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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Deekel

  1. Deekel

    Tomorrow is the day!!!!

    It's natural to be nervous but just look at how great everyone here has done and how supportive everyone is. Hopefully your nerves will turn to butterflies of anticipation. Congratulations on your big day!
  2. Wow, I'm sure your surgeon feels this is for the best but I wouldn't do well trying to time 4oz per hour. I'd drink too fast or slow. Or I'd get wrapped up in something at work and get my timing all wrong. Good luck. I look forward to seeing how we all do!
  3. Colls, I had a sore/dry patch in the back of my throat for a few days. I chalked it up to the oxygen drying out my throat. I didn't ask about it but it went away. Definately call your surgeon if it persists.
  4. I called the office. They said to let the port bandage fall off on it's own and don't touch it. As for the other incision sites, I could put a little ointment on it if I feel like I'm going to scatch. Above all, don't scratch they said! Well- duh I knew that. But in a few days stop with the ointment and let them heal naturally. I go back on the 5th so they'll take a look then but come in if any signs of infection or fever. I'm not sure what the 4oz an hour process is. I'm curious, what is that? They prefer I have 3 meals a day and one snack, but since I had extra swelling in the area from the hernia repair (it was sizable) they understood it was taking me longer to drink my Protein shakes. When I move to mushies, they'd like me to end my meal after 30 min. so I don't overeat and graze all day. I think the swelling went down because today is the first day my tummy growled and I ate (drank?) more Soup than I have in the past few days. A little less than 1/2 cup soup. My biggest problem is staying hydrated. I'm supposed to drink 64 oz Water per day! I'm bringning my water bottle everywhere and sipping all day and only getting 25- 30oz. Water has never made me so gassy before! I burp after every sip and I take little sips. Everthing is making me gassy. I'm afraid to go back to work tomorrow.:wink2:
  5. I can only imagine your frustration. You want to make sure you come out of this safely though. If this surgeon isn't qualified to handle your other medical conditions then it's better you find out now- although he should have told you this when you first started. Please look into a second opinion. I am allergic to almost every medication out there. My surgeon normally sends people home with Percocet but because of my allergies, I was given Tylenol with codein. The medications can be worked around. I do not know much about anesthesia but I do know I met with an anesthesiologist who is seperate from my surgeon. Maybe you can contact your local hospital and ask to be contacted by the anesthesiology department and ask them how they would handle a patient who is slow to wake up from anesthesia so you will have the answers for the next surgeon. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
  6. Thanks. I ended up putting a little on and I'll call the office tomorrow. I'm so happy to meet other October Bandsters! Best of luck with both of you.
  7. Deekel

    Omg! Omg! Omg!

    Don't be nervous. It's wonderful surprise! Congratulations!!
  8. Got to the hospital at 1:15. Put on fashionable booties and gown. Sat in a large recliner in small personal pre-op room(my hubby was allowed in with me.) They started my IV fluids and I met with the anesthesiologist. They gave me a shot in my belly- it really didn't hurt at all- I swear! It was a blood thinner. And I drank some nasty tasting stuff to reduce my stomach acid. I said goodbye to my husband and walked into the surgery room at 3:15pm. I won't lie- it was scary looking, but I got up the courage not to cry. I stepped up on a step stool, then onto the table and they covered me with a nice warm blanket. I remember an oxygen mask going over my mouth and that was it. I woke up and thought, "Why is there a funny orange head staring at me?" I forgot Halloween is coming up and there was a Jack-O-Lantern on the nurses desk in the recovery room across from my bed, lol! My husband and Mom were allowed in right before they brought me to my room at 7:45pm. I had no pain, just groggy. My eyes kept wanted to close. It was a long sleepless night. I didn't mind them getting me up to walk every two hours, it was just annoying to be hooked back up in bed to the heart monitor, blood pressure cuff, booties that circulate your blood in your legs, the oxygen up my nose that dried out my mouth and sinuses and the lady in the next bed invented reasons to complain if she couldn't think of any! Finally at about 2:30am the gas pain hit my back and shoulders and I thought, "What the heck have I done to myself." The nurse came in and saw how upset I was. He reminded me I had refused pain medication up until that point. You see, I'm allergic to so many medications, I was afraid to try a new one. I only take Tylenol when something hurts. I broke down and said I'd try the Dilaudid. I fell asleep before they finished putting it in my IV and I slept soundly for the next 3 hours! Moral of the story kids- sometimes it's ok to admit pain and take the meds the Dr. prescribes. I would have saved myself a miserable night if I hadn't been so stubborn. The next day wasn't so bad. I walked as much as possible to break up the gas. They wheeled me down to x-ray to drink a dye and make sure the Fluid was passing through my band o.k. Unfortunately it was going through really slow. They determined that it would be o.k. for me to go home though because I had a rather large hernia repaired right near the band and it looked like it was a lot of swelling from that. I got my prescription filled on the way home and fell asleep. I'm a belly sleeper and must have turned over in my sleep- it wasn't fun turning back over but I was glad to have slept a few hours. Since then, I walked when I could and rested when I needed to. Each day is a little better. The incisions don't hurt as much as the stupid gas in my back and I've been walking a whole lot. I went back to the Dr. on Thursday afternoon and was moved to phase II diet- farina, sugar free pudding, yogurt and low fat creams Soups on top of Clear liquids according to my surgeon. I realize everyone Dr is different as well as every patient. That is his particular diet. All in all, I'm glad I did it, but I'll be happier when I lose this gas pain.
  9. Deekel

    Banded and Home!!!

    Congratulations!!! So happy to hear everything went well for you!! I agree that you should give it a few days to let the anesthesia wear off. It took me about 3 days until I felt like it was out of my system. And don't forget- you still had surgery, you won't feel back to normal for a little bit. But every day you will feel a little better. Keep us posted as to how you are doing.
  10. Deekel

    I need more then soup

    I have about 8 days left too. I'm not allowed riccotta or cottage cheese yet though. This helped me to mix it up a little: I made a variation of Cauliflower soup. I boiled a head of cauliflower, put it in a strainer to drain. In the hot pot I added 1 Tablespoon olive oil and about 1 Tablespoon dehydrated onion. You can use fresh if you want, I just happen to have the dehydrated on hand. I added 2 cups skim milk, then poured in about 1/2 cup skim milk with 2 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with it. Brought it to a boil (that's when it thickens) added the Cauliflower back, salt, pepper and a little nutmeg. Then used a hand blender and completely liquified it. You can pour it in a blender if you don't have the hand held one. It was a nice change from chicken broth. Now if anyone can tell me when this gas pain in my shoulders will go away, that would give me a light at the end of the tunnel.
  11. Hi chickychoo and congrats on your banding! I was banded Monday and my arms are really black and blue too. It's just part of the process I guess. I just wanted to share with you what my Dr told me- he said don't weigh yourself from the time you get out of the hospital until our first appointment (which is today for me). He said I've been pumped up with so many IV fluids that I will have appeared to gain weight, and he'd rather I concentrate on getting better. The weight will come off. Just follow his instructions and if you're still concerned before you have your follow up appointment, then call the office for peace of mind. That's what they are there for. Best of luck to you for a speedy recovery :thumbup:
  12. Congrats!! I'm so happy it went well for you! I was also, how do I say this? well...not happy to hear that you felt like you were hit by a mack truck- but I guess it made me feel less alone if that makes sense. It seems like I'm in the minority in that I had to stay overnight. Everyone seems to just pack up and go home after the surgery and one woman on here even went used car shopping on the way home! I felt like there was something wrong with me b/c I'm in so much pain still and I had the surgery Monday. Most of my pain is stubborn gas pain that won't leave my shoulders, but heck yeah you find out fast just how much you use your abdominal muscles for! It does get a little better each day. I am sure it will all be worth it and we'll all get through it together. Rest up and I hope you feel better before you know it.
  13. Deekel

    T-minus 12 days

    Positive thoughts! And I did the same thing, I stayed away from everyone including my husband who caught a cold a week before my surgery. Stay positive, I know you can't stay away from your son who is sick, but hopefully vitamin C will do the trick.
  14. I leave for the hospital in a couple of hours and my insurance co requires that I spend the night. I was so nervous about the pain since I'm having the band and getting a hiatel hernia repaired, but man, after the "prep" last night, nothing could be worse. I don't know if anyone else had to drink this "lemon" flavored stuff and then not eat anything else but I hope I never have to again. It's been a long rough night. I'm off to take my "before" photo- you didn't really think I looked like Snoopy did you? :thumbup: Good luck to everyone and I'll let you know how it went on Wednesday!
  15. Deekel

    TOMORROW is the day....

    You're in my thoughts and prayers, I know you'll do great! And good luck to you too Marybeth66! Congratulations to you both!!
  16. Deekel

    I am BANDED!!

    Wow that's fast! Congrats!! Hope you have a speedy recovery.
  17. warning: it's a long post. I'm back! Thank you for thinking of me :crying: In case you haven't had your surgery yet, here's how mine went: Got to the hospital at 1:15. Put on fashionable booties and gown. Sat in a large recliner (my hubby was allowed in with me) They started my IV fluids and I met with the anesthesiologist. They gave me a shot in my belly- it really didn't hurt at all! It was a blood thinner. And I drank some nasty tasting stuff to reduce my stomach acid. I said goodbye to my husband and walked into the surgery room at 3:15pm. I won't lie- it was scary looking, but I got up the courage not to cry. I stepped up on a step stool, then onto the table and they covered me with a nice warm blanket. I remember an oxygen mask going over my mouth and that was it. I woke up and thought, "Why is there a funny orange head staring at me?" I forgot Halloween is coming up and there was a Jack-O-Lantern on the nurses desk in the recovery room across from my bed, lol! My husband and Mom were allowed in right before they brought me to my room at 7:45pm. I had no pain, just groggy. It was a long sleepless night. I didn't mind them getting me up to walk every two hours, it was just annoying to be hooked back up in bed to the heart monitor, blood pressure cuff, booties that circulate your blood in your legs, the oxygen up my nose that dried out my mouth and sinuses and the lady in the next bed invented reasons to complain if she couldn't think of any! Finally at about 2:30am the gas pain hit my back and shoulders and I thought, "What the heck have I done to myself." The nurse came in and saw how upset I was. He reminded me I had refused pain medication up until that point. You see, I'm allergic to so many medications, I was afraid to try a new one. I only take Tylenol when something hurts. I broke down and said I'd try the Dilaudid. I fell asleep before they finished putting it in my IV and I slept soundly for the next 3 hours! Moral of the story kids- sometimes it's ok to admit pain and take the meds the Dr. prescribes. I would have saved myself a miserable night if I hadn't been so stubborn. Yesterday wasn't so bad. I walked as much as possible to break up the gas. They wheeled me down to x-ray to drink a dye and make sure the Fluid was passing through my band o.k. Unfortunately it was going through really slow. They determined that it would be o.k. for me to go home though because I had a rather large hernia repaired right near the band and it looked like it was a lot of swelling from that. I got my prescription filled on the way home and fell asleep. I'm a belly sleeper and must have turned over in my sleep- it wasn't fun turning back over but I was glad to have slept a few hours. Today I walked when I could and rested when I needed to. Each day is a little better. The incisions don't hurt as much as the stupid gas in my back and I've been walking a whole lot. It's amazing to be full after a few sips of broth. I go back to the Dr. tomorrow afternoon and should be moved to phase II diet- farina and low fat creams Soups on top of Clear liquids according to my surgeon. I realize everyone Dr is different as well as every patient. That is his particular diet. All in all, I'm glad I did it, but I'll be happier when I lose this gas pain. Sorry for writing a novel :thumbup:, I just wanted to be as descriptive as possible so future bandsters would know how it went. Now I have to go try and figure out how to get one of those tickers on my profile.
  18. Deekel

    There is no turning back now.

    I'm sending nothing but good wishes your way! I'm being banded tomorrow!!! This prep is the worst but it will be worth it, I know. I'm getting nervous and excited too, I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight.
  19. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything you said! Is there another qualified surgeon in your area? In a nutshell you've stated that they are not listening to you or giving you the personalized attention that you are entitled to. Each patient should be looked at as just that- a patient. Not one of the masses. You've been given a lot of runaround considering you haven't even had your initial consult yet! I can understand the upper G.I. My Dr. explained to me that it is to explore the area first and make sure everything is o.k. They actually found a tumor in my stomach I never knew I had! Thank God it was benign, but I'm glad I was checked out all the same. This is a lifelong journey. If you aren't happy now, will you be happy going to this Dr. for your aftercare? If there isn't another Dr in your area, I suggest you ask to speak with the office manager. Explain that you are being given answers without them looking into your individual plan and you feel like you are being rushed along. Perhaps it's just a front office training issue. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  20. I've been at this liquid diet since the 5th. I've cried and had my moments, believe me. All I can say is that you WILL do it. You just reach a point where you're not starving all the time, at least I did. And this is something you've worked hard for and thought about seriously I'm sure and deep down I know you will find the strength. We're all behind you for those times when you think you can't make it. We'll all get there together! Please don't despair.
  21. Whew!:thumbdown: The tumor in my stomach is nothing to worry about the Dr said. I got my surgical clearance for Monday's surgery late this afternoon! Talk about a close one! I can't believe I'm getting banded Monday! And not a moment too soon. This pre-op diet has me feeling lightheaded and faint. I get dizzy real easily. They said my blood work showed my Potassium was low. I thought, geesh! Everything should be low since I've got nothing in me but protein and ice cubes. Good luck to all of the other October Bandsters! You're all in my thoughts.
  22. Hi everyone! I'm adding my name again, I somehow got dropped from the list. My surgery is Monday and I wish I could say I'm excited. They found a tumor in my stomach during the endoscopy and I'm waiting to go back to the hospital this morning to have a special endoscopy w/ ultrsound. Trying not to worry myself, surgeon says it's prob just a fatty tumor, but better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully all is well and I'll still have my surgery Monday. Happyloser 10/1 heyred1 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 angela677 10/15 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 munkee'smommy 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 Thegerm 10/19 Deekel 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Crazychica133 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 Tina 10/29 kcg 10/20
  23. It's true that every Dr. is different and if you have any questions or concerns you should feel free to call him/her and ask what exactly they require. Mine has me on three whey protein shakes a day, one piece of fruit and grilled chicken and salad for dinner. I have to say, it really hasn't been bad. The protein shakes actually fill me and he has me add a lot of ice to thicken them quite a bit. I add my piece of fruit to my morning shake and have choco/banana (yum!). I have a fairly large salad at dinner too- only veggies and balsamic vinegar. Hope that helps, and good luck to you!!
  24. Hello Everyone...if your name is not here why dont you copy and paste then add your name and date! Happyloser 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 angela677 10/15 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 munkee'smommy 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 Deekel 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Crazychica133 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 TxCloverAngel 10/20 __________________
  25. Hi everyone! My surgery date is Oct 19th! Just like WE3601, I also started my pre-op diet on 10/5.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
