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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. minpinmom

    You're beautiful

    Very moving post. I am so glad you have seen the real you. Life should be very different from now on.
  2. minpinmom

    Where did the willpower go?

    I have had 4 fills and still have no restriction. Up until a month ago, I was doing really well. Eating all the right things (in the right amounts). I started working out. I go EVERY day - and for 3 weeks, nothing, I didn't lose 1 lb. I got discouraged and started eating more - and now I just can't seem to stop. I have an appointment for my 5th fill on the 25th of this month. I can feel some restriction in the morning - but by lunch, it is if I have no band at all. I am starting to get worried - because I know me and after a few months on a diet - I lose the willpower, as I am doing now. I just hope I can hang in there for a couple more weeks and not gain any between now and then. I know it takes a while to get to your sweet spot, but I never really thought I would feel like such a failure for not being able to control what I eat. I am very disappointed in myself. Everyday I tell myself, tomorrow, I am going to eat healthy, stay within my calories and follow all the band rules. But when lunch hits, I eat my small amount of food on the plate and sit and wait and hope for any feeling of fullness, or just for the hunger to go away. It doesn't I end up eating more, then feeling bad and eating even worse later because of that. Tomorrow is another day. I will eat healthier, stay within my calories and follow all the band rules. But tonight . . . Where's the Thin Mints! Oh and I still go to the gym EVERY day. I never thought I would be able to do that.
  3. minpinmom


    I understand, it took me 3 years before I was approved. Hang in there.
  4. minpinmom


    You have really jumped through some hoops - good Luck with your new Dr., hopefully that will be your last hoop.
  5. minpinmom

    Fill Comparison Survey

    I have had 4 fills, total of 2.6 in a 4CC band, I have no restriction after 11:00AM. I am scheduled for my 5th fill on the 25th and hope for that wonderful feeling. I am so jealous of anyone that has restriction. I can't wait to join you!
  6. minpinmom

    Well Im Back From Surgery

    We are glad to have you back!
  7. minpinmom

    up up and away

    The gas is the worst - I walked constantly - it was the only thing that brought relief.
  8. minpinmom

    1st Day out

    I am so glad it went well! Congratulations.
  9. Yes, it is nerve racking - I have been going religiously trying to get enough to curb my eating - not there yet - will probably get another fill in a couple of weeks. It takes a few months 3-6 is what my Dr. told me, to get to the right level. I am past my 3 month mark, hopefully I will get there soon.

  10. minpinmom

    Waiting to drink before or after meal....

    Your Dr.s are not the norm, most Dr.s say not to drink for an hour to an hour and half after you eat. Drinking before varies - My Dr. says liquids should go right through - so wait just a few minutes after drinking to eat. But he is super strict on waiting at least an hour after you finish eating before you drink. Same thought process as above - if you drink - you push food through the band and won't stay full as long. I have cheated a couple of times - taking a few sips while I drink - or once I fill full - and sure enough - it allows me to eat more.
  11. minpinmom

    Today is the day

    I wish you the best of luck! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Come blog about it as soon as you get home! Or in the hospital if you are like some!
  12. minpinmom

    More than you ever wanted to know about BLISTERS

    They look like your skin too - so even when I have sandals on, I can leave them on. I love them, kinda pricey, but worth it.
  13. Okay, so I am dealing with blisters on my heels for the first time I can remember. (I wasn't too active up to this point). I joined the gym and am having a blast until the dreaded Blister. First, let me introduce you to the cause of the problem. My new shoes (which I really liked before they decided to rub me the wrong way - hehe). They are from New Balance and are actually pretty comfy. I paid $35.00 for them at TJ MAX. I am not going to hold this against them for long - everyone needs a second chance. My blister is not too pretty. I got it last week - and haven't been able to do the treadmill because of it. The picture was taken today, I think 5 or 6 days after it showed up. So, thanks to everyones suggestions, I went to Walgreens to see if they had Band-Aids for Blisters and they did! I bought them and a Blister Block Stick. It is supposed to slick up your heel so that there is no friction, thus, no blister. I tried them today and was able to workout like normal. It still felt a little tender, but it was do-able. The Band-Aid Blister Covers were $4.99 and the Band-Aid Blister Block was $6.99. I would suggest them to everyone - I wished I would have known about them before the "incident"
  14. minpinmom

    Fill Number 4

    I had my 4th fill yesterday, I now have 2.6 in a 4 CC band. I don't know if I have any restriction because I am on liquids, but I sure hope I do. I can't wait to join the ranks of the restricted! My Dr. now requires a Barium swallow before each fill. A lot of people are throwing a fit and not going. There is a $50.00 fee for the Barium Swallow and I think that is pretty fair. I know I would rather be on the safe side and make sure there are no problems before he makes me tighter. I really liked seeing the xray too. This fill didn't hurt at all - and I am scared to death of needles. Something about the stomach - makes it not hurt. I am so hungry. I know that Slim Fast has enough nutrients to keep you healthy, but man do I want something with some substance. I hope that isn't a sign that I don't have restriction. I know a lot of people say they aren't hungry the day of a fill. I should know in a few days if I have restriction - and trust me, you guys will be the first to know!
  15. Hey girl, I was joking with my hubby about you being a wow addict, he wants for you to send him one of your character names, he plays on the perenold server his character's name is Nobleheart. He hasn't been playing very long, just a couple of months - he is a level 23 drenei-shaman (I feel like I am speaking greek here) Anyways, I thought you may want to kick his aZZ for me! Wendy

  16. minpinmom

    chicken with my head cut off, but my house is clean

    lol, pretty close, but I think you are further gone than he is :-) I would love to play, but they (any type of video game) makes me dizzy (carsick). I don't know why. Sucks.
  17. minpinmom

    chicken with my head cut off, but my house is clean

    You crack me up, my husband started playing warcraft a few months ago and he is totally addicted. We were at a Dr.s appt for me and he was reading the manual to it and my Dr. saw him - come to find out he is addicted to, he actually said that was his "crack" as he smacked his arm for a vein! My hubby is medically retired and can't get out much at all. So it is a blessing that he can find something to do that he enjoys. Although at times I find myself a little jealous of the time he spends with WOW. Good Luck on your surgery!
  18. minpinmom

    Fill Number 4

    I had my 4th fill yesterday, I now have 2.6 in a 4 CC band. I don't know if I have any restriction because I am on liquids, but I sure hope I do. I can't wait to join the ranks of the restricted! My Dr. now requires a Barium swallow before each fill. A lot of people are throwing a fit and not going. There is a $50.00 fee for the Barium Swallow and I think that is pretty fair. I know I would rather be on the safe side and make sure there are no problems before he makes me tighter. I really liked seeing the xray too. This fill didn't hurt at all - and I am scared to death of needles. Something about the stomach - makes it not hurt. I am so hungry. I know that Slim Fast has enough nutrients to keep you healthy, but man do I want something with some substance. I hope that isn't a sign that I don't have restriction. I know a lot of people say they aren't hungry the day of a fill. I should know in a few days if I have restriction - and trust me, you guys will be the first to know!
  19. Your fill level is how tight your band is and how well it restricts your eating. It takes a while to get to the right fill, then as you lose weight, you may need more (your stomach shrinks, etc). So, you ultimately determine what the correct fill level is. I wish there was a magic number!

  20. I don't know them - but I only researched locally (here in Houston).

  21. minpinmom

    what are some of the side affects to the lap band surgery?

    Here is what I think are the side effects of the surgery: Your weight loss is slower than other weight loss surgeries You get food "stuck" if you don't follow the rules You can't eat certain foods (this hasn't effected me yet, but I am due for a fill) You have to deal mentally with only eating a small amount. Even though you feel full, your mind has a hard time grasping - the small amount you have eaten You have to keep your fill at a good level - which may mean a lot of maintenance. Stuck means when you take a bite that is too big, or that you haven't chewed very well and it doesn't want to pass into your stomach. It feels just like it sounds and it is usually accompanied by your mouth filling up with saliva (trying to help it go down) I haven't had many of these problems - but I know they are there and I think about them - it helps keep me in check.
  22. I am having such a hard time lately - I get a fill Thursday - but I have been eating everything in site. I can eat as much as I could before I got banded - with no problems right now. I can't wait for my next fill.

  23. minpinmom

    Lets talk about the truth now...

    HEY, just think - if it misread your current weight, then maybe it also misread your original weight - maybe you have lost a lot more, the numbers were just wrong?
  24. minpinmom

    The Dog Show was a BLAST

    He all, sorry it has been so long since my latest post, I went to National's last week in Oklahoma and had so much fun! I entered Piper (the diva in my avatar) in the Best of Breed Ring. This competition is only for dogs that already have their Championship, and the Winners for the day, there were over 50 of us. WE WERE THE ONLY CHOCOLATE!!! They had to bring us into the ring in small groups to narrow down the selection because there were so many of us. We made the CUT! I was just thrilled! Piper got lots of nice comments. Unbeknownst to her dad (my hubby), he bought her a new snuggle sack for making the cut. :-) We didn't take too many pictures - they have a professional DVD of the entire competition that we buy, it will take a couple of months before I get it, but I will make sure to post a clip of it.
  25. minpinmom

    The Dog Show was a BLAST

    Oklahoma was awesome, but I am glad you are now a Texas girl! June 2 is right around the corner, it will be here before you know it!

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