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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CarlinsMom

  1. never stopped taking my pill. Had no problems. Still been able to loose weight. I use seasonique...the pill where you have only 4 periods a year. I love it!

    I was advised by my doctor to use an alternative or additional birth control becuase if your are losing more than 10 lbs a mth, it is considered rapid weight loss. This rapid weight loss can cause your hormones to be out of whack. This can make the pill risky. I have been lucky so far!

  2. i think the Drs who use Fluro are a little bit more aggressive with fills. I got my first fill with 5 ccs. I think it was only because he was using fluro. we could actually see if I was getting restriction or not. I still wasnt but he was afraid to go any futher so I am ready for Sept to get here for the next FILLER UP!!

  3. Bless your heart...you sound like you need a HUG!!! So here is a BIG HUG from me. I was on Clear Liquids and I had my weak moments i must admit. But it best that you do as your DR suggest. Its tough and I am only a month out. I got a fill on Tuesday so I am back on liquids thru Saturday so I feel your pain. Know that you have support on this forum and you will be able to hear the experiences ones a lot further along in the process.

  4. i got my first fill yesterday also. I got 5cc(which he said was very aggressive) but you could see on the fluro screen that the barium was still passing thru without real restriction. (i wonder if the needle was really in the port.) I guess i will see in a few days. I am to do 2 days of clears and 2 days of full liquids/mushies. Back to reg. food on Sunday. I cant imagine goin back on liquids for 2 weeks. The things we have to go thru and people say surgery is the easy way out. They just dont know our stories!!!

  5. i thought it was just me...especially since coming off liquids. I have really struggled to get 64ozs of Water in a day where it used to be no problem. I think it is the mentally idea of not gulping. I am defintely not a sipper. I want to chug-a-lug to kinda get it over with. Water is not my favorite anyway but at the moment i maybe doing 1/2 of what i need to get daily. I am 3 weeks out and down 17 lbs since surgery. I notice this morning that the scale was trying to creep back up a couple of lbs...and I am wondering if it is my water NON comsumption. Thanks for the thread and I look for suggestions!! BTW- I go get my first fill next Tue--THANK GOD!!!

  6. I think most DR give you antibotics during or right after surgery through the IV to protection you from getting infections. You could have had antibotics and not even know it. I was only aware that they gave me a strong dose of antibotics because I developed thrush in my mouth. I went back for my one week follow up appt and asked WTH is going on with my mouth. They then told me that its the antibiocs we gave you. Needless to say I was suprised but glad they did.

    In this situation....better safe than sorry!

  7. I was banded on 7/7 and i stayed in bed for first 5 days. I had a hernia repair also. I didnt realize that I would be in that much pain and sore. I could not sit up for no more than a few minutes. I actually felt better lying down. I would get up a couple of times to try to sip some gatorade but I felt like crap. On the 5th day, I began to feel like myself but still sore and walking very slowly. I am 2 weeks out and just in the last few days have began to feel "normal." Hang in there, it does get better.

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