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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Cat Food Commercial

    Okay, I had a fill yesterday, so I was on liquids all day yesterday, today and for the next 2 days. I am so hungry I can't think straight. It has to be my head - I have had like 800 calories with Slim Fasts, strained soups, milk, etc. So, I know I am not starving. I was reading some of the forums and could hear a commercial on the TV and thought wow, that sounds so good . . . fresh Tuna, whitefish, herbs - it was a damn Cat Food Commercial. Ugh! My head isn't functioning right. Of course tomorrow is the first day of the Crawfish Festival, so we are all going out for the day - talk about a food fest and I won't be taking part in any of it. Maybe I could lick the spices off! Sigh, just a few more days - it has never been this hard. Damn my head!
  2. minpinmom

    near tears...

    Oh that sucks! I had a problem getting in for a fill - so I called every single morning and asked if there were any cancellations. On day 3, I think they got sick of me and gave me one!
  3. minpinmom

    Biggest Loser

    cool thanks, I will google and see if I can find anything.
  4. minpinmom

    Biggest Loser

    You know how they were talking about the competition in other countries - I wonder if we can get those here - hmm, maybe on the BBC or something. I am going through withdrawals! I can't believe how much I love that show.
  5. minpinmom

    Exercise doesn't equal weight loss???

    Maybe I wrote my response wrong - they both say I HAVE to have 20-30 minutes of exercise a day - to get my heart rate up and burn calories, but that they don't want that exercise to be geared towards BUILDING muscle. So I am supposed to choose walking, jogging, bicycling, eleptical, etc. rather than weights or strength training. Does that make sense?
  6. minpinmom

    Third Fill . . .

    Well, I went in today and had my 3rd fill. I was at 2 and he put in .6 or maybe .4, I can't really remember. It didn't hurt as bad - he didn't have to press down as hard to reach my port. He says he can tell I am losing weight! WooHOO! His office is expanding, and coming to The Woodlands (which is right by me). I am so excited. Apparently, they are hiring additional Dr.s too. He is so busy. I sent in my resume for his new office near me. It won't be up and running for about 4 months. I, of course, only want to work part-time, I want to keep my part time work at home job too. So, on with the liquids. I hate liquids. Oh well, just a few more days.
  7. minpinmom

    Third Fill . . .

    My fear is needles - so the idea of 2 shots instead of one, isn't an option! I am a Needle Chicken! My Dr. ONLY hires people that he has banded - so we will see, it will be months down the road, but I really think it would be inspiring to work there!
  8. minpinmom

    Exercise doesn't equal weight loss???

    My BodyBugg Coach and My Dr. said the same thing for me NOT to "work out" such as strength training - that it builds muscle and people who are overweight have an abundance of muscle. HOWEVER, they both said that I need to get my heart rate up 20 minutes a day. Treadmill, bicycling, mowing the lawn, that kind of stuff. But not to focus on "muscles" until I get close to goal. When my BB Coach said it, I thought she was smokin' crack - then my Dr. said it almost word for word. I have to admit - to me "working out" is walking for 15 minutes - I guess I am an underachiever!
  9. minpinmom

    Third Fill . . .

    The shot really doesn't hurt - my port is deep and I don't want him to use a larger needle - so we compromise by him pressing deeper in on my abdomen. Being on liquids hurts a lot more than the fill!
  10. minpinmom

    Third Fill . . .

    Well, I went in today and had my 3rd fill. I was at 2 and he put in .6 or maybe .4, I can't really remember. It didn't hurt as bad - he didn't have to press down as hard to reach my port. He says he can tell I am losing weight! WooHOO! His office is expanding, and coming to The Woodlands (which is right by me). I am so excited. Apparently, they are hiring additional Dr.s too. He is so busy. I sent in my resume for his new office near me. It won't be up and running for about 4 months. I, of course, only want to work part-time, I want to keep my part time work at home job too. So, on with the liquids. I hate liquids. Oh well, just a few more days.
  11. minpinmom

    tracking workouts/weight loss/nutrition

    I, reluctantly stopped using DailyPlate, only because I now have a BodyBugg and it has its own tracking device. (Not nearly as cool as DailyPlate) . . . Oh, but I miss the ease of DailyPlate.
  12. minpinmom

    First Support Group Meeting

    Well, I did it, I drove over an hour each way so that I could attend one of the support groups at my Dr.s office. It wasn't bad. Dr. Spiegel was there answering questions - but all of the questions were things that you can learn here on lapbandtalk. I was one of the newer people with the band and I really felt like I could answer all of their questions. I think I will try his support group at University General - they have guest speakers and cool topics. I really want to learn something new.
  13. minpinmom

    First Support Group Meeting

    Well, I did it, I drove over an hour each way so that I could attend one of the support groups at my Dr.s office. It wasn't bad. Dr. Spiegel was there answering questions - but all of the questions were things that you can learn here on lapbandtalk. I was one of the newer people with the band and I really felt like I could answer all of their questions. I think I will try his support group at University General - they have guest speakers and cool topics. I really want to learn something new.
  14. minpinmom

    Houston Docs

    I am going to try to go to the support group tonight - just depends on my schedule. It is such a stinkin long drive. But maybe I will see you there!
  15. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Hey guys, I just finished my last coaching session with Coach Tamala. Kinda sad about that - I guess I will have to break down and buy some sessions when I get to a plateau. However, I wanted to share with you what she said - It WILL skew the results if you wear it on the left arm. She is going to post the reasons on here soon. She explained them to me - something about if you wear on it on the left arm right side up, it will reverse body temp with air temp. If you wear it upside down, it believes you are walking on your hands. She did mention if you have a digital display - it will help even out the results, but that they still will be skewed. Hopefully she will post a more eloquent explanation on here soon.
  16. Hi there! I am from Conroe, TX and had Lapband surgery Feb 19th. I used Dr. Felix Spiegel in Houston - he is one of the very best and does take Tricare Prime. If your hubby isn't too happy about it - take him to the seminar with you - it convinced my husband 100%. I have documented my entire journey with my insurance and everything on my Blog - if you click on the link in my signature - it will take you there. I would be more than happy to help you with anything! Just ask!
  17. minpinmom

    How much weight can the passenger weigh?

    lol, with the price of gas - I am considering it. I would love to have one of the Harley Ladies bikes. :-) The hubby, of course is perfectly thin - 150 on a bad day. He has wanted a bike for ever, so we finally broke down and got him one. Thanks for the input - I had no idea who to ask - till I stumbled across this Biker forum. Geeze, I guess I can find answers to all the worlds questions and never leave Lapbandtalk . . .
  18. minpinmom

    Did you have weight problems as a child?

    Yes! I have been fat forever. Looking back at pictures I was skinny until about 2nd grade (not sure how old that is), where I started gaining. I too think it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was the tallest girl in Kindergarten and the kids called me fatty. I was bone thin. I remember not wanting to wear a bathing suit at my birthday parties and such. I seriously was skinny. The teasing didn't stop. I started gaining weight in 2nd grade and quit growing tall! lol, I am only 5'4" now. I was lucky that the teasing stopped a year or so later. I guess someone was fatter than me :-( I wish I could go through my school years again skinny and see what I missed . . . swimming parties, shopping with the girls, Formals, etc. I always made excuses so I didn't have to go. I think back then, I was mentally a lot fatter than I physically was.
  19. minpinmom

    Tricare: APPROVED!!!!

    I actually wanted to go to the Nutritionist but Tricare won't pay. Let me know if you hear any different - they seem to be changing policies quite often.
  20. minpinmom

    Did anyone get a dog?

    Once you decide on a breed - go to that breeds Parent Club. They will have a list of breeders that follow the ethics of the club. I show Miniature Pinschers and am SUPER active in my local breed club as well as the national club. You will get a healthy dog that is well taken care of when you search through the club. In addition - in most cases, the puppies that are sold as pets - will be just as cheap as you kind find online or in the papers. Just google the breed and "National Parent Club" Be prepared to be questioned to all ends - I have finished both of my girls and have had 1 liter in the past 3+ years. I interviewed tons of people before I found the perfect home for my puppies. A good breeder should treat it like an adoption of a child. Also, this is a great place to look if you are looking for a young dog, but not a puppy. A lot of breeders hold the entire liter until they are 6 months old (old enough to show) to decide which puppy they will keep to show. The others usually go for a VERY reasonable price. Good Luck with your search!
  21. minpinmom

    ahhh i did it!

    I am so happy for you! The seminar was awesome - when I left - I knew that I would have this surgery - I didn't know when or how I would pay for it - minor details :-)
  22. minpinmom

    Buggs, fills, scales and weight . . .

    Things are going great, I got my BodyBugg Last week and lost 2 lbs! It really helps me to be able to see what is happening with my body. I have my second and last coaching session tomorrow - hopefully I will learn all that I need to for my new Bugg. I have another fill this Thursday and I am really looking forward to that. I really think I am getting close to real restriction. As of this morning, I have lost 18lbs and couldn't be happier. I just really can't believe it. I am eating healthier than I have ever eaten. Oh, I went and got a digital scale - I found it at Ross or TJ MAXX (can't remember), and I only paid $19.00 for it. I would suggest everyone get a good scale. After my first coaching session, my Coach said that I need to weigh everything, because most labels are wrong - to be truthful, I didn't believe her, but I weighed a couple things anyway. BOY HOWDY was she right. 1 slice of bread weighed twice what it was supposed to! That really sucks! Most of my 100 calorie packs weigh UNDER what they are supposed to - I won't buy them anymore. I feel totally ripped off. I am going to buy the bigger bags and weigh them out myself.
  23. minpinmom

    Buggs, fills, scales and weight . . .

    I only made the 200% by a couple of lbs and TOTALLY pigged out before hand - don't forget, if you get close, you can add weights under your pants. LOL, about the underwear - I can tell it is all fitting so much looser. The scale I just got is a Salter Nutritional Scale - it actually has the capability of telling you serving size and nutrients of LOTS of items. It comes with a book and lots of codes, so you punch in the code for apple, put it on the scale and it will tell you how many calories, fiber, etc. . . I didn't need all that, but couldn't find a simple digital scale and my regular scale was awesome, but I couldn't tell how many grams (exactly) so I upgraded.
  24. minpinmom

    Buggs, fills, scales and weight . . .

    Things are going great, I got my BodyBugg Last week and lost 2 lbs! It really helps me to be able to see what is happening with my body. I have my second and last coaching session tomorrow - hopefully I will learn all that I need to for my new Bugg. I have another fill this Thursday and I am really looking forward to that. I really think I am getting close to real restriction. As of this morning, I have lost 18lbs and couldn't be happier. I just really can't believe it. I am eating healthier than I have ever eaten. Oh, I went and got a digital scale - I found it at Ross or TJ MAXX (can't remember), and I only paid $19.00 for it. I would suggest everyone get a good scale. After my first coaching session, my Coach said that I need to weigh everything, because most labels are wrong - to be truthful, I didn't believe her, but I weighed a couple things anyway. BOY HOWDY was she right. 1 slice of bread weighed twice what it was supposed to! That really sucks! Most of my 100 calorie packs weigh UNDER what they are supposed to - I won't buy them anymore. I feel totally ripped off. I am going to buy the bigger bags and weigh them out myself.
  25. minpinmom

    Denied by Tricare........:(

    Tricare doesn't require anything except that you meet the weight requirement, however, some surgeons require different things. Such as psych visit, nutritionist, etc.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
