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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindsayb

  1. lindsayb

    Post Op Question

    BKNY, I understand how you feel. I was banded a week ago today and have many of the same feelings. Blue, depressed, frustrated...the only think I can find that helps is talking to my husband, who is very supportive. I've also kept myself busy at night, watching tv shows that I like, and relaxing. That helps to keep my mind off of "things". I'm still healing so I can't exercise yet, and that is also frustrating. I think exercising will help - but it's so hard when I'm so used to turning to food to make me feel better - and now not only can I not do that, I have a super strict "diet" to follow. I hope you feel better. It sounds like you've really hit it off w/ some of the other posters, hopefully they can be the support that you need!
  2. lindsayb


    I'm with AngelWhisper on this one. Definitely!
  3. lindsayb

    I'm a loser

    Yay for you - you're such a loser! That's wonderful to have that support from your boyfriend. Keep up the good work!
  4. What are bullets? I haven't tried them. I really like how I'm feeling, healthier, but I was just really hoping to have lost some weight by now. I read that one girl lost a pound a day; and another person lost 17 pounds in the first 2-3 weeks. I guess you just have to take it one day at a time.

  5. I hope things are going well with your band thus far. And congratulations on your upcoming wedding! The days are getting closer and closer!

  6. Has this happened to anyone else? The surgeon and his staff seem to think it wasn't that big of a deal and even that it was common. My Doctor's nurse said it is a self healing injury, and that sometimes weird things like that just happen. Has anyone had an experience like this? Thanks!
  7. lindsayb

    Follow-up today!

    Congratulations! Keep up the good work! Any weight lost is progress!
  8. lindsayb


    Judy, Congratulations! Can I ask how you lost that much weight so quickly? Did you exercise during your recovery? I'm 4 days out and I think I've only lost about 3 pounds.
  9. Scott, I am so grateful for your post. I'm 3 days post op and really struggling with everything - the food changes, the emotions, the pain in my body. But it appears that if I'll just keep doing what I'm doing as the doctor recommends, things will get better. Thank you for your positive post!
  10. lindsayb

    Post-Op Blues

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I am just trying to take it a day at a time, as a person suggested. The other issue I'm having right now is feeling like I just want to focus on myself, while having all the people around me reminding me that everyone can't just stop what they're doing to focus on me. I just feel so overwhelmed. But at least the food thing is getting easier! I knew this was going to be a lifestyle change, but I had no idea how much emotional turmoil was going to come with it. I did get the hyemlic valve removed today, so that's been a big relief, easier to sleep at least!
  11. I was banded on Friday, June 5. My lung was punctured during surgery, so in addition to the shoulder and abdominal pain, I have a big plastic suringe and tubing sticking out of my chest. I'm not getting full on the liquid phase foods. Any suggestions? I'm eating popsicles, apple sauce, yogurt, a little fruit, cream of wheat, and egg beaters. Thanks!
  12. lindsayb

    On my way!!!

    LisaMarie, How were the first couple of weeks after your surgery? That's what I'm having the most trouble with. I was banded on Friday. I can't seem to get full, and am feeling really discouraged. Would you mind to share with me some of the foods that you ate during the first couple of weeks post-op? I'm at the liquid/mushy phase: -cream of wheat, Jello, pudding, popsicles, skim milk, whey Protein added to foods Thank you!
  13. Ok, so all of my phone contacts are unavailable, so I was hoping I could get some encouragement/reassurance here... I'm being banded on Friday. I'm starting to really freak out. My husband's going out of town tomorrow, but he'll be back on Wednesday (in general, I have more anxiety when at home alone). My best friend and I aren't speaking (not related to my surgery), it's been 8 days. I think this is the right decision, but it's just getting to be really overwhelming out of nowhere. I've completed all of my educational class requirements, hospital tests, and paperwork. Now it's just counting down the days... Has anyone felt this way right before surgery, and come out ok on the other side? Does it get less scary once the surgery's done? Any positive and nice comments you could offer would be incredibly helpful. Thanks!!
  14. lindsayb

    weight gain??

    I'm being banded tomorrow. I've heard of people losing a lot of weight after surgery (i.e. six pounds in 6th post-op day); but are you saying I'm going to gain it back? I hadn't even thought of gaining the weight back as being a problem. Now I'm concerned and confused! Help! Thanks!
  15. lindsayb

    I need someone to talk to

    Thank you so much everyone. Wow, the encouragement is so wonderful! I'm sure as soon as I'm off the pain meds, the first thing I'll do is hop on the site!! It's such a great place to be!
  16. lindsayb

    I need someone to talk to

    Thank you to everyone who's responded. This really means a lot to me!!!!! Also, Brockbabe82, can I ask where you got your "I can do it" graphic? Thanks everyone! :-)
  17. I saw on someone's signature that they had a little lapband and glitter graphic that said "I can do this" or "I can do it" and wondered if I could know where you got it? Inspirational and cute, all at the same time! Thanks!
  18. lindsayb

    Intro: Steph and Josie

    Glad you're here! Also, I have a Bichon and he reminds me of your Maltese mix. So cute!
  19. lindsayb

    Introduction - MissK

    MissK, I have found this site to be very helpful, and I've only been a member since last week! I took several months to decide to have surgery, and being 24, when I went to a seminar and then to a support group, felt like the youngest person in the room. It made me nervous, "was I making the right decision?" But I've really thought about it and researched it, and realize that (hopefully) this will allow me to finally get a long term handle on my weight, for the rest of my life. I commend you for deciding to have the surgery! And hope that you find the support you are looking for on this site!
  20. Post op, after you've begun really healing, are you able to lose weight? Since there's no constriction of the band, I wasn't sure if just having a different, healthier (liquid) diet would help you lose weight, or does it just make you feel hungry all the time? I get hunger headaches, and I would like to be prepared if I'm going to just sit around and be hungry for the first 2 weeks after surgery. I promise I'm not trying to be negative, just want to be prepared!
  21. Thanks, everyone, for all of the information. I'm one of those people that really likes to know what the future could hold, so this helps a lot. And its good to know that (hopefully) I will be able to progress from walking to more "strenuous" exercise before my first fill. I kept having this vision of me stranded on the couch for weeks unable to move because I was in so much pain. So that's a relief!
  22. lindsayb

    Hope to find support here!

    Thanks, Linda! We'll see...
  23. I will be realize banded on 6/5/09. I am excited about the possibilities for weight loss. I am nervous about the first few weeks, getting used to the new diet. For people who have been dedicated, has the band seemed to work well for you? Also, I'm very open to recipe ideas, meal plan suggestions, and general encouragement! :thumbup:
  24. I definitely feel the same way. It took me several months to decide to have surgery, because I kept feeling like I was a failure because I couldn't lose the weight on my own. I'd always been able to in the past, but this time the weight I want to lose is 4 times the amount I have ever put on. The people on this site seem to be really encouraging, and that's so nice to hear. My biggest fear now is the pain that will come after surgery (6/5/09). I hadn't realized how severe it could be, and now I'm getting worried. But I have come to realize that having this surgery is not the easy way out (from what I've heard other bandsters say) and it is deciding to take care of yourself above everyone else (big problem for me), and that it is not selfish (a huge realization in pre-op!). Hopefully we can all be in this together!!!

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