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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Katria

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  • Birthday 10/07/1967
  1. Happy 45th Birthday Katria!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Katria!

  3. I have wanted to get lap band for a long time. I called my insurance which is BCBS of California. Someone asked ma many questions and then said that a health advocate nurse will be calling me next week. What does the Health Advocate Nurse supposed to do? Is there any way to speed up the process for the lap band, besides self pay?
  4. :thumbup: Please help me fill out the medical history questionnaire.. I have no idea what to put or what they want me to write. 1. Musculoskeletal (Bone/Muscles) system review Bursitis Tendonitis Arthritis or swollen joints Back problems Sciatica Necl pain Muscle or extremity weakness Morning stiffness Jaw pain, popping or clicking X rays 2. Please comment on above question (14) answers. 3. Metabolic system review Diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes Thyroid problems or disorder Are you on or have been on thyroid replacement medications? Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides 4. Do you have any of the following ? Rheumatic Fever Pneumonia COPD Pleurisy or other lung disease such as sarcodosis Pulmonary Artery Hypertension High Blood pressure Heart Attack Diabetes Mellitus GERD Esophagitis Gastric Ulceration Duodenal ulceration Helicobactor pylori infection Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding, bleeding ulcer Esophageal or Gastric Varices Congenital or acquired intestinal telangiectases (Sturge Weber Syndrome) Crohn's Disease Atresia's or Stenosis of the GI tract Cirrhosis acute or Chronic Pancreatitis Anemia Bleeding Tendencies Psoriasis Cataracts Radiation Treatement Thyroid dsease Accidents or major trauma Other hospitalizations Addiction to alcohol or drugs (must be clean and sober 5 yrs with proof) Bi-polar disorder (patients have to document compliance with medication and follow up) Have you ever been diagnosed with a connective tissue disease, such as Lupus, Scleroderma, or Sicca syndrome? Anyone in your immediate family? Are you on large doses of Steroids? Other illneses 5. Please comment on above question (20) answers 6. Systems Review General Weight loss or Gain Chills Fever Night Sweats Weakness Easy fatigability Intolerance to Cold or Heat 7. Please comment on the above question (6) answers. 8. Please comment on above question (12) answers. 9. Respiratory (Lungs) Shortness of Breath Cough up blood Pleurisy Chronic Cough Asthma Abnormal Chest Xray Last Chest X ray 10. Psychiatric Depression Bipolar disorder Anxiety (nervousness) Suicide thoughts or attempts Psychiatric trreatment Counseling 11. Genitourinary (kidneys) system review Get up at night to urinate Kidney or Bladder infections Difficulty with Urination Blood in Urine Kidney Stones Surgery Prostate Problems Kidney xrays or ultrasounds 12. Plese comment on above question (18) answers 13. Please comment on the above question (4) answers. 14. Please use this area to tell us about any of the diagnoses, hospitalizaations, or other major illness you might have in the 1st question. 15. Please comment on above question (24) answers 16. HEENT System Review Headaches Sudden vision changes Glaucoma Dry eyes Do you wear glasses or contacts Have you had any eye surgery such as LASIK or LASEK or RK If Diabetic, when was your last retinal eye exam? Ear infections Vertigo Nose Bleeds Allergies Sinusitis Dentures Bridges Mouth ulcers Hoarseness Dry mouth SICCA syndrome 17. GI system review Difficulty swallowing food getting stuck Indigestion Change in Bowel Habits Blood in stool Dark or tar colored stools Surgery Vomiting Nausea Diarrhea Constipation Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pain Vomiting Blood Jaundice Gallbladder problems Pancreatitis Stomach Xray Colon Xray Gallbladder Ultrasound EGD or colonoscopy 18. Please comment on above question (16) answers 19. Please Comment on above question (10) answers 20. Neurological (Brain/Nerves) system review Dizziness Fainting or Blackouts Irritability Seizures (epilepsy) Numbness Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) Spasm Xrays Nerve conduction studies 21. GYN History for Women Age at Menarche: Age first preganancy: Age at Menopause: Last mensturual period: Number of Pregnancies: Miscarrages, abortions?" Eclampsia or premature delivery? Number of living children: Did you breast feed? 22. Please comment on above question (22) answers 23. Heart System Review Chest pain or discomfort High Blood pressure Heart Murmur Palpitations or Fluttering Edema(swelling of feet) Myocardial infarction (heart attack) Pacemaker Coronary angiogram Angioplasty or Stent placement Recent Stress test or cardiac evaluation for chest pain 24. Pease comment on the above question (8) answers. 25. Skin Review Ulcers or Nodules Rash Easy Brusining Unusal change in Body hair Skin Cancer Recent Change in a mole Color Chnage in fingers Tightness

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