and released me around 9. All in all, it was uneventful (thankfully). The staff was awesome and I am so glad that it is over. I am officially a Bandster!
  25. minpinmom

    It's Official - I am BANDED!

    You will have to have someone go with you - they made my husband sign all the paperwork and everything. Where are you going to be? If you don't have anyone - family or such, you can get someone from a local lapband support group to go with you. You really just need someone to drive you home. I actually sent my hubby home while I was there - I didn't need any help and I knew he needed some sleep. You will be able to drive the next day, but they won't let you drive FROM the hospital (they would be liable if you had a wreck).

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