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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crisci@snet.net

  1. crisci@snet.net

    Revision Of Port Is Done!

    Congratulations getting back on track
  2. crisci@snet.net

    The night before the day

    Good luck! I think of surgery as the 1st day of my new healthy life, You'll be an example for your daughter,
  3. crisci@snet.net

    Finally on puree

    I Saw the surgeon today, advanced diet, Im doing well wt loss 10# since surgery 6-1. Im Happy, started on puree, the baby food meat is nasty I thing Ill try to make my own. I was cleared for vacation so I'll be off the the OBX this week end, Hope I can stay on the program without issues while I'm away:unsure:
  4. crisci@snet.net

    Finally on puree

    I Saw the surgeon today, advanced diet, Im doing well wt loss 10# since surgery 6-1. Im Happy, started on puree, the baby food meat is nasty I thing Ill try to make my own. I was cleared for vacation so I'll be off the the OBX this week end, Hope I can stay on the program without issues while I'm away:unsure:
  5. crisci@snet.net

    Seriously, I cannot take the pain...

    Hang in there, I realized my hunger pains were actually gas pains Gas X helped alot with walking. I returned to work 6 days post op and found I didn't walk enough and felt awful My incision kills me but chat assured me this is normal ( banded june1)
  6. crisci@snet.net

    Week one over and done

    :wub: I am having alot of pain in the muscle under the port incision when I lay down to sleep, not getting any better, no swelling or discoloration but feels like they left forcep or clamp in there. I know they didn't, it would have shown up with the 1st Xray Tomorrow I go to the surgeon, hopefully will start on next stage diet these liquids are getting old!
  7. crisci@snet.net

    Week one over and done

    :crying: I am having alot of pain in the muscle under the port incision when I lay down to sleep, not getting any better, no swelling or discoloration but feels like they left forcep or clamp in there. I know they didn't, it would have shown up with the 1st Xray Tomorrow I go to the surgeon, hopefully will start on next stage diet these liquids are getting old!
  8. crisci@snet.net

    Day 8

    Back to work today ! brought my 1/4 c drink and soup, too busy to drink during the day. Have a problem sipping I quess my habit of gulping will hard to break, because the fast drinking causes gas and pressure. I'll be up late trying to catch up on my 64 oz..... Food looks good I hope I can hold out until I am officially on something other than liquids:bored:
  9. crisci@snet.net

    Day 8

    Back to work today ! brought my 1/4 c drink and soup, too busy to drink during the day. Have a problem sipping I quess my habit of gulping will hard to break, because the fast drinking causes gas and pressure. I'll be up late trying to catch up on my 64 oz..... Food looks good I hope I can hold out until I am officially on something other than liquids:bored:
  10. crisci@snet.net

    Day 7

    :sad: I finally feel like a real person, up and about without issues, No hunger at all I almost missed lunch due to a visit from a long lost friend. GasX strips are a Godsend Thanks to the chat room suggestions I feel as well as I did pre-op
  11. crisci@snet.net

    Day 7

    :wub: I finally feel like a real person, up and about without issues, No hunger at all I almost missed lunch due to a visit from a long lost friend. GasX strips are a Godsend Thanks to the chat room suggestions I feel as well as I did pre-op
  12. crisci@snet.net

    Suggestions please!!

    Make sure you walk alot afer surgery, small sips of liquids, no ggulping cause your mouth is so dry it gets better in a day or two
  13. crisci@snet.net

    Day 6

    Today was a tough one I drank the liquids and protein up to 47 :sad:but feeling weak and tired maybe I did too much walking yesterday. The foods are getting boring, soup choc protein jello and water
  14. crisci@snet.net

    Day 6

    Today was a tough one I drank the liquids and protein up to 47 :sad:but feeling weak and tired maybe I did too much walking yesterday. The foods are getting boring, soup choc protein jello and water
  15. crisci@snet.net

    day 5

    :thumbup:Day 5 and I am hoping for less pressure and less distress, Cant believe I am only eatting 200-300 cal. a day and dont think of food. I use to become dizzy by 11:30 in the am waiting for my 600 cal lunch and then was starving by 2 ! Hope this continues
  16. crisci@snet.net

    day 5

    :thumbup:Day 5 and I am hoping for less pressure and less distress, Cant believe I am only eatting 200-300 cal. a day and dont think of food. I use to become dizzy by 11:30 in the am waiting for my 600 cal lunch and then was starving by 2 ! Hope this continues
  17. crisci@snet.net

    3 days

    :frown:I am 3 days post op and having some issues with getting fluid in. I feel like my somach as been cut off in my esophagus. Hoping this feeling in my chest will disapear
  18. crisci@snet.net

    3 days

    Day 5 and I am hoping for less pressure and less distress, Cant believe I am only eatting 200-300 cal. a day and dont think of food. I use to become dizzy by 11:30 in the am waiting for my 600 cal lunch and then was starving by 2 ! Hope this continues
  19. crisci@snet.net

    Who knew!!!!

    Can't wait for Tuna sound like a banquet to me
  20. Enjoy your entries, I'm new to the site and new to the band but finding more info here that all my pre-op research

  21. crisci@snet.net

    Day 4

    4 days post op Still having pressure in chest feel like a good burb would cure me forever. Good advise from the chat line keep walking it's just gas. 2 oz of protein drink make me want something solid old habits die hard Weight still same as preop
  22. crisci@snet.net

    Day 4

    4 days post op Still having pressure in chest feel like a good burb would cure me forever. Good advise from the chat line keep walking it's just gas. 2 oz of protein drink make me want something solid old habits die hard Weight still same as preop
  23. crisci@snet.net

    3 days

    :frown:I am 3 days post op and having some issues with getting fluid in. I feel like my somach as been cut off in my esophagus. Hoping this feeling in my chest will disapear

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