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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by UN5-3051

  1. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi KJL, I understand completely when you say "going thru hoops". I was at Dr. Edwards office today and said the exact same phrase. I wish I could tell you that there will be no hoops in the future, but, for me, it has not happened. Regarding the decision for lab band or bypass, it was a clear cut decision for me. Lap band: less invasive Fewer risks less expensive (I'm self pay/work at St John's, they don't cover it for employees) reversible no cutting or moving my digestive system lower mortality rates fewer Vitamins and supplements to take lifelong ability to customize the amt of restriction to my individual needs. It all added up for me to choose this route. :hungry:
  2. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hi.....remember me? Just read all the recent posts..:wow2:....you all sound like you are doing well. Way to go. I had my second fill on 11.8.07. Dr. Edwards did it this time and am glad to say it was painless. The first fill was not a positive experience......but I digress.......:blah::blah: I've lost 30 lbs so far. Like Tabitha, it feels like the process is much slower than hoped for. At first I could tell a big difference. However, now I have some restriction, but every day notice that I can eat more and more (volume). Not a good sign, so I will call Monday to schedule another fill. I hope it's not a 3 week wait like I've read about. :frusty:
  3. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Congratulations on your surgery, Capn! :clap2: I was banded on 8.31.07 by Dr. Edwards and will have my 2nd fill this week. There are several support groups in Spfd.....here are 3 I know of: New Beginnings Weight Loss Support Group St. John's Surgery Center 1229 E. Seminole, Classroom 4B Meetings are the second Monday of every month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Leader: Cathy Wilson (OH Support Group Specialist) new support group meeting this coming Monday night Nov 5th at 6:30 at the library station (on north kansas expressway) (just south of the walmart supercenter) in the story room. Circle of Friends 4653 S. Campbell Avenue Springfield, Missouri Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month there also is one just for men, I can get you the info if needed. barb
  4. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    I've had one fill, no significant restriction.:hungry::hungry: Next fill appt is November 8th. Next week. Can't wait!
  5. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Good to finally meet you, too, Kimberley. I'm more like Bad Sheepy...just couldn't handle a whole day there! :faint:
  6. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hey MM, Yes, planning to attend. Probably won't stay the entire day............. but hope to meet you to put a face with the posts! barb
  7. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Thanks for the update, Kimberly. Good to hear from you. Are you going to St. John's symposium this Saturday?
  8. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Hey! Yes, I am alive and ticking. Thanks for your concern. I haven't been online much....back to work, tending to my 89 yr old Mom, several physician appointments for me, etc, etc.......you know how it is.....life gets in the way. Had my first fill last week. 3.6cc. Had one experience of restriction but otherwise, all is the same. I'm calling tomorrow to ask for another fill appt. Looking forward to finding my sweet spot someday..........how about you, Sharon? How are things in KC? :ranger:
  9. UN5-3051

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hey PC..... Nice to meet you. Dr. Edwards public forum is very informational and you will be glad you went. It does last quite a long time depending on how many people are there asking questions. Bring some Water or beverage since they don't offer anything. I've been to 2 of them (different docs) and was so hungry during both......so make sure your tummy is not completely empty like mine was! I was banded on August 31st by Dr. Edwards. There are several of his patients that visit this board so feel free to ask questions, 'k?! Will do my best to help.......... barb
  10. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Congrats on the weight loss! Way to go! Thanks, too, for the encouragement......we are kind of in Banding Purgatory right now......and your words helped.
  11. UN5-3051

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hi Mazie, Thanks for asking. I'm 13 days post op now. The incisions are healing well, I had my gall bladder out also, so I have 7. Glad that the liquid stage is over and I can eat some. My first fill is Oct 11th. My tummy is sore tonite, not sure why. Tabitha said she got to meet you......how are you liking the treadmill?! I wish I had room for one but we have downsized our lives and can't spare a square, as Elaine would say!
  12. UN5-3051

    What do you tell people at work

    hi Make, When I read your post, I could see the majority of the women I work with reacting the same. I have chosen not to share the fact that I was banded 12 days ago with anyone in my department. Reading your words, has, sadly, reinforced that decision. Good luck to you.....you are worth all the effort it is taking to achieve this goal.
  13. UN5-3051

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Welcome, Jill!!! from Barb
  14. Hi, Just thought it would be interesting to read what the last thing you said before being wheeled into surgery? Or, what did your surgeon say to you?!!
  15. Well, I can reply now since I had surgery 48 hours ago! Dr. Edwards came by in the holding area and gave me a big hug. I thanked him for going to Medical School. He was in between cases and then hurried off to his next one. The last thing I said to the anesthesia staff was how Jr Mints were very refreshing. The CRNA smiled in acknowledgement and as I was wheeled down the hall to OR, I told them I'd met Jerry Seinfeld once and he had been a jerk. I don't remember this but my husband told me the conversation later.
  16. UN5-3051

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    T minus 9 hours and 46 minutes but who's counting, right?! I am! Tomorrow is my surgery. Arrive at 0730.............procedures later in the morning.:clap2: Ready, set, go..........!
  17. T minus 34 hours and counting til my band surgery. 8.31.07 in Springfield, MO Ready, set, go!~
  18. Vegaswildflower, I like your little girl eating and exercising! Cool choice...... My surgery is less than 33 hrs away now........I can see myself saying something like you did to your surgeon. :girl_hug:
  19. Great Advice, Bubble! As a matter of fact, I DO work at the hospital where I will have my LB procedure this Friday. Been there 32 yrs (it's a life sentence, no possibility of parole).......and one of my best friends will be my recovery room nurse. I intend to learn from your hx and keep a low profile! Thanks for sharing your story, even tho it was embarrassing for you.
  20. UN5-3051

    Lifestyle Change or Not?

    Great topic. thanks for starting it............. I find this fascinating. I am also Self Pay to the tune of $17,000. Makes me want to scream when I read about the person complaining about the 20 dollar copay but taxpayers made sure she would be alive and healthy enough to even have a copay in her life!!! "Serenity now..........!!!"
  21. ahhhh, Sue, that is a truly comforting statement. Thanks for sharing and to all others. So interesting to read what is exchanged at such an important moment in your life!
  22. UN5-3051

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    Just read your post and had to tell you I really like your quote about perfection being God's business. Very cool...........and true!!
  23. UN5-3051

    I hate my insurance company

    Ditto! Good for you, Eureta! That is so inspiring to read you've lost all your weight. Very cool :clap2: Since my surgery is next week, I can only hope I can be able to say the same someday. barb
  24. UN5-3051

    I hate my insurance company

    I saw the title of your Thread and had to open it. I feel for you completely. I hate my insurance company, too. I work at the hospital that performs, employs, promotes and profits from bariatric surgery. The same place that I will have my lap band surgery performed one week from today, also denies coverage in our company owned insurance, Premier, a Mercy Health Plan @ St. John's in Springfield, MO. No discount to employees either! $17,000. There are over 10,000 employees so going to my manager will not change any policy on this issue, it's been brought to the table many times over the years. I've worked there for 32 yrs..... and am I bitter regarding this subject?!?! Absolutely!!!
  25. Hi..........I'm self pay, too. I understand and agree with all your statements. I'm 52 and have many health problems (HTN, sleep Apnea, 2 Liver Diseases, High Cholesterol, etc). Wish the Lap Band was available when I was in my 20's or 30's or 40's ! Good for you all taking charge of your life and health! :clap2: My surgery is a week from today, 8.31.07, and costs $17,000. My brother thinks it's an outrageous amt...........it is, but my life is worth it.

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