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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NewSexyMe

  1. You are so sweet! Thanks for taking the time post.....
  2. Yeah....I know Mexico is not all bad... It was just my 2 cents, I swear I didnt mean anything wrong by it...... that is why I said it my was "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE". Then again like you all said you went to Mexicali, that is not in the Border where all the Drug Cartels are having their wars.... I live it everyday.... It is horrible to hear that your High School Friend has been Kidnapped and is being held for ransom.... then 2 weeks later they find Him in a ranch Dead.... This is our life since a while back. I mean there is nothing Wrong with being a little extra carefull right?? I BET YOUR DR WAS GREAT!!! As a matter of fact my Dr got his training in Mexico. GREAT SURGEONS are and come from Mexico! In my Fathers case (which has nothing to do with WLS) was unique yet life altering.... he will never be the same again. Once Again I am sorry for my post I REALLY and TRULLY did not mean anything wrong by it. I just want you all to be VERY carefull when traveling to Mexico....Especially if you are not familiar with the place. (I dont know mexicali) I guess My opinion wouldnt count there.... Best wishes to everyone And BE SAFE!!!:thumbup1:
  3. Well my Advice comes from a different point of view.... First of all I was Born and Raised in Laredo Texas, the border with Nvo. Laredo. Its 3 Hours away from Monterrey Mexico. (which is where My Family is from) So needless to say that here EVERYBODY & their Mother that has no insurance goes Across for Medical reasons. I personaly WOULD NOT GO....(heard of tooooo many bad stories) It is very scary to me....But I have a reason to be scared... My father had eye surgery with one of the "BEST" surgeons in Mexico, and well This IDIOT left My father blind in one eye and tore the retina in another... He took off his IRIS! Got paid and sent him home. Ok Drs make mistakes but how do you get that fixed in Mexico Being a US CITIZEN???? How do you get compensated for Medical Malpractice in Mexico. Sue?? It wont work...... $$$$ Talks in Mexico Now with WLS I know MOST U.S. Drs actualy get their training in Mexico, but.....Like I said Its just MY PERSONAL FEAR..... So if my insurance paid, I would Get in in the USA! Besides Mexico is Not a SAFE PLACE RIGHT NOW! I have not stepped across the border in about 5 years. Kidnappings and Shootings happen EVERYDAY! So PLEASE if you choose to go to Mexico BECAREFULL and wear the UGLIEST Clothes you can wear, nothing Flashy, no purses... nothing leave everything in the Hotel! PLEASE! I'm sorry to be so paranoid, My Brother in law and My Husband Both work for U.S. Homeland security (different branches) which also adds to my paranoia :thumbup1: Ok so That was just my opinion.... Best of luck to you!
  4. NewSexyMe

    Changed My Mind!

    Thanks for the Welcome!!:thumbup1:
  5. OMG!!! AMEN TO THAT!!! I literaly had my mind set on the Band...... I thought hey NO COMPLICATIONS witht he band, and if so.....it can EASILY Be REMOVED! YEAH RIGHT!!!! OMG I cant believe I was about to make a HUGE MISTAKE!!! Thank you all for your Info!! If you all can think of anything else I should know, that maybe You didnt know before, let me know Please! It doesnt matter if it is gross, dumb, or even dangerous! The thing is this... Besides My Husband ,My Mother, and You All, I have no support for WLS. And even at that My husband and my mother just support me in a "what ever I want to do" kinda way. They dont even know the slightest CLUE onto what goes on in WLS. I am kinda frustrated with all the things EVERYBODY around me is telling me...especialy my sisters and cousins.... I know I am overweight, I know I need the CHANGE in my life, and I know this OBESE person is not Who I really AM!:sad0: They say I am just lazy, I should just pay a trainer and get thin. UHM HELLO!!!!:cursing: Yeah I have tried it and it worked BUT 1 year later the weight was back Plus MORE!!! I am 27, 248lbs, I have A husband, a 5 yr old Little Girl, 2 Labradors, 1 siamese cat, and now 11 puppies! I NEED TO GET HEALTHY SOON! My Family Tire me out especialy with all this EXTRA FAT I am carring around!:mad0: Anyhow..... Once again thank you sooooooo Much for your info!!!:thumbup1:
  6. :001_smile: THANKS FOR UR ANSWERS!
  7. NewSexyMe

    2009 June, Surgical Perspective (article)

    This is GREAT!!! I am looking into getting the sleeve now...(changed my mind from the band) I have BCBS FEP!!! Thanks for posting this info! :001_smile:
  8. Ok so I went to my PCP today to for an Anxiety attack I suffered on Sunday Morning..... I told her I wanted to get the band, and she gave me the most "sweetest" smile and said "You dont need the band to loose weight you can do it on your own... just change your way of eating..." OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to strangle her!!! She was like I do recomend the band to people but you are not that Big.... YEAH!!! RIGHT NOW!! From April to now I gained 7 lbs! So I was at 241 and now I am at 248!!! AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF.... All my blood work came back GREAT! No Cholestoral (which is good) NO THINTHING! (good thing) So the only thing I have right now is my Athsma and Knee joint pain (Cheerleading accident in highschool) This is the way it has been for me for the past 5 yrs o so. I gain like 2-10 lbs a month!!!!!!! I dont know what to do now... I have my Appt with my LapBand Surgeon on Thursday, hopefully he can help me out! ANY SUGGESTIONS???? THIS JUST TOTALLY ADDED TO MY STRESS LEVEL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup: I really wanted to get the band and help myself out. I cant diet on my own like that!! HUNGRY MONSTER ALWAYS WINS!!!! Please help!:cursing:
  9. Well i am changing drs.... Bottom line i cant be waisting time....
  10. NewSexyMe

    What do you all do?

    I am a Profesional Make-up Artist. I do make overs on Women for a Living!! :tongue2:
  11. What??? Seriosusly??? OMG!! That is just scarry! Too many organs around it could damage! Oh No I am definetly going to ask my surgeon tomorrow about that! :redface:
  12. I am sorry to post this, I just need to vent a little. I hope someone out there can totaly feel my pain and understand where I am coming from...... At 5 am I was woken up cause My Dog decided to she wanted to go out (She is nursing 11 pups) anyways As I got out of bed I noticed I was soaking wet in Sweat! But it was cold sweat...... I took Amanda (my dog) out, and as I came in OMG I felt HORRIBLE!!! I got chest pains, Rapid heart beats, my tongue went numb, my arm and hands went numb, I felt nauceous, I felt like I was going to pass out! I was breathing ok but its like the air was going in but my body was not absorbing the Oxygen! I thought I was going to die!! As I walked back to the bedroom, I realized this could be serious, so my symptoms got WORSE!! I woke my husband up and made him take me to the ER. They took me in right away, they ran all kinds of tests , and scans to rule out blood clots or Heart attacks. After like about 3-4hours they came back and said uhm, you results came in, and everything looks normal! Then he asked "are you under any stress??" OMG HELL YEAH!! I HAVE STRESS GALORE!!!! then he said well you had an anxiety attack..... I will give you a shot and that should help. (Ativan) I was like WHAT?? An anxiety attack?????? ME????? So they gave me the shot and 10 min later the chest pain stopped, my body just relaxed......:thumbdown: I hate the fact that due to: -me choosing to stay home and be a Mom and a Wife, -Me choosing to move into my parents house to Help them out financialy -me stressing all the time that my DH is cheating -me gaining so much weight -me being so unhappy in my Marriage -Me wanting to change my future and bumping into so many obstacles to get there. -me always being worried about my parents health I AM GOING TO END UP KILLING MYSELF! I DONT MEAN IT LITERALY..... But I am just so OVERWHELMED, that I am causing stress in my body and I am going to end up giving myself a heart attack! I need a change...... I would love to just Leave far away from all these problems and start off new life..... Or maybe turn back time and made different choices.... When I got proposed to, I should have ran the other way instead of say YES i'll marry u! I am 27 yrs old! I shouldnt be having these types of problems yet....... I got scared today.... REALLY scared! My life is not what I wanted for myself. My Husband is not who I thought he was,,,,,, I need to feel loved and cared for.....for a change........... I had enough, I really did............ I mean I love my husband but it just sux to live like Brother and Sister...... It sux to know he is never home due to his job, It sux to ALWAYS worry about him getting shot at every day at work, or that I will get a call from one of his supervisers saying " I have bad news" I cant do this anymore.... I really cant!!!
  13. NewSexyMe

    Got an Anxiety attack today!

    Thank you all for all your advise. It has really helped to come in here and hear kind words. Life isnt easy But, I am really trying to make the best out of it. Being a stay at home Mom, Wife, daughter, Sister, Cousin and Good Friend is really draining me. I feel everybody asks too much from me... Maybe its just me.... Thank you very much for letting me vent and for taking the time to write somthing down.:redface: Hugs, Alexandra
  14. TO ALL MY FELLOW PARTIERS!!:drool: Ok so I love to go out With my husband to have some drinks at clubs and Bars..... Has it affected anybody TO HAVE SOME DRINKS SINCE YOU GOT YOUR BAND?? I mean can you?? (I know its kinda dumb to ask) But I Love to go out dancing!!! :thumbdown: SORRY!!! :drool: Its just the truth! I asked my Dr. and all he said was it is not recomended, but your body will tell you. I want to hear ACTUAL Experiences! :tt2: Can you and HAVE you Drank since you got your Band?? & Have you felt any difference???
  15. NewSexyMe

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    Hey that's a Good Idea!!!! Cool!
  16. You All are just AWSOME!!!!!!! THANKS!! I dont know what her problem was... I also told her that for the past 3-5 years Ive been suffering from Insomnia, and she told me to take VALERIAN ROOT, and Melatonin..... Ive been there done that!!!!!!! Also if you have been seeing me for like the past 2 yearsas my pcp, and notice that my weight goes up 15 lbs then 2 months later goes down 10 then it goes up another 20...... Then HELLO What I am doing is not working for me!! I just got sooooo mad today! I hope On thursday at my Surgeons visit I will get better news........
  17. NewSexyMe

    "HAPPY HOUR" with the Lap Band??

    mmmm.....I love cosmos:thumbup:
  18. Good Luck, and God Bless!
  19. I just have ALOT of faith in the Lord and My Blessings have been GRAND enough like to have the faith I have. Faith has worked for me as an INDIVIDUAL, I dont know if people in africa are Praying to The Lord or not....... I do.... Then again, Africa? How did Africa come into the picture?? This was just a Hypothetical question wasnt it?? I know there are starving children in the world.....I am not DUMB! Anyways that was just MY opinion....:rolleyes2:
  20. NewSexyMe

    People saying I'm too thin....need support

    You know 9 yrs ago I was in High School and it was around my Senior Prom, I had gotten sooooo sick I lost 48 lbs in 2 months! so I was weighing 151. I am 5'8 so I would get told the same things! You dont look good anymore....You look sick now.... I dont know if it is just that we are tall, but I mean 150-140 is not really that thin...... OMG who understands these people! Dont let that get to you! PLEASE DONT! If you feel good that is all that matters! I let it get to me, and 9 years later I am at 241 lbs! :rolleyes2: Wishing I was back at at least 160....:crying:. You tell them that this the way You feel good and that you are HEALTHY! They were just so used to seeing you so overweight htat now that you are not they dont know how to react, its Human nature..... Just Blow them off..... Best Wishes:wink:
  21. NewSexyMe

    Got an Anxiety attack today!

    I am insured. BCBS FEP.
  22. NewSexyMe

    Got an Anxiety attack today!

    I am so sorry for just exploding here..... Thanx for your support :thumbdown: though.... I just had one of those moments yesterday. I am just at a crossroads in my life where I feel everything coming down on me! I think my husband is cheating due to his lack of interest in me... He says and swears there is no body else () and that he is just tired and stressed due to his job, (U.S. Border Patrol) BUT I grew up in the city where we were stationed (big coincidence) we moved here from East Tx, so I know the way things work here.... I know the women here.... They see a Man with a badge and a gun and OMG they LITERALY THROW THEMSELVES AT THEM!!!! (pathetic!) Its probably just the fact that I feel VERY unatractive due me being so fat! Cause I handle the $$$ at home... There is never any $$$ missing and he is not the type of guy that will go out at night with the "guys" he never has.... if we go out we go out together! I dont know.... My pastor unfortunatly is 300 miles away.... I havent been able to find one here in this new town. I mean I am not alone in this town My whole family is here But I will be ok, I just needed to let it all out! and thank you once again..... I have not been banded yet, but I have already started the process. I already went to the seminar and I have my 1st drs appt on thurs.
  23. Hey there! Well first of all I want to congratulate everyone on their weight loss! I found this forum looking for answeres on Lapband surgery. I live in south Texas near the Border, and there are really no Drs here that I have found that have performed enough surgeries.....:mad2: Anyone live in south Texas with any suggestions on Drs in the area?????? I have read alot of success stories along with alot of complications. :crying: This is where I stand: I am 27yrs old, 5'8 241 lbs:sad: oh and I have asthma..... I also need to get pregnant in the next 2 yrs. (how fun right???......) I am not the type of person that can just DIET on my own. I really need alot of encourgment... Lapband was the Answere for me..... (so far) With it I have no choice but to diet right?? anyhow...... I gained 100 lbs in the past 7 yrs. And I HATE that! Depression got the best of me.... I am all better now, and I need a change! Please give me all the opinions possible!!!!! Should I get it or not?? Death is the #1 reason I dont want it..... (even though I already had my gullbladder removed with the same surgery......:wink2:) I dont know... Im just being dumb.... PLEASE HELP! I need to figure this out!:thumbup:
  24. NewSexyMe

    Dr. Michael C. Morris

    hello?? anyone???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
