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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Quilttina

  1. Quilttina

    Hard time

    I had a really bad day yesterday. Crying. I could not stop. Very emotional with the liquild diet. Did not get enough protein. It hurt everytime I sipped. Finally fiqured out I quit taking pain med too early. Every time I toook the pain med I just fell asleep. I Discovered need to take a little pain med to tolerate food. :thumbup: New goals today. Walk more, drink more water and get my protein in at least 60 gms. Nutrional told me about greek yogurt has 23 gms protein. will try smoothie today with it. Did sleep better last night. Fell like a new women today. Worried about the new philsophy of lean and mean. So far just mean. I'm leaving a wake of dead people in my path. If you want to know where, I at just look for the dead or dispondant. I'm always the fun one, no one needs to be around me right now. My children are looking at me as if i grew two horns and a tail. My husbands looks like he wants to cry everytime he looks at me.He has been very supportive. You really need support thru this process.
  2. Quilttina

    post op day 3

    I know exactly how you feel. I'm very weak but walking today. only been able to get down 1 protein drink a day 4 oz in morning and 4 oz in evening. sipping water in between. Special k has protein water in berry flavor, been sipping that all morning. Got to go walk again...
  3. Quilttina

    What is safe to take?

    Mrs mink... We are in the same boat. I too was banded on June 11th. I don't know if it is safe but i took so phillips Milk of magnesia wild cherry flavor.It say s cramp free on bottle. I had a very small liquid bm 6 hours later. Still bloated also.My stomach feels the same way. I am wearing loose clothes. Got my walking shoes on...
  4. Just banded June 11th. I had mild discomfort after surgery. Doc made me stay overnight in hopital. When I woke up at 3 am I was in pain. Gas x strips help plus the pain medication pump. That is when I started questions WTH have I done.I had no energy. I felt like someone had unplugged me. All the nurses were great. Of course I knew most of them. I have worked at this hopital for 22 years. The doctor is the new one. Much better after I got home and started my protein shakes. Increased energy. Just having a hard time laying down to sleep. I feel like I'm on the way to a new me. My new motto is lean and mean. :confused: I feel more mean than lean right now.
  5. Quilttina

    Hard time

    I had a really bad day yesterday. Crying. I could not stop. Very emotional with the liquild diet. Did not get enough protein. It hurt everytime I sipped. Finally fiqured out I quit taking pain med too early. Every time I toook the pain med I just fell asleep. I Discovered need to take a little pain med to tolerate food. New goals today. Walk more, drink more water and get my protein in at least 60 gms. Nutrional told me about greek yogurt has 23 gms protein. will try smoothie today with it. Did sleep better last night. Fell like a new women today. Worried about the new philsophy of lean and mean. So far just mean. I'm leaving a wake of dead people in my path. If you want to know where, I at just look for the dead or dispondant. I'm always the fun one, no one needs to be around me right now. My children are looking at me as if i grew two horns and a tail. My husbands looks like he wants to cry everytime he looks at me.He has been very supportive. You really need support thru this process.
  6. Quilttina

    I'm in band land now

    Banded on june 11th. Had to stay overniht in hospital. Glad it over and I've begun my JUNE JOURNEY:lol:
  7. Quilttina

    Just Banded June 11

    planet55 go to www.tickerfactory.com. once your create your ticker copy the code number and paste under edit your signature. Hope this helps.
  8. Quilttina

    lap band pain after surgery

    I'm doing the samething. sleeping in sitting position. Only getting about 4 hours of sleep at a time. I'm going to try to sleep on side with pillow tonight. Port area is hard to the touch and has that pulling pinching feeling when I try to lay down. Gas x strips have been very helpful. that and the loritab liquid.
  9. I had the same thing today. Only 1 day post op i used hot tea.Hot liquid seams to break it up and i was able to cough some of it out
  10. Quilttina

    I'm in band land now

    Banded on june 11th. Had to stay overniht in hospital. Glad it over and I've begun my JUNE JOURNEY:lol:
  11. Quilttina

    Just Banded June 11

    I'm now in band land also. Banded on June 11. I had wonderful care. Had to stay overnight in hospital per surgeon. Glad to be home to my own bed.
  12. Quilttina

    The night before the day

    Surgery day is almost here. No more food after midnight. I'm ready. I think my husband is more nervous than I am...
  13. Quilttina

    The night before the day

    Surgery day is almost here. No more food after midnight. I'm ready. I think my husband is more nervous than I am...
  14. Quilttina

    Banding day is here....

    Well it's almost midnight the magic hour that means no more food for me. Packing for surgery day since I'm staying over night. They will take good care of me I know most of the nurses. I have worked at the hospital for 22 years. The wait over.... Now i can start reading the post op threads...
  15. Quilttina

    Banding day is here....

    Congradulations. I will be thinking about you today. My surgery is Thurday. I'm jealous you get to go home to your own bed, My doc has me staying overnight at the hospital. Awaiting your post...
  16. Quilttina

    Done and Banded!

    Congradulations Mellicat. Still anxiously awaiting. Your story gives me courage. I'm so ready......June 11th is coming fast:thumbup:
  17. Quilttina

    The last test

    Had a ultrasound of right upper quadurant and upper GI. Everything went well. Will not get results of test till tuesday june 9th two day before surgery. Hope the test read well. anxiously awaiting.......ever hopful.....
  18. Quilttina

    The last test

    Had a ultrasound of right upper quadurant and upper GI. Everything went well. Will not get results of test till tuesday june 9th two day before surgery. Hope the test read well. anxiously awaiting.......ever hopful.....
  19. Quilttina

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    My is June 11th. 7:30 am Just saw the dac today. Everything is a go
  20. Quilttina

    All is well

    I'm just a worriwart. Everything is a go. Counting down to June 11th. 9 more days to go. I don't have to do the liquid diet til 48 hours proir to surgery. Thank goodness.
  21. Quilttina

    All is well

    I'm just a worriwart. Everything is a go. Counting down to June 11th. 9 more days to go. I don't have to do the liquid diet til 48 hours proir to surgery. Thank goodness.
  22. Quilttina

    upcoming doc visit

    10 more days till surgery. I have to see my surgeon tomorrow and I don't know why I'm really nervous. I have a sense of impending doom. I'm afraid the doc will cancell the surgery for some reason. :w00t:
  23. Quilttina

    upcoming doc visit

    10 more days till surgery. I have to see my surgeon tomorrow and I don't know why I'm really nervous. I have a sense of impending doom. I'm afraid the doc will cancell the surgery for some reason.
  24. Quilttina

    huge problem!HELP

    The cpap is adjusted to the individual person. If you give it away it would have to be adjusted to that person.
  25. Quilttina

    huge problem!HELP

    The cpap uses postive pressure to open airway. I have partical obstruction . I just got my cpap in march. Had a very difficult time adjusting to the mask. I found I like the nasal pillows better. It took me stwo months to adjust before I got a good nights sleep

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