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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Sasha and Ringo playing fetch

    From the album: Dogs and Family

  2. minpinmom

    Ringo riding Shotgun

    From the album: Dogs and Family

  3. minpinmom

    Day 2

    From the album: Scar Stages

  4. minpinmom

    Day 1

    From the album: Scar Stages

  5. minpinmom

    Scar Stages

  6. minpinmom

    Week 1

    From the album: Scar Stages

  7. minpinmom

    Liquid Diet after fills

    According to my Dr., you have to stay on liquids for your stomach to heal. I had a fill on Thursday and he said the stomach feels it tighten and realizes, once again that there is a foreign body in there. So you go on liquids so your stomach doesn't have to "work" and the new swelling can go down. I am on liquids for 4 days, then soft foods for 3 days, then back to regular foods. I drink 3 Slim Fasts a day when I am on liquids to get all of my nutrients. I have also been known to drink the juice out of canned fruit, Soups and such. Popsicles, Jello, milk, etc., are all also okay according to my Dr.
  8. I just saw this online and since it is liquid Vitamins, I thought it should be posted here somewhere. If this is the wrong area, please move for me - I wanted it to get exposure FOXNews.com - CDC: More Than 180 Sickened in 10 States From 'Toxic' Vitamins - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
  9. minpinmom

    Rep Power???

    ~OH Juli It worked! Now I see your comment. I guess I got 2 Rep points for something else. Thanks so much for your help!
  10. Hey guys, I am heading to Dr. Spiegel's support group tonight and wanted to know if anyone wants to ride with me. I live in Conroe. Sorry for the short notice, I just decided I would go.
  11. The one I went to was for Dr. Spiegel's patients, but I think I am going to start going to the one held in The Woodlands. I hate the drive across Houston!
  12. minpinmom

    Before and During Photos

    Okay, I can't believe how hard it still is to see myself in pictures, but here they are. I am 7 weeks out and down 17lbs.
  13. minpinmom

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Tapshoes~ I agree - if it was melting, you were just helping out! I made a yummy low fat, low cal Lemon Berry Trifle and had my 1/4 of a cup, felt full, got another 1/4 of a cup, felt sick. Waited a couple hours, got another 1/4 of a cup. Standing in the kitchen, eating my goo, it just hit me what I was doing. so, I threw it all in the trash and took the trash out to the curb! Why do I keep doing this - I totally know better. At least now I am doing it with healthier choices rather than a gallon of ice cream and a pan of hot brownies. But I wish I could get a hold on my "just one more bite" mentality
  14. minpinmom

    Lake Conroe meeting

    I am in Conroe, I might be up for it, let me know when you are going to meet!
  15. minpinmom

    The Crawfish Festival

    Yesterday was beautiful, bright and sunny with a nice breeze. We, hubby, myself, my nephew Josh and his girlfriend Kristen all headed out to the opening weekend of the Crawfish Festival. Now, I had a fill a few days ago so I am on liquids and couldn't partake in the yummies that everyone else did. However, I did suck on a piece of grilled Chicken. Yumm! We really enjoyed the festivities - we even talked Kristen into riding a mechanical bull - she did really well. We all got a bit sunburned - of course me more than all else - must be some of my German blood coming out. I was sure hoping I would lose quite a bit on liquids - but once again, my body just holds onto those damn liquids. Oh well. I am on soft foods now, so hopefully I will lose more this week. I am still loving my BodyBugg and actually enjoying counting calories and watching my progress.
  16. minpinmom

    The Crawfish Festival

    Yes, it stinks. It is kind of like after surgery, your stomach freaks out and says, hey what the hell is squeezing me? So my Dr. makes only have liquids the day of the fill, then for the following 3 days too. Then you go onto soft foods for 3 or 4 days (I can't remember) then back to regular foods. It normally isn't bad at all. After a fill, you don't have much hunger, but this time was different. I thought I was starving! I am much better now, I thought I might have to tackle a couple of people for a Turkey Leg and grilled corn yesterday!
  17. minpinmom

    Surgery tomorrow

    Good Luck, this is such an exciting, yet scary time. It will be over before you know it. Please check in and post your experience as soon as you feel like it! We will be watching for you!
  18. minpinmom

    xxlaneyxx wls journey

    I love the idea of weighing in STONES! I always watch You are What You Eat on the BBC - and finally had to look up the conversion of pounds to stones. Congratulations on your surgery and your fill!
  19. minpinmom

    Size goal vs Pound goal

    I want to wear NORMAL sizes! lol, I don't care what my weight is, but I really want to wear a size 12. With that being said, I have NO idea what I would have to weigh to wear that - I have never even been close. I would like my BMI to be NORMAL, not overweight. I read a lot of OLD posts on here - and the people that are close to goal, seem to have changed their goals to be harder to reach as they get close. So, maybe right now my goal will be to wear size 12 and then when that happens, I may have to make a new goal. Wouldn't that be wild! Too far in the future for me to comprehend. So for now, I want to shop in Regular stores!
  20. minpinmom

    The Crawfish Festival

    Yesterday was beautiful, bright and sunny with a nice breeze. We, hubby, myself, my nephew Josh and his girlfriend Kristen all headed out to the opening weekend of the Crawfish Festival. Now, I had a fill a few days ago so I am on liquids and couldn't partake in the yummies that everyone else did. However, I did suck on a piece of grilled Chicken. Yumm! We really enjoyed the festivities - we even talked Kristen into riding a mechanical bull - she did really well. We all got a bit sunburned - of course me more than all else - must be some of my German blood coming out. I was sure hoping I would lose quite a bit on liquids - but once again, my body just holds onto those damn liquids. Oh well. I am on soft foods now, so hopefully I will lose more this week. I am still loving my BodyBugg and actually enjoying counting calories and watching my progress.
  21. minpinmom

    Rep Power???

    Okay, I promise I am not at total loser, but I read Wheetsin's explanation on where to see your comments and I don't see any, but I have a number by my Rep power. Could it be that someone just didn't leave a comment? Or am I just a dork and completely overlooking it?
  22. minpinmom

    Cat Food Commercial

    Thanks! This has definetly been the hardest liquid phase yet. You were RIGHT ON about the commercial - that is the exact one!
  23. minpinmom

    Cat Food Commercial

    Okay, I had a fill yesterday, so I was on liquids all day yesterday, today and for the next 2 days. I am so hungry I can't think straight. It has to be my head - I have had like 800 calories with Slim Fasts, strained soups, milk, etc. So, I know I am not starving. I was reading some of the forums and could hear a commercial on the TV and thought wow, that sounds so good . . . fresh Tuna, whitefish, herbs - it was a damn Cat Food Commercial. Ugh! My head isn't functioning right. Of course tomorrow is the first day of the Crawfish Festival, so we are all going out for the day - talk about a food fest and I won't be taking part in any of it. Maybe I could lick the spices off! Sigh, just a few more days - it has never been this hard. Damn my head!

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