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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bobbie0918

  1. I had my first fill last Monday and actually feel some restriction. My questions is, when I eat Breakfast my first bite always gets stuck. It doesn't matter if I am eating string cheese or soft scrambled eggs it gets stuck. It eventually goes down, is this normal? By evening I don't have an issue eating dinner..... Thanks for the input:rolleyes2:
  2. Bobbie0918

    Is this normal?

    Thanks for the Comments, I am glad to know that this is quite normal....
  3. Bobbie0918

    First Fill

    I was suppose to have my first fill yesterday but my Dr. had to cancel because on an emergency, so now I have to wait until Monday..I am kinda bummed because I am hungry, but am close to being down 30lbs which is Awesome!! How are you doing??
  4. Bobbie0918

    First Fill--Yaaay, I did it!!!

    I was suppose to have my first fill yesterday, but my Dr. had to cancel due to an emergency...so, now I have to wait until Monday:w00t::tt1: Glad your fill went well!:thumbup::thumbup: I am kinda nervous, but excited
  5. Bobbie0918

    First fill !!!!

    Congrats...I go for my first fill on January 13th:thumbup:
  6. Hello All! I was banded on Dec 2nd and yes I have eaten the dreaded scrambled eggs before time!! I just had too:scared2: I was on liquids 2 weeks pre op so I was on liquids for about a month :cursing: I have not had any digestive problems but like many of you I have 3 weeks til my first fill and am cruising on will power alone because I have very little restriction..My weight loss has slowed down, but I did buy a pair of jeans 2 sizes smaller:thumbup::smile2::thumbup::tt1: Good Luck to everyone!!!! We will make it together:wub:
  7. Hi Guys, I am being banded on December 2nd and am on Day 6 of my 5 Protein shake a day 2 week preop diet....I am having a hard day today...I totally feel exhausted and hungry...I have lost 12 pounds which is Great! I guess I am just a little down in the dumps today :biggrin: I know it doesn't help that this is Thanksgiving Week! Any Words of Wisdom:blush:
  8. Bobbie0918

    what happened???

    Thank you for posting this! I am 2 weeks post surgery and am going through this...I need to throw my scale in the trash can:mad:.....I am keep telling myself that it will get easier!!!
  9. Bobbie0918

    December Delights 2009

    I am finally banded...My surgery was this morning and I am feeling fine...On Pain Meds, but not really having too much pain. I have been up and moving around to reduce the risk of bloodclots. Looking forward to starting my new life:thumbup:
  10. Tomorrow at 10:15 A.M I will be banded and I am soooooo excited and Nervous:w00t::w00t::wub: I have lost 16 pounds from the pre-op diet and am super excited to start my new life:tongue_smilie::smile: Wish me Luck:thumbup::tongue:
  11. Thanks for the encouragement Amy:thumbup:Believe me after all of this hard work..my liver better be shrunken :biggrin::eek::biggrin::eek::biggrin: I know that this is the downward slide and I am just looking forward to the 2nd of December! Good Luck on your Surgery:thumbup:
  12. Yes, this is definitly not a diet for me..I am also being super positive and have a ton of support from family and friends! I just know we will be successful....Dec 2nd is only 11 days away.....

  13. I have lost 11 pounds since Wednesday and I know most of that was fluid because I pee contantly..LOL...I am doing ok with it, just the urge to want to eat sometimes overwhelmes me and I have to go and find something else to do :) I am hoping to lost at least 50 pounds by the summer if not more! I am going to Disney World and want to be able to wear shorts....I am nervous and excited also :)

  14. Bobbie0918

    1st day of liquids

    I am on day four of my 14 day pre-op diet. I am doing optifast. I have 4 shakes a day and one creamy chicken soup ( which makes me want to gag, but I suffer through it):thumbup: I find that I am not hungry, but I still feel the urge to eat!!! I am being banded on Dec 2nd and I cannot wait!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  15. How are you doing on the pre-op diet?? It is getting better, but I am definitly getting sick of shakes!

  16. Bobbie0918

    Help!! slim fast optima diarrhea

    I am doing optifast for my pre op diet...4 shakes a day and 1 chicken soup...It isn't too bad.....:thumbup:
  17. Hi Michelle,

    Yes I am on the preop diet..I am doing Optifast..It isn't too bad..I am hoping the time goes by really quickly :) I am getting nervous and excited at the same time! That is so cool that we are both on December 2nd! I don't always check this site, but feel free to email me at



  18. Hi Michelle,

    Yes I am on the preop diet..I am doing Optifast..It isn't too bad..I am hoping the time goes by really quickly :) I am getting nervous and excited at the same time! That is so cool that we are both on December 2nd! I don't always check this site, but feel free to email me at


  19. My surgery date is December 2nd also!!

  20. Bobbie0918

    December Bandsters 2009

    My Date is December 2nd Also! I start my pre-op Diet on November 17th..I am nervous and excited at the same time:w00t:
  21. I had my seminar on May 14th and am going to my Primary Care Doctor to start my 6 month diet program tomorrow. I am so excited about eventually having lap-band surgery. My husband is so supportive and that makes all the difference in the world. I am looking forward to learning from all of you on the forum!:party:
  22. Bobbie0918

    First Steps

    It will be here before you know it:thumbup: I hope my 6 months fly by as well:wink:
  23. Bobbie0918

    Hello Everyone

    Hubby says the same thing:wub:I am so glad we have supportive husbands!
  24. Bobbie0918

    Hello Everyone

    Steph, You are right it is a small internet world! I am so glad to have found this forum and look forward to learning alot on this journey that I am just beginning to a healthy life. Josie: The boys and I are so glad you like your harness and we think you are adorable!! Deuce says : Josie you will like me better than my little brother, will you be my girl??
  25. Bobbie0918

    First Steps

    Congratulations on finding someone to do your surgery. I am new here and just starting my 6 month physician supervised diet before my Insurance will pay for surgery, but I just need to be patient and know that it will happen!!! Good Luck!!

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