Hi.....I attended an informational public forum today at St. John's.
Cameron Hodges giving an overview of the types of gastric surgery.
I'm interested in the lap band and my husband found this site for me when we returned home today.
Any Springfield views/thoughts/opinions of your experience thus far?
I have Premier insurance and have worked at St. J for over 30 yrs.
No coverage for this procedure.
(which, let me just vent a second: we work for the institution that provides the service, endorses it, yet St. J's , Sister of Mercy created health plan will not support their own coworker family and recognize benefits to save our lives and eliminate comorbidities??!! :faint: ok, yes, I'm bitter....among other emotions regarding. Thanks for listening and if any
of St J insurance administrators are reading this, please listen. Please.)
I appreciate any replies and information you may have.
Thoughts about the lapband locally? Worst part of the experience?
Have been in touch with the surgery office in the Fremont bldg. Isn't Donna the best?! Love her. Have met Katie, too. Wonderful, smart, knows what she is talking about....
Will have to pay out of pocket ( see above :cry )
and that is such a huge financial decision. Thoughts of others who have faced the same in Spfd? Regrets? Advice?