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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NewSexyMe

  1. Hello :wink2: Is anybody out there from Laredo TX..... or has used Dr. Michael C. Morris.... he just moved here but did his fellowship in Lapband surgery at Chicago, Illinois..... and also did his residency in the WestchesterMedical Center in Valhalla, New York. Maybe someone out there has heard of him....I need all the info I can get.......:wink2: PLEASE!!!
  2. I am a "with faith anything is possible" kinda gal. The Lord Provides for "me" I worry about "me" only, cause if I dont worry about Me who will??? I have UNCONDITIONAL Faith.....:thumbdown: Skinny and Poor, and maybe the lord will provide me with a Multi millionare!!
  3. Not alot of people Understand that " Eating differently, though, is so much easier when hunger isn't gnawing at you all the time!" That is sooooo true for me! How can I loose weight if I am ALWAYS HUNGRY!!! I Think I am making up my mind..... I will try to qualify for the lapband. I already went to the surgeon's seminar and i have my first appt. on Thurs. July 2:thumbup: Things will turn our great for me I know they will........ Thanx for all your POSTS!!! All your wake up calls and support!!!! I appreciate the good, the bad, and the Ugly! :thumbdown:
  4. I am looking forward to be able to :smile2: -shop in the NORMAL sized JEAN area, and not have to always find the PLUS SIZE UGLY JEANS -Wear NON Maternity LOOKING shirts -Have my Husband Check me out again:sad: -Wear a BELT -stop wearing Body Slimming GEAR! lol:w00t: -wear Long EVENING DRESSES! -Not be afraid My poor hair dresser is not going to be able to lift the chair while she is cutting my hair!!!! I hate those foot pumps!! -People stop asking How far along I am...... I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!!!:frown: so on and so forth...............sux being FAT!:thumbup:
  5. NewSexyMe

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    :thumbup:Hey YALL thanx for all your info!! This is getting pretty interesting.... Its nice to know I can still go out and have fun! I am not much of a drinker... I mean 3-4 drinks TOPS, but I enjoy them..... I LOVE Amaretto (Disaronno)on the rocks or an Amaretto Sour! :smile2: LOVES IT!!!!!!! I guess I have to look into the cals on that..... Well keep those posts coming!!!:thumbup:
  6. NewSexyMe

    Husbands Bday party 08

    From the album: Me Pre Op

  7. NewSexyMe

    Me Pre Op

  8. NewSexyMe

    Easter 09

    From the album: Me Pre Op

  9. NewSexyMe

    Help! What to do now?

    Fired for having the lap band????? OMG! WHY??? (none of my buisness I know...I just cant believe it!) That sounds ILEGAL! I dont have a lapband yet but I hope one way or another things work out for The best for you. Hope you feel better soon!
  10. NewSexyMe

    Stomach flu with a band?

    They dont have an answering service where the Dr can return you phone call so you can ask him???? OMG that is scarry! I havent been banded yet, So I cant help you there. But, I wish you the best....
  11. NewSexyMe

    Post partum bellies!!!!

    I didnt have twins, but I also had a C-section, and I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant. I started off at 191 and endend up at 253. Even while I was pregnant I would already see the skin hang... Sadly I did get ALOT of stretch marks!! After I had My baby 2 weeks later I was at 218. 6 Months out I was down to 196...BUT My skin looked horrible...the more I lost the worst it got! I gained it all back plus more in the next 2-3 months. I mean I was only 22 yrs old! I went into a HORRIBLE deppression for years due to that. Need less to say after that I have been GROSSED out looking at myself in the mirror everynight. I looked into the Lapband due to that....I want to loose all the weight I can Get pregnant one last time and then get a tummy tuck for SURE!! I used to look Good Naked LOL Now.... besides my OBGYN Nobody knows how I look under my clothes Not even my DH. LOL:blushing: I am sorry to disapoint you but if you are anything like my body is...it will only get worse....
  12. Hello, I just read that you got your band and you have Athsma.....

    I too have Athsma, and I am thinking about getting banded soon.

    Just a question, if thats ok....

    Did Having Asthma help qualify you for the Lapband?

  13. I hope that worked.... I dont know how to fix the problem sorry....

  14. Hello there! I'm Alexandra, I havent been banded yet.... but I am in the Process.

    Congrats on ur Band! How is that going??

  15. NewSexyMe

    Did God make you rich?

    I Dont think that God made me rich...... I Think he put me in situations where I had choices to make and it was up to me to make the right choices in order to progress in life. God Gives to those who are in need, Needs Change from person to person. The Lord doesnt like to see us struggle, especialy if we are FAITHFUL TO HIM ALONE! I needed a STABLE Marriage, and in order for that to happen my husband needed a better Job.... So the Lord Provided with a better Job. I am not RICH, But we are way better off now. We struggled ALOT for many years, so now we can REALLY appreciate our rewards. In return we keep on Praising him and thanking him for making our lives ALOT easier! We try to keep this quiet and to our selves. When you are REALLY RICH you dont go around FLAUNTING it. Riches change from person to person.... $$$$ rich is not somthing the Lord will make you be cause you wanted it. Its a sin! REMEMBER? Avarice BE HUMBLE............ and the REAL Riches in life will POUR in! anyhow its my opinion.........
  16. NewSexyMe

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    You know I was on this diet a couple of years back and the Dr. Only alowed me to drink Whiskey....go figure.... He said it was the one with the least Cals. (I am not a whiskey and Club soda kinda gal..)
  17. NewSexyMe

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    Thanx for your responses! Keep em coming!
  18. NewSexyMe

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Well I was always on the heavy side....but not ever as fat as I am now... In high school I was actualy very thin... and since I am tall I looked even thinner than what I actualy was. The smallest size I have used in my adult years was a size 10 weighing 156 lbs. When I got married and Fell in a HORRIBLE DEPRESSION.(why I dont know) To top it all off I was always a BORED EATER. Every time I am Bored I eat.... My family is also very into MEXICAN COOKING! That did not help growing up!FATTY,FATTY, FATTY!!!! Depression is Gone and I am keeping Myself busy so I wont be bored any more! Now that I am married I CONTROL the Menu at home!!!
  19. Skinny and Poor..... Anyways With Faith the Lord will Provide!!!! :thumbdown:
  20. Thanx, I am just really thinking about this.....
  21. NewSexyMe

    Me being.....Me 2009

    From the album: Me Pre Op

  22. OMG! Your story totaly sounds like mine!! I havent been banded yet....sorry I couldnt help you there. But maybe we can Help each other...... I am 5'7 and 241 lbs BMI is 37-38 diabetes, high blood preassure.......you name it my family carries it. its scary to know that due to my obesity I could be damning MYSELF to these things, I also felt the Lapband was my BEST option. Diets? I have tried them all, and FAILED them all! :thumbdown: I have been over weight my whole life aswell. The thinnest I have ever been was 159 back in High school, which lasted like for 3 months and that was only due to the fact that I was sick (gull bladder was removed) Once I felt better I BALLOONED right back up.. I have a 5yr old little girl and My Husband is a Federal Agent so.... He HAS to be FIT cause his Job requires it... He is like not too happy about dieting either, and HE WONT! He is 5' 10 and like 200 but fit...... Hot Wings? Burgers? Pizza? HELL NO!! HE WONT LEAVE THEM!!! He had such a FIT when I asked him to even consider it for me! I really need a change in my life, I cant be over weight anymore. My Baby Girl needs her Mommy to be active with her! It SUX to be the FAT Mom at the park...... & The fact that my husband is not as FAT as I am, makes me feel that he can stray any moment with some youngTHIN HOTTIE! You know........... Not that weight should MATTER...But we know MEN are just like that.... (ok most of them)lol I love him, but its just Heart Breaking to know I am not living the Life I always dreamed of. I am 27 yrs old and I still have a LONG way to go.... We can still turn our lives around, even with Husbands like ours. Anyways, I just went to the seminar on Wed. and have my first appt. on Thurs. My insurance does cover it, but OMG its jsut so MUCH HARDER to get approved!!! I Hope this works out for Wives like us, in our situation......and like I said, I havent been banded yet, but its nice to know I am not alone in my situation... someone out there "gets" me......... Best WISHES!!
  23. NewSexyMe

    How obese did I need to be 5 years ago?

    OMG!! RIGHT??? Geesh.... I am in ur same boat!
  24. NewSexyMe

    How obese did I need to be 5 years ago?

    That is Awsome for you!!! Wishing you the best!! Who is ur insurance provider if I may ask???
  25. NewSexyMe

    In need of help! Feeling discouraged

    Who is your insurance provider?? I think I too have to wait the 6 months....

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