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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    If you have the digital display, I guess you could keep track of the calories you burned each day, but you wouldn't have the cool program to input what you eat and show you the differences. I am definitely going to continue my subscription - just because I need the extra push of seeing what I am doing and my deficit.
  2. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I have totally been able to accurately lose weight with it. I really don't have any restriction yet, so I am doing my weight loss with the Bugg and it works! The instruction manual won't tell you anything about using the online program, that is what the Coaching Session is for. However, if you know someone who has one, they could walk you though all of it. It isn't difficult, especially if you are computer literate. You may be able to find a new, unopened Bugg on ebay too. I found mine on Craigslist. It wasn't opened, so I got the training and everything included Bugg and Display, 2 Coaching Sessions and 3 Month Subscription for $240.00. You just have to keep looking & if you see a good deal, jump on it! I think the Body Bugg is the BEST investment I have made. I love it!
  3. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I keep a calorie deficit of 1000 calories a day for 2 lb a week loss. I just started really starting to up my exercise, I am eating about 1200 calories a day, on a slow/bad day I burn 2500 calories, good day over 3000. Sometimes I slip up and eat too many calories and find myself going out at 1100 PM to walk away some of the evil calories. Have I said today that I love my bugg?
  4. minpinmom

    Tricare and PCM

    We left Hill in the beginning of 2004. So we were there for a while with you! Small world. My husband was medically retired so I dealt with a civilian Dr. for my referral. We moved back "home" which is Texas. We are just North of Houston.
  5. minpinmom

    Tricare and PCM

    aculberg ~ Off subject, but we were stationed at Hill! I loved it. We had Dr. Bluth (he was okay, but not sure of his view on weight). I worked for the ICBM SPO, I did computer support. Hope the weather is friendly - I loved this time of year there.
  6. minpinmom

    13 Days and counting

    Ugh, the liquid diet is the worst! Luckily I didn't have to do it but the day before surgery and then 2 weeks after. I had problems eating a small amount at first, but now, I put a small amount on my plate and usually have some left over when I am done. I cook about the same as before (size wise) we just eat it longer. I have found myself throwing out food every now and again. I NEVER used to have to do that. We always finished everything off.
  7. minpinmom

    any one know of any good protien shake or meal ideas?

    For Protein shakes - I have tried a billion of them and I always go back to the Slim Fast Creamy Chocolate. BUT, I empty the can into a Magic Bullet Blender, add 3-4 cubes of ice and a splash of Raspberry, Hazelnut or Amaretto sugar free syrup. Makes them yummy! My tastes have changed so much I am amazed, my favorite meal is Tilapia. It is a light fish (not fishy at all). I sprinkle it with salt, pepper and flour and heat some Lemon Oil in a skillet till really hot. Cook 2-3 minutes on each size and serve with fresh lemon wedge! Can you believe the only way I used to eat fish was deep fat fried? Times have changed.
  8. minpinmom

    So I went to the gym

    Okay, so I went to the Gym with my BFF tonight and it felt really good. I did the bike for a while, then the treadmill for 20 minutes (a little over a mile), then some arm thingy. (Can you tell I am NOT a gym rat?) I am already a bit sore, I guess I shall see how I feel tomorrow. I may be pissed at the world - and mad at Molly for inviting me. Oh what tomorrow brings.
  9. minpinmom

    So I went to the gym

    Okay, so I went to the Gym with my BFF tonight and it felt really good. I did the bike for a while, then the treadmill for 20 minutes (a little over a mile), then some arm thingy. (Can you tell I am NOT a gym rat?) I am already a bit sore, I guess I shall see how I feel tomorrow. I may be pissed at the world - and mad at Molly for inviting me. Oh what tomorrow brings.
  10. I've been having all sorts of problems too . . . seems to be better right now. I have been going through withdrawals!
  11. Hey there - your scars will SLOWLY fade. I had major surgery in 2001 and if you didn't know where the scars were, you wouldn't see them. I have pictures posted in my blog of my scars, they are looking good, I have hopes that they too will disapear. Congratulations on your surgery! The liquid diet is the hardest - it will get much easier from here on out!

  12. Hey there - we go to the local Crawfish festival every year! We go to Louisiana a few times a year for dog shows - and love the food when we go - I have to say that is probably the best part.

  13. minpinmom

    20 lbs down

    God yes! I have given away 2 huge trash bags of clothes that are way too big! I love it!
  14. minpinmom

    20 lbs down

    I woke up this morning to a total loss of 20lbs! I am so excited, this was a mini-goal of mine. I can't wait to get some restriction - I thought I had some with my last fill, but now I am thinking I don't. Hopefully when I get some, I won't have to try so hard. I am counting calories (every single solitary calorie), exercising and keeping a 1000 calorie a day deficit (THANKS to my BodyBugg). It would be SO nice to get really full when I eat and to not be hungry again in a couple of hours. I have my fingers crossed!
  15. minpinmom

    20 lbs down

    I woke up this morning to a total loss of 20lbs! I am so excited, this was a mini-goal of mine. I can't wait to get some restriction - I thought I had some with my last fill, but now I am thinking I don't. Hopefully when I get some, I won't have to try so hard. I am counting calories (every single solitary calorie), exercising and keeping a 1000 calorie a day deficit (THANKS to my BodyBugg). It would be SO nice to get really full when I eat and to not be hungry again in a couple of hours. I have my fingers crossed!
  16. I insisted on having someone who had done at least 1000 LAPBAND Surgeries. I couldn't have cared less about experience with other bariatric surgeries. My theory was - I know how to work on a PC, but give me a MAC and I would be useless. I think the learning curve is exclusively on the surgery they are performing. jmho
  17. minpinmom

    I need a fill Dr. in The Woodlands, TX

    I am so excited, I was banded by Dr. Spiegel 2 months ago and just found out they are going to put a fill center in The Woodlands - it should be open in about 4 months. I know my obgyn said 2 or 3 of her nurses have been banded by Dr. Collier? in The Woodlands and they all love him. I don't know anything personally about him, but they were raving over him.
  18. minpinmom

    Consult today!!!

    I can't wait! Let us know as soon as you get back - and they won't make you weigh naked. If you are worried about not weighing enough - drink a LOT right before, ankleweights and quarters! LOL, I understand the insurance fight! How can anyone NOT Love you? W
  19. minpinmom

    Cash and the puppies

    From the album: Dogs and Family

  20. minpinmom

    The Puppy Shower Invitation

    From the album: Dogs and Family

  21. minpinmom

    Wendy Piper

    From the album: Dogs and Family

  22. minpinmom

    Sasha chasing ducks

    From the album: Dogs and Family

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
