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About SacramentoGal

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  • Birthday 08/21/1972

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  1. Happy 40th Birthday SacramentoGal!

  2. By the way, do people really put weights in their pockets at orientation???? Aren't they on to people who do that or were you just joking???

  3. SacramentoGal

    Confused. Can someone help me??

    Thanks for your reply. That makes sense. Unfortunately, I do have more testosterone than I should since I have polycystic ovarian syndrome but I do know that I will lose some muscle as I lose weight. I can only assume that my goal weight will be MUCH lower than 187. I have decided to go ahead with the surgery and I am in the process of doing all my pre-op appointments. Wish me luck!
  4. Hi Sacramento Gal..


    Who told you to start loosing right away???? If they did when you go to your orientation put 25 lbs of weights in your pockets or something, because the orientation is our starting weight. I made a similar mistake but only lost 10 before and that was NOT counted towards my 10%.....


    Ok so the good news:D


    After the orientation you will get the psych eval, and the surgeon appt, at the surgeon appt you wanna try to be at the goal from the orientation... Then he will forward you to Liz, btw at orientation she will try and freak you out dont let it worry you shes not as tough as she seems:D and then she will schedule your surgery.


    I coulda been in surgery 12 weeks after my orientation but i had a trip to vegas so it got pushed out to 4 months.. but most of us are 3 months... but it all depends on you. When i say us im refering to the girls on the richmond board.


    Talk to you soon:)

  5. SacramentoGal

    Confused. Can someone help me??

    HI! Yes, I have been referred to Kaiser Richmond. Someone told me to start losing my weight right away so I have been working on my 10% (I know it could be less). I don't have my orientation until July 7th and I have almost lost my 25 lbs! I am hoping they will take this weight loss into consideration when I have my surgeon consult. Do you happen to know how many pre-op classes you have to do for Kaiser?? I have very little (actually none) sick time left from my work because of other health issues that I have been facing. ARGH! How soon after the orientation do most people get banded??? Thanks again for your replies! -Heidi-
  6. SacramentoGal

    Confused. Can someone help me??

    I had an analysis done at the Medifast clinic here in Sacramento. They tell you how much muscle mass, Water, etc you have. I am doing the Medifast diet to lose my required 10% for my insurer. On their printout they said my goal was 187 based on my muscle mass and I do agree that that seems pretty high! I have pretty much decided that I am going to go ahead and get the lapband anyway since my biggest obstacle has always been maintenance and not so much the actual losing anyway. I need to keep a long term control on my diabetes since it's causing me some serious problems! Thanks for your reply! -Heidi-
  7. I recently did a body analysis and found out that I am 242 lbs (I'm 5'5) and I have 142.5 lbs of lean muscle!! I am in shock! I knew I was muscular but I had no idea it was THAT much. I have always been told I should weigh somewhere in the 140-150 range and I now know that's not possible. According to the printout I received, my goal weight is 187 and I "only" need to lose 55 lbs. I am wondering if I will still even qualify for the surgery. I am scheduled to go to Richmond next week for the orientation and don't know if I should go or not. If you go just by BMI, I more than qualify but I don't know if they take your muscle mass into consideration. Does anyone know? Is it worthwhile to get the lap if you only need to lose 55 lbs??? (It's actually more like 48 now since I am in the process of trying to lose my 10% for Kaiser and I am almost there). It's just all really confusing for me. I do have diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc so I have lots of co-morbidities. Does anyone have any thoughts???

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