Generally speaking, yes, you are right, you will get restriction when you get a fill; however, this is because most surgeons don't put any saline into the band at the time of surgery. (Check with your surgeon to be sure) BUT, you are only a few days post-op so you undoubtably still have some swelling from the surgery. I didn't start having my swelling go down until the middle of the second week. (Due to the resurfacing of my acid reflux at that point - another story for later) YOU MUST DO EXACTLY AS YOUR SURGEON TELLS YOU TO DURING THIS TIME!!!! This is probably the most crucial time during your recovery. You are supposed to drink the liquids slowly (meaning no gulping) and do not eat foods that your surgeon has not allowed you to eat yet. My surgeon allowed ONLY clear liquids for 7 days post-op, then full liquids (cream soups, protein shakes) for the next 14 days. I was NOT ALLOWED TO EAT ANY SOLID FOODS for 21 days post-op. No "mushies" as some people are allowed. The biggest thing is to follow the advice of your surgeon and dietician. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU - YOU'LL DO GREAT! :sad: