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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    Another tricare approved

    Gina, My surgery was supposed to be outpatient as well, but Tricare requires you to stay overnight or they won't pay. So I ended up having to stay overnight. Make sure you double check! (I was one of the fist to go through the process once it was an approved procedure, so things may have changed, but it hit me as a surprise)
  2. minpinmom

    The Dog Show was a BLAST

    He all, sorry it has been so long since my latest post, I went to National's last week in Oklahoma and had so much fun! I entered Piper (the diva in my avatar) in the Best of Breed Ring. This competition is only for dogs that already have their Championship, and the Winners for the day, there were over 50 of us. WE WERE THE ONLY CHOCOLATE!!! They had to bring us into the ring in small groups to narrow down the selection because there were so many of us. We made the CUT! I was just thrilled! Piper got lots of nice comments. Unbeknownst to her dad (my hubby), he bought her a new snuggle sack for making the cut. :-) We didn't take too many pictures - they have a professional DVD of the entire competition that we buy, it will take a couple of months before I get it, but I will make sure to post a clip of it.
  3. minpinmom

    Another tricare approved

    Sorry, this question was a few posts back, but Tricare goes off of the HIGH weight end. So, if you (like me) are 5'4", according to the Metlife Charts, I should weigh 114 - 127 for a SMALL framed female. (I am actually medium framed, but the Surgeon put small frame (thank you Dr.!) I weighed 259 lbs. So I got in on the 200% over ideal weight. 127lbs X 200% = 254lbs. I barely made it! Tricare didn't require anything but a letter of medical necessity from the surgeon. I was approved within 24 hours. Once the Dr.s office got the approval, I had surgery 6 days later.
  4. minpinmom

    Dr. Felix Speigel

    I LOVE Dr. Spiegel - he now has an Xray machine in his Houston office for fills (so you don't have to go to the fill center for a barium swallow). I went with him due to his experience doing Lapband surgeries, also at the time he ONLY did Lapband, now he does other WLS too. I also liked Spivak, but at the time I was doing my research, Spivak hadn't done as many surgeries - so I went with Spiegel. I think they are both excellent choices - and 2 of the Very Best Surgeons in the US, not just Texas. NOTE: In a couple of months, Spiegel will have a center in The Woodlands for all of us Northern' Houstonians :-)
  5. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    It sounded like you were promoting it to me as well - sorry for all the confusion. We are all BB fiends in here - It appeared you came across as an employee of BB, then began promoting a different product, I am sure you can see, in this thread, that is like throwing yourself into a hungry lion's den! Hopefully no feelings were hurt - OH, I have a great idea for the new UPGRADED version - I want mine to zap me if I raise the fork to my mouth too many times! Ha!
  6. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Sensewear~ I am a bit baffled, I was told that 24 hour fitness, Apex, BodyBugg were all owned by the same company, which I thought you worked for? Now you are promoting BodyMedia - which, after looking at their website, looks like a bb knockoff. What gives, does Apex own them all?
  7. Hey there! I am still in Bandster hell as well. Until you reach your perfect fill level, it is really hard to fill full. I am going in for another fill next week. I make sure to count calories so I can keep things under control, I can't wait till I get some real restriction!

  8. minpinmom


    I can't believe they didn't tell you this stuff! It is as if they want you to fail! Please feel free to ask any questions - I would be happy to help you!
  9. minpinmom

    Tricrare Manual

    Just in case anyone wants to take a copy of the Changes regarding Lapband to their Dr.s appointments, here is the link to the PDF file - it is quite awkward to manipulate - so I copied and pasted the text into this post also. Tricare Manual Once it pulls up, choose "Section Affected by Change 66" Then Download the one named "C4S13_2". I also saved it as an attachment at the bottom - I hope it works. TRICARE POLICY MANUAL 6010.54-M, AUGUST 1, 2002 SURGERY C-66, December 10, 2007 CHAPTER 4 SECTION 13.2 SURGERY FOR MORBID OBESITY ISSUE DATE: November 9, 1982 AUTHORITY: 32 CFR 199.4(e)(15) I. CPT1 PROCEDURE CODES 43644, 43770 - 43774, 43842, 43846, 43848, 43886 - 43888, S2083 II. DESCRIPTION Morbid obesity means the body weight is 100 pounds over ideal weight for height and bone structure, according to the most current Metropolitan Life Table, and such weight is in association with severe medical conditions known to have higher mortality rates in association with morbid obesity; or, the body weight is 200% or more of ideal weight for height and bone structure. III. POLICY A. Gastric bypass, gastric stapling or gastroplasty, to include vertical banded gastroplasty is covered when one of the following conditions is met: 1. The patient is 100 pounds over the ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of these associated medical conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome (and other severe respiratory diseases), hypothalamic disorders and severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints. 2. The patient is 200% or more of the ideal weight for height and bone structure. An associated medical condition is not required for this category. 3. The patient has had an intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and, because of complications, requires a second surgery (a takedown). B. In determining the ideal body weight for morbid obesity using the Metropolitan Life Table, contractors must apply 100 pounds (or 200%) to both the lower and higher end of the weight range. Payment will be allowed when beneficiaries meet all requirements for morbid obesity surgery including the ideal weight within the newly determined range. 1 CPT codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government use. TRICARE POLICY MANUAL 6010.54-M, AUGUST 1, 2002 CHAPTER 4, SECTION 13.2 SURGERY FOR MORBID OBESITY 2 IV. EXCLUSIONS A. Nonsurgical treatment of obesity, morbid obesity, dietary control or weight reduction. B. Biliopancreatic bypass (jejunoileal bypass, Scopinaro procedure) for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven (CPT2 procedure code 43645, 43845, 43847, or 43633). C. Gastric bubble or balloon for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven. D. Gastric wrapping/open gastric banding (CPT2 procedure code 43843) for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven. E. Unlisted CPT2 procedure codes 43659 (laparoscopy procedure, stomach); 43999 (open procedure, stomach); and 49329 (laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum, and omentum) for gastric bypass procedures. F. Adjustable gastric band (open or laparoscopically) (CPT2 procedure codes 43770 - 43774, 43886 - 43888, and 90772). V. EFFECTIVE DATES A. Laparoscopic surgical procedure for gastric bypass and gastric stapling (gastroplasty), including vertical banded gastroplasty are covered, effective December 2, 2004. B. Laproscopic adjustable gastric banding is covered, effective February 1, 2007. - END - 2 CPT codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Applicable FARS/DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government use. C-66, December 10, 2007
  10. lol, thank you - I love reading comments - it always makes me feel so good!
  11. minpinmom

    More than you ever wanted to know about BLISTERS

    I learn more from this site. I didn't ever think about athletic tape - I will have to try that!
  12. minpinmom

    Made it on TV!

    This has nothing to do with being banded, but last night my hubby and I took my mom to Barnes and Nobles to a book signing with Laura and Jenna Bush (we are total Republican Dorks). We originally only got 2 wrist bands to enter and them my mom found out and wanted to go, so I gave her my wrist band. So, I was going just to watch and take pictures. Some NICE lady gave me a band when I got there - so I got to go in. We stood in line forever and finally got up there. They were so nice and SO beautiful. I guess I was starstruck, they spoke to us like we were old friends. I was totally impressed. So, we noticed cameramen everywhere - not nearly as many as Secret Servicemen. Wow - talk about hot! But anyway, when we got home, we sat down to watch the news and there we were! They filmed us standing in line! Oh, and TV does add 10lbs hehe. The first picture is of my Mom and My Hubby standing in line (you can see a Secret Service Dude in the background) And the Second picture is a distant shot of Laura and Jenna.
  13. minpinmom

    Made it on TV!

    She was just wonderful! She kept thanking US for standing in line to buy her book - She was SO beautiful. It was really a great experience. Also - I am hoping that when Jenna continues the book tour - she will start signing her new name - because this was the last stop before her wedding - so it makes it a bit more memorable being the last set of books she signs as Jenna Bush!
  14. minpinmom

    Nationals Bound

    We made it! We are all unloaded and resting. It was 6.5 hours - then when we got here - they had us down to check in yesterday - but my card was declined (it was stolen a few months ago - so we canceled it) - So, anyway after begging and pleading, the honored my reservation - then we found out we are upstairs and there are NO elevators! Well, I guess I won't have to workout tonight!
  15. minpinmom

    Nationals Bound

    I have been planning and packing and giddy with excitement. Amy, one of my Dog Show buddies will be here this evening with Keela, her show dog. We will be driving out tomorrow morning - at the butt crack of dawn. :-) Headed to Oklahoma City and the Miniature Pinscher National Show. Piper is so excited, she knows something is going on she just doesn't know what. She sees me getting all of her show gear out - but she hasn't been groomed yet - so she is a bit confused. We are staying from Sunday to Friday - and most of it is pretty dressy, so I have a ton of clothes to take - then of course, the dogs have their own entourage of luggage and accessories. So we will have 1 packed vehicle. We will be showing on Wednesday (I believe), so wish us luck. I have packed all of my workout clothes - they have a huge gym - so hopefully I will find time to workout. It won't all be fun and games, I work from home - so I will be working from the Hotel while I am there - so it should be pretty darn busy. I will take lots of pictures to post when I return. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  16. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I purchased mine from Craigslist for $240.00 with the digital display. But mine was unopened, so I got the 3 months subscription and 2 coaching sessions as well, so it is really no difference, I think the only differences is if you buy one that has been used - then it is harder to setup and you have to buy the subscription and coaching sessions.
  17. minpinmom

    Nationals Bound

    I have been planning and packing and giddy with excitement. Amy, one of my Dog Show buddies will be here this evening with Keela, her show dog. We will be driving out tomorrow morning - at the butt crack of dawn. :-) Headed to Oklahoma City and the Miniature Pinscher National Show. Piper is so excited, she knows something is going on she just doesn't know what. She sees me getting all of her show gear out - but she hasn't been groomed yet - so she is a bit confused. We are staying from Sunday to Friday - and most of it is pretty dressy, so I have a ton of clothes to take - then of course, the dogs have their own entourage of luggage and accessories. So we will have 1 packed vehicle. We will be showing on Wednesday (I believe), so wish us luck. I have packed all of my workout clothes - they have a huge gym - so hopefully I will find time to workout. It won't all be fun and games, I work from home - so I will be working from the Hotel while I am there - so it should be pretty darn busy. I will take lots of pictures to post when I return. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  18. minpinmom

    More than you ever wanted to know about BLISTERS

    Thanks for the warning - I may still try it - I am getting desperate.
  19. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    When I had my coaching session, Tamala said never to leave a message - stay on hold the hold time is usually 5 minutes or less and if you leave a message they won't call you till the next day. You might want to try staying on hold. I know I would be going nuts without mine!
  20. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I had the same problem - they ended up having me start with a zero and mine didn't even have a zero on it to make it work. Maybe there has to be a minimum amount of digits or something.
  21. minpinmom

    Guess what I got today....

    :blushing::thumbup::rolleyes2::biggrin: I couldn't find a dancing smiley face - so this was the next best thing! Congratulations!
  22. minpinmom

    More than you ever wanted to know about BLISTERS

    That is a good idea! I have that already in my cabinet too! I have to say, I now have a small blister on my other heel. I have been using the stick - but I thought my shoes were pretty much broken in- so I didn't put much of the stick on today and damnit if I didn't get another blister.
  23. minpinmom

    colon cleanse

    Is this what they do on the show "You Are What You Eat"? I love that show and it almost always shows them going in for something having to do with the colon - and it shows clips while they are in there , like with a tube with "stuff" in it. Sounds interesting - but I don't think I am up for it.
  24. minpinmom

    Tricare North, co-morbidities, and Fort Bragg

    Sorry this didn't format very well. Tricare started covering Lapband Dec. 10, 2007. They backdated it to Feb 2007 (I believe). This is taken directly off of their website. I had surgery Feb 19th of this year, covered 100% by Tricare. Good Luck! (Oh, I put the important stuff in RED) TRICARE POLICY MANUAL 6010.54-M, AUGUST 1, 2002 SURGERY C-66, December 10, 2007 CHAPTER 4 SECTION 13.2 SURGERY FOR MORBID OBESITY ISSUE DATE: November 9, 1982 AUTHORITY: 32 CFR 199.4(e)(15) I. CPT1 PROCEDURE CODES 43644, 43770 - 43774, 43842, 43846, 43848, 43886 - 43888, S2083 II. DESCRIPTION Morbid obesity means the body weight is 100 pounds over ideal weight for height and bone structure, according to the most current Metropolitan Life Table, and such weight is in association with severe medical conditions known to have higher mortality rates in association with morbid obesity; or, the body weight is 200% or more of ideal weight for height and bone structure. III. POLICY A. Gastric bypass, gastric stapling or gastroplasty, to include vertical banded gastroplasty is covered when one of the following conditions is met: 1. The patient is 100 pounds over the ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of these associated medical conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome (and other severe respiratory diseases), hypothalamic disorders and severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints. 2. The patient is 200% or more of the ideal weight for height and bone structure. An associated medical condition is not required for this category. 3. The patient has had an intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and, because of complications, requires a second surgery (a takedown). B. In determining the ideal body weight for morbid obesity using the Metropolitan Life Table, contractors must apply 100 pounds (or 200%) to both the lower and higher end of the weight range. Payment will be allowed when beneficiaries meet all requirements for morbid obesity surgery including the ideal weight within the newly determined range. TRICARE POLICY MANUAL 6010.54-M, AUGUST 1, 2002 CHAPTER 4, SECTION 13.2 SURGERY FOR MORBID OBESITY IV. EXCLUSIONS A. Nonsurgical treatment of obesity, morbid obesity, dietary control or weight reduction. B. Biliopancreatic bypass (jejunoileal bypass, Scopinaro procedure) for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven (CPT2 procedure code 43645, 43845, 43847, or 43633). C. Gastric bubble or balloon for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven. D. Gastric wrapping/open gastric banding (CPT2 procedure code 43843) for treatment of morbid obesity is unproven. E. Unlisted CPT2 procedure codes 43659 (laparoscopy procedure, stomach); 43999 (open procedure, stomach); and 49329 (laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum, and omentum) for gastric bypass procedures. F. Adjustable gastric band (open or laparoscopically) (CPT2 procedure codes 43770 -43774, 43886 - 43888, and 90772). V. EFFECTIVE DATES A. Laparoscopic surgical procedure for gastric bypass and gastric stapling (gastroplasty), including vertical banded gastroplasty are covered, effective December 2, 2004. B. Laproscopic adjustable gastric banding is covered, effective February 1, 2007. C-66, December 10, 2007

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