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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TopTier

  1. Good job, emjay, but for me, they will have to pry caffeine from my cold, dead lips! I don't drink coffee so much, although I used to. However, I am a tea addict, and I don't mean "herbal" teas. I would say that it is a hobby for me. Green tea, assam, earl grey, oolong, white, Pu Erh, mmm.
  2. TopTier

    Puree/magic bullet

    I got the magic bullet. And I've got all sorts of blenders, food processors, etc. But I find that this is a much more convenient blender. I only use it right now to blend my Protein supplement, my shakes, and my protein smoothies during my liquid pre-op phase. But it's a snap to use and clean and, best of all, it takes up VERY little footprint on my kitchen counter!
  3. How wonderful for you! Happy Birthday, indeed!
  4. Never thought I'd say this, but, beef bullion is really pretty good. . . .
  5. TopTier

    Tomorrow is my anniversary

    Tomorrow, June 18, is my 21-year wedding anniversary. And I will be at day 4 of my pre-op diet! This means the traditional anniversary dinner will be Atkins Advantage Shakes for everyone! But one thing that this brought to my attention was just how much of our relationship centers around food in some way. No wonder my husband and I both are overweight (read: obese). One of the ways we show our love is with food. And why not? It's comforting and makes people happy to eat high-fat, high-carb goodies. I think one of the things that my husband and I need to do is sit down and find a new "expression" of love. I'm confident we can do it, but, let's face it, enjoying a romantic dinner at a nice, high-end restaurant is going to be missed!
  6. I'm self-pay and my total cost is $17,500. That includes all testing, the procedure, the surgeon's fees, the anesthesiologists fees, and 3 years of fills and follow up. It also includes 6 weeks of 5-days-a-week at a local gym, along with a personal trainer. After that, the fills are $75 in office.
  7. Really?! Lucky you. I'm getting all bloated. ugh. But I'm only on day 3. . . funny, feels like day 300!!! . . . back downstairs for another cup 'o beef broth!
  8. I dunno, Jodi, I compared the ingredients. Seems like the Centrum Silver Chewables have more of the old people needs stuff in it. But. . . as always, follow your own doctor's advice!
  9. Buy 2 5-lb ankle weights. . . . wear long pants. . ..
  10. Frankly, I was surprised at the carrots, too. Being a diabetic, I'm aware of the carb content of veggies, and carrots' carb factor is fairly high. Even higher than peas. At least as high as raw sweet potato, and they won't let me have that. So I'm going to pass on the carrots and stick to asparagus and squash. The key is High Protein, Low Carb, Low Fat. The "liquid" part, I discovered today, is because the liquid diet helps to "flush" the liver. At least this is what my doctor told me when I tried to talk him into letting me do a low carb/high protein NON-liquid diet. . . :blushing:
  11. BY the way, I can't say enough about the unjury strawberry Sorbet! I got some samples the other day and the first one I tried was the Strawberry Sorbet. I put half a banana, a cup of ice and a splash of V8 fusion Orange in the Magic Bullet with the sample and WOW! Best. Strawberry-Banana smoothie. Ever. Only 3 carbs (without the banana) and 20 grams of Protein.
  12. If you have one of those Magic Bullet machines, just put the soup in there for a spin to pulverize it a bit more (if it has "stuff" in it), then it's "liquid"!!
  13. I take Centrum Silver Chewables, too. I didn't figure kiddie vitamins would really meet my needs. But then, I'm 53, a kiddie 5 times over. . . .
  14. I can't think of a single thing to improve on what everyone else has said. I'm not banded yet, but my surgeon has made it clear that we are partners in this journey. He cautioned me not to have inflated expectations and to take it slow. He wants to prepare me for the fact that before the first fill, it's very possible I may actually gain a pound or two, but not to let that concern me. He also said that as time goes on, when I come into the office some times I will need an adjustment of the band (and he pointed to his stomach) and sometimes I might need an adjustment of the mind (and he pointed to his head), but he said not to worry about either adjustment, that we are in this together and whichever adjustment I need, he is there to help. If your surgeon believes otherwise, it might be a good idea to have an "exit interview" with him and let him know why he will no longer be your doctor. . . .
  15. By the way, in the interest of contributing constructively to this thread, my dad, at age 73, was banded last month. Trust me when I say this man has TWO lifetimes of "Volume" eating! He is tickled to death with his band and would do it again in a heartbeat. He no longer sits down and eats 2 large pizzas by himself, or a gallon of ice cream in one sitting! And he LOVES that he doesn't do that anymore! Nor, he says, does he have the desire to do that anymore! I'm so proud of him! Needless to say, he is my inspiration.
  16. Hi, guys! Of course I'm dying to ask an inappropriate question that originated from another thread regarding people's misconceptions of how the lap band is inserted! But I will refrain! (chuckle)
  17. TopTier

    unsuportive hubby

    The weight will come back if you eat around your band instead of working with it. It's a tool. But it's different than just diet and exercise alone. It's because you can't keep from re-gaining after trying over and over again that means the band may be right for you. So sorry he doesn't support you. I can't imagine what that must feel like. But ultimately, you have to understand and BELIEVE that YOU are the most important person in your own life. You must make the decision that's right for you, and he can't make that for you. I know. Easier said than done!
  18. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    Finally123, great job! So glad you are feeling "normal" again! Phenry, great! I have seen the EAS pre-mixed in the stores (and I think Costco carries them too?) But I was leery about getting them. Do they taste okay? Or are you at the "I don't care about taste, just want to swallow something" stage?
  19. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    Dr. Olsofka. Started my pre-op liquid diet today! I'm really not supposed to start it until Weds., (surgery is next Weds., June 24) but I'm SO wanting to make sure that my liver shrinks enough!
  20. TopTier

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    My surgery is scheduled for June 24! Yay me!
  21. Thanks, Vanity!


    Will be thinking of you! I'm getting excited. I would love to just stick myself in some suspended animation somewhere and wake up and it's all over already!

  22. jtejada, good girl! I know that was hard! But you chose wisely!
  23. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    nuevavida, good job! Great news to everyone who has gone so far this month! 9 more days to go for me!
  24. TopTier

    Surgery dates

    Hi, Jim, congratz! Try a search on July Bandsters. There should be quite a few with or around your date.
  25. Consider this my finger wag! :bored: PrincesaJenE, the point of exercise with the lap band, believe it or not, is NOT strictly "weight loss," so it's not fair to position it that way. Something (huge) that you seem to be missing in those statements is the metabolic function and its affect on body tissue. The reason we exercise while losing weight is not "just" for weight loss, it's for the appropriate tissue weight loss. In other words, people should not only be doing aerobic exercise, but anaerobic exercise as well, in other words, weight-bearing and weight-lifting (strength) training as well, including and especially women. When your body starts "consuming" tissue as you cut calorie intake, it will first seek the easiest tissue to consume in order to protect itself in the long term. Unfortunately, our bodies aren't computers. Our bodies don't know we are "dieting" for a healthier us. It thinks we are denying needed calories, and it wants to help us survive. So it will first consume tissue that (1) takes more energy to maintain and (2) is easier to consume. Guess which tissue that is? Yup. Muscle tissue. It then "preserves" the fat tissue stores as a last resort. Bummer, that, but it's one reason we have (for the most part) "dieted ourselves into obesity." By not exercising you are encouraging your body to consumer the wrong tissue and will develop a more difficult time maintaining that tissue loss. In addition, exercise will also help preserve your bone density, as well. VERY important, especially if you diet and are female. For your body's sake, and your long-term success, please consider adding some exercise! Yes, technically the band will "work" without exercise, but it works more efficiently, consuming the right tissue and preserving and promoting needed tissue, if you work out on your weight-loss journey. **end of finger wag** :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
