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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Oh my...def not gonna miss this one. I have watched all of them so far..its the only reality show I will watch (i guess cause I can relate). But she still doesn't look so large -i read she had a baby -which would do it to you..lol Thanks for the Link!!!! It will be on 8/6 here on the East Coast. Sadly, this backs up what my surgeon told me about GB being only good for the first year (just like my sister's!). Oh and did you notice that in the blurb about her they didn't mention that she had GB surgery???!!!
  2. Bettina

    Vacation, Lap Band and Flying

    Wouldn't you get blood clots while in bed then???? (not everyone moves in their sleep---I just learned that from the sleep apnea tech) Hmmmm. Just a thought. I think I will ask again next time I see my Doc.
  3. LOL yeah she is very pretty!!!
  4. I agree with the big head thing...so sad...and did you notice they have bulgy eyes to boot! But are you sure that was Carnie Wilson on celebrity fit club??? I don't remember seeing here on any of them. She was even just on a weight loss surgery program looking really really thin. (personally I think a little heavier for her is a good thing)
  5. Bettina

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    Here is a link of the index of the book....topics look good. Only 100 or so pages on lap band thought...it there are other topics that may be interseting! [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0764584472/ref=sib_dp_pt/002-2584509-6640025#reader-link]http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0764584472/ref=sib_dp_pt/002-2584509-6640025#reader-link[/ame]
  6. Bettina


    ugh you are so lucky i think i have to do one!
  7. Ya know, if I had my eyes set on Jesse James, my hubby would be like go for it..........but I know it would only be if we could swap--Sandra Bullock for him would have to be the agreement............LOL:D
  8. Bettina


    You probably don't need to make one because of your pre-op diet...didn' t you have to drink that stuff that empties your bowels??? (can't think of what it is called off hand) And anesthesia takes a while to come completely out of your body I was told in somes cases it takes months....so it shut down your need to make a bm (that is why we don't make potty while we are out..lol) so it may take awhile. Best wishes on your journey to the "new" you!!!:clap2:
  9. Bettina

    Pre-band Eating Like Crazy!!!

    That is an excellent idea!!!!! I think I will do that too! I haven't been eating like crazy but I did have a moment with a Drake's Ding Dong...hadn't had one since high school......ate it...ewww they don't make them like they used to ....I was contemplaing trying a Twinkie again but after the Ding Dong ---I pass!:faint:
  10. Bettina

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    I did???:rofl:
  11. Bettina

    From bad to worse

    I have been up since 6:45am......yesterday. This is frustrating. When my husband got up for work at 4:30am...I quick ran in the kitchen and pretended I was doing dishes. I will make it a point today to take a nap. I can't wait to get my sleep mask and get back to normal...ugh.
  12. Bettina

    From bad to worse

    Pretending to do the dishes---hmmm I guess I was having a moment....lack of sleep makes people do crazy things! Ugh ....yet another day of no sleep......they better hurry with the apnea head piece or they will be doing lapband surgery at the loony bin!
  13. That, and Sandra Bullock would whip your butt.....LOL!!!
  14. Bettina

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    Hi, no I haven't read that book was it good? I am only sticking to books that are stricktly lapband-I find that WLS surgery books spend more time on GB than lapbanding. My sis had GB, I know all about that topic, so it would be redundant. But, I certainly would get it if it had important topics on banding! I get my Protein Powder from Rite Aid/GNC I use soy protein....comes in yummy flavors!!!
  15. Bettina

    Vacation, Lap Band and Flying

    Check with your doc.....I think the barimetric pressure is wreaking havoc on you. It squeezes you...so your band could slip..or maybe not slip but your insides got squeezed and aren't quite where they were...no a huge difference...i just mean slighly. I know when you fly they tell you to keep your legs moving so that you don't get blood clots....so that altitude can do some freaky stuff to you! Happy Flying!!!!
  16. It did start out interesting...I even put my two cents in earlier.....but when it turned into a mud slinging session I needed to say my piece. :rofl: Notice I didn't name names...i was mearly making an observation. :rofl: Take care!
  17. Bettina

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    Okay I found two that look really good..... Lap Band for Life...by Dr Ariel Ortiz Lagardere and: Eating Well after Weight Loss Surgery..by Levin Saray, Inabnet. I found them at Amazon.com....but I think I saw them at Borders too! I am gonna got to Borders tomorrow to peek at them! I'll let you know if I think they are worth it!
  18. Ugh, that is awful. And I felt bad for complaining that I have been waiting since April. I did all the tests. The prob was the whole sleep apnea issue....and nurse-zilla in the pulmonary doc's office was a total butt head and dragging her feet! Tuesday I went for my sleep apnea headress fitting...now they read it, send the number to the doc.....then I have an appt with the doc and 2 weeks after that I am on the table!! Its been a crazy journey and I know how you feel. Soon we will be chatting about how we love our bands!!!!! Yay!
  19. Bettina

    benign breast mass

    Hey, benign is good!! Yeah I always call it a "smash-a-gram". I always wonder myself......doesn't it do breast tissue damage to be smashing it like that? Glad to hear the good news...sorry you had tears..it will get better! :welldoneclap:
  20. Bettina

    In theory this should work...

    Okay Kathy, You have convinced me....I will go to Walmart tomorrow night. Thanks for the info!
  21. Bettina

    I am so pissed!!

    OMG that is awesome!!!!!!! 157 !!! I see now, you are under goal......you must feel really really good!!!! I should hear next week about my date for banding....I know it will be work. You are an inspiration!!! I have been thin before (very thin) and I remember that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.......so psyched!!
  22. Bettina

    From bad to worse

    Teresita, you are a trip!!!! Faked dishes because I guess I thought he'd think I was ridiculous for still being up. Blows in my mouth....I almost peed laughing!!!
  23. Bettina

    In theory this should work...

    Too chicken to try it myself, but I hear the benefits are awesome........how does Aloe Vera Juice taste???? Really and honestly now....lol.
  24. Bettina

    I am so pissed!!

    Sammee, 24 lbs is great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! I wish I could lose 24 lbs! (not yet banded)..lol. Whoever said that to you clearly missed the concept that this is LAPBANDtalk.com. And not, "I did it the natural way.com". Besides, omg on the news they gave the stats on how many lap bandings were done last year it was 170,000 people...so who is to say that this isn't the "new" natural way!!! (can you tell I have no tolerance for ignorance) p.s. be nice to your computer....no window flying...its the nasties who need to take a flying leap.
  25. This is a totally ridiculous forum. Not because of the topic per se, but because of the rudeness here. A forum is where someone can post their own opinions!!! And the reader should either be able to walk away from it saying "eww I would never do that" or "I am so glad someone else thinks the way I do". Wow some of you profess you would never cheat yet you have no trouble bashing others.......so sad. For the hell of it, I looked up cheating. A lot of you who proclaim not to cheat .....are cheating in a way that may not be as bad as cheating on your spouse but damn it comes close. (your cheating on a potential friend) "To cheat is to deprive of something valuable by the use of decit or fraud". That is straight from Websters. So the bashers, slammers, flammers whatever you want to call it......are taking someone else's belief's away from them Or at best, telling them their beliefs aren't worth a damn....so...if you have nothing left to believe in, what is left? Stop pointing fingers...."it's non christians", it's christians", "it's men--they all cheat", "its porn" .............its none of the above....its human.

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