Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this site. I learned about it when I went to an informational meeting about the Lap Band.
About me: I'm female, 34, 5'9" and currently weigh 265 pounds. This is the most I have ever weighed as an adult. The least I have ever weighed since high school is 175, I looked amazing.
Both of my parents died of cancer and both had type II diabetes. I'm on my way, I'm insulin resistant. My sister is overweight and had gestational diabetes with both of her pregnancies.
I feel like Lap Band surgery is a very extreme form of weight loss, however, I feel like weighing 265 pounds is extreme. I love to walk and ride my bike but it has gotten so painful.
Tonight I'm going out for "Thursday Night Ladies 80's" at a local club. I love it, but within 5 minutes of dancing with my friends, I end up sweaty and tired. I usually keep up with those skinny girls but my back hurts and leave exhausted.
I have a wonderful boyfriend who is gorgeous! He is actually hot! I only weighed about 15 pounds less when we met. He loves me and thinks I'm beautiful, he just wants me to be healthy.
I had an "a-ha" moment when I was cleaning out my parent's house. My boyfriend found a picture of my mother, she was in her mid-50's and was walking with the aid of a walker. This was due to her obesity.
I'm so thrilled to find this site. I'm meeting with my surgeon next Wednesday down in Cincinnati and look forward to sharing the findings of our meeting!