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Status Updates posted by Bobbie0918

  1. Yes, this is definitly not a diet for me..I am also being super positive and have a ton of support from family and friends! I just know we will be successful....Dec 2nd is only 11 days away.....

  2. I have lost 11 pounds since Wednesday and I know most of that was fluid because I pee contantly..LOL...I am doing ok with it, just the urge to want to eat sometimes overwhelmes me and I have to go and find something else to do :) I am hoping to lost at least 50 pounds by the summer if not more! I am going to Disney World and want to be able to wear shorts....I am nervous and excited also :)

  3. How are you doing on the pre-op diet?? It is getting better, but I am definitly getting sick of shakes!

  4. Hi Michelle,

    Yes I am on the preop diet..I am doing Optifast..It isn't too bad..I am hoping the time goes by really quickly :) I am getting nervous and excited at the same time! That is so cool that we are both on December 2nd! I don't always check this site, but feel free to email me at



  5. Hi Michelle,

    Yes I am on the preop diet..I am doing Optifast..It isn't too bad..I am hoping the time goes by really quickly :) I am getting nervous and excited at the same time! That is so cool that we are both on December 2nd! I don't always check this site, but feel free to email me at


  6. My surgery date is December 2nd also!!

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