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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cruzlady

  1. I am paranoid that I have screwed something up.. Had a stomach virus about 2 weeks ago and was doing some HEAVY HEAVY vomiting.. Now my port sight is very tender .. Anybody eve rhad this problem??
  2. Maybe they were afraid the overachievers would exhaust themselves with the pumping and blow out the band ???
  3. I have a 7 hour drive each way and I would not even consider a self fill. I am also self pay and would be sooo afraid that Iwould mess something up, and our non paying insurance comapny states in their "official" hand book. They will NOT pay for any problems resulting from any type of weight loss surgery.. our savings are already depleted, bu teven more important , I would not want to take the chance of screwing something up.
  4. cruzlady

    Fluctuating Weight

    OMG-- I thought I was the only one having this problem.. I have been beating myself up over this .. As for the doctors scale .. My appointment is ALWAYS late afternoon. ( we drive 7 hours each way ). His nurse (about the size of a 10 year old) takes nothing off for clothing.. I have thought about wearing the same clothes every time , but don't want to look like that is the only cothes I own. The good thing is, all of my "old" clothes fit so poorly I could smuggle watermelons in the butt of my pants and my blouses would be good forsmuggling a couple of loaves of italian bread.. I am soooooo proud of all of us !!!
  5. cruzlady

    Cheese & Nuts

    I have no problem with cheese or nuts.. Well let me correct that- no problem with uncooked cheeses.. Any meal that has chees in the recipes that is baked ,, I am in trouble and praying to the porcelnin goddess
  6. Call your pharmacy-- so many meds can be in liquid form. you also need to call your doctor and tell him about this . Keep us posted on how you are doing ..
  7. Has anybody been to a "bone bender" since being banded?? My back and hip are killing me , but I am wondering if all of the twisting and turning and snappin and popping of my body will cause any harm to my band??
  8. cruzlady


    Thanks for you input .. I am really needing an adjustment
  9. Hang in there-- I have gained and lost the same 2# for the past 3 weeks.. I am frustrated .. My biggest problem is lack of exercise. I did FINALLY start a Water walking program AGAIN. Our weather has been soooo rainy, snowy & crappy, they my mobility was the pits.. I was using the stupid walker AGAIN!!!! As I sit here typing I am nursing a Protein shake (and drooling at the smell of my grandsons pancakes.)
  10. The anticipation was way worse then the actual fill.. My fill was actually very pain free-- so was my unfill.. Going to go back next month for my 2nd fill.. I am soo PO'ed at myself .. I have gain 1/2 pound this week.. My doctor used no numbing meds ...
  11. cruzlady


    I know the pain you are in .. When it happens to me -- I walk around with arms swinging as much as possible .. trying to NOT pray to the porcelain goddess. I can eat chips and crackers , but no bread, tortillas or anything soft.. This includeds shredded pork, pot roast and hamburger -- FORGET IT !! It makes me sick -sick -sick.. Also I will NEVER eat in a car again- because if food gets stuck, I need to get out and walk or open the door and let it go ..
  12. Thanks for all the info on possible breads to try.. Being in Arkansas I am VERY limited on specialty stroes .. If Wal-Mart don't have it - you don't need it is the state motto. I have been here 12 years and still cannot adjust to that attitude. When we go visit friend in other states we take a cooler and shop for things we cannot get here. As for eating bread -- all I can say is NO NO NO (I sound like Amy Winehouse don't I ...lol)
  13. I have not used accupuncture for weight loss, but I have used it for pain management.. It is a wonderful thing .. See a traditional accupuncturist.. Mine trained in Asia.. I have also tried the "electronic" accupuncture .. Once was enough. I will NEVER let them do that again. unfortunately , our insurance does not pay for lap band , accupuncture, eyeglasses etc ... PITA !!!!
  14. cruzlady

    issues with bread

    When I want celery , I break it in half , then peel the "strings" off off of it . then cut it into 1" pieces.. tomato skins have not been a problem, THANKFULLY,, I can avoid a lot of things but tomatoes cannot be ignored...EVER lol
  15. I was banded 10/15/2009.. Tonight I made garlic bread for the family-- Ate one small ( I mean small) piece.. Not the soft middle part- the crunchy top part.. Within mins I was in the bathroom sliming. Anybody else have bread issues??
  16. cruzlady

    issues with bread

    I can eat salad ,,with cucumber and tomato and celery -- But cannot eat bacon.. That stuff almost KILLS ME
  17. cruzlady

    issues with bread

    Comeon , I made the garlic butter , sliced the bread , slathered it with the garlic concoction and then baked it and then broiled it . How could I NOT try to have some .. Like I said earlier , I only had the crunchy top part and I thought it was going to kill me . Won't be doing that again..
  18. YEP, I am feeling pretty darn good today even it is raining , gray and an all around crappy day. GOOD NEWS: I took a pair of jeans off of the hanger, and was able to slip them on WITHOUT unbuttoning or unzippingthem.. BAD NEWS: My bras are to big now and at $45 a bra, I cannot afford to replace them right now . I'll buy a new one today and do the wash it out every night --
  19. cruzlady

    Geting Rid of OLD JEANS

    Thanks for the info.. I will have to check out JMS website and as for the goodwill.. I cannot handle the smell of the one here.. I start sneezing and get a monstor hedache from the place .. Don't have a Savers near by.. May have to do a mini-road trip.. BUT also have some old clothes that did not sell at my yard sale 2 years ago-- may try them on .. Would be like a whole new wardrobe again.
  20. WTG !!!! Congrats ... This is a long hard project that we have all chosen for ourselves and our loved ones .. I am Happy that you are having a GREAT DAY !!!
  21. cruzlady

    People are just Rude!

    Kirifiki-- Good For you --- I am very proud of you !!!! Thanks ,, I m just so fed up with RUDE-- it seems to be a national pasttime anymore .
  22. Stuck is soooooo painful.. I NEVER want to go thru that again!!!
  23. cruzlady

    Very bad day

    Don't beat yourself .. we are only human and have a lot osf years of bad habits that we are trying to "UNLEARN". I binged yesterday also.. French Fries-- and I spent 1.5 hours sliming after I ate them Hang in there and for absolution for today sing the old "Frito Bandito" song and then climb back on the wagon. BTW -- this week I lost the 2#- I gained back last week.. I feel like I am on a teeter totter some weeks.
  24. I have had one fill and one partial unfill.. My appetite is very very small now .. My biggest problem(s) .. Pork and beef.. I PB everytime I try to eat either of these .. Anybody else have this problem??

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