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Cathy S.

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Cathy S.

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/06/1961

About Me

  • Biography
    Middle aged mother of 3 beautiful kids
  • Occupation
    Law Enforcement
  • State
    Southern California
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Cathy S.!

  2. Happy 52nd Birthday Cathy S.!

  3. Happy 51st Birthday Cathy S.!

  4. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Cathy S.!

  5. Cathy S.

    Suddenly I see

    I think it's an awesome accomplishment! I've noticed that sometimes, when you are a heavier person, it takes a while and more pounds than the average person, for people to notice your weight loss. I can so relate to your statement of seeing yourself look unhappy. I'm looking forward to when I like having my picture taken again! :thumbup:
  6. Cathy S.


    I can relate. It's kind of like you finally run out of steam and just fizzle out on the whole experience. You just jumped through all the hoops, you're entitled to take a mental breather. I think you will get your zeal back and be ready for the next part of your journey! Hang in there. :thumbup:
  7. Hi everyone. I'm Cathy. I live in Corona and am in the pre-op process to get banded. I'm 48 and this journey was a birthday gift to myself. I'd love to talk to others in the area, especially who did their surgery.

  8. Cathy S.

    Will I Ever Make It?

    Thanks everyone! I'm just so tired of being fat and feeling crappy. I want to be on my new journey, I just have to realize these steps are part of my new journey. Sorry, if I sounded whiney, must be PMS or something!
  9. Cathy S.

    Will I Ever Make It?

    Lotsabirds, that's awesome! I firmly believe we are never too old to do anything. I guess I just want this so much I'm like a kid who can't wait for Christmas!
  10. Cathy S.

    Will I Ever Make It?

    Catherine55, you're Dear Abby reference is very apropos. I'm still in the 6 month diet program, just in case, and I know I will get there sooner or later. I just want it to be sooner!
  11. Cathy S.

    Will I Ever Make It?

    Restless Monkey, there are only 2 surgeons in my group to choose from, and the one I'd go with anyway is the one I've got the consultation with. He only does consults 1 day a week, hence the long wait to see him. I'll definitely have it done sooner if he says it's a go! I just want to be sharing my band experiences, not dreaming about them! LOL There's a thin impatient Gemini waiting to get out of this fat impatient Gemini!
  12. I made the decision to get the lap band at the end of May naively thinking I would have the surgery, oh by say, July? No such luck. There are hoops, and then some, to jump through. I'm in the 6 month pre-op mandatory diet program, although I recently just found out my insurance company doesn't require it. I can't get in to see my surgeon until August 20th, and at that time I'll find out if I can have it done sooner than the December time frame I was initially given. Does anyone else ever feel like it's never going to happen for them? Once I was ready, I was ready! Now it's like the proverbial carrot being dangled in front of me. I know I can't be the only one feeling this way.
  13. I'm in the 6 month pre-op diet program, and as part of our classes there was a class devoted to the Lap Band. Surprisingly enough, just like you latamblyn, I knew more about the surgery and after effects--info gathered mainly from this site--than the person giving the class. Even though my clinic is not doing Gastric Bypass, that's what they kept referring to and Lap Band is totally different. I even heard some people saying they would never do it because of the side effects, which were GB side effects, not LB side effects. In the end, it's up to us to educate ourselves. This site provides a wealth of Lap Band information.
  14. Cathy S.

    Varicose Vein Question

    Mine is too big to be injected, but perhaps it would shrink down to the point where it could be.
  15. Cathy S.

    Varicose Vein Question

    I'm hoping the weight loss will shrink mine. It is in my inner thigh down to just below my knee. I had the other removed years ago and it was a very painful surgery. Even if the vein doesn't shrink, I probably will live with it. But I'm hoping!

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