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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TopTier

  1. TopTier

    Liquids stretch pouch????

    That's a very good question -- but I don't think liquids can stretch the pouch, since they simply just pass right on through to the lower stomach. If you are 11 days post-op, then you probably don't have much restriction, now that some of the swelling has gone down.
  2. TopTier

    Have you cheated Post op???

    I dunno, get a straw and do like in those Dairy Queen commercials where they drink the gravy through a straw! JUST kidding (barf). I have no answers for you, but this time next week I will be in your shoes probably articulating the same sentiment! I told my husband the licking the ketchup part and he cracked up! Then he went in and got a corn dog grrrrrr ! LOL! :blushing: (Oh and I agree with isaviolinist, the unjury products are the best tasting Protein drinks I've found. I ordered the samples, 4 of each, and they are getting me through this liquid pre-op phase!)
  3. TopTier

    Is something wrong?

    I hate to say this, but I don't think I could eat that big of a meal right now, unbanded! You mentioned that you have had your fills and that you are taking small bites, but are you drinking any liquids during your meal? That will definitely allow for greater consumption during a meal.
  4. TopTier

    Surgery Approved!!!

    Ditto! Just take it one day at a time, and before you know it ~~ :blushing:
  5. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    You just made me snort my Sugar Free Jello Dark Chocolate Pudding out my nose! Dang! I get so little to eat these days, that hurt more ways than one! :blushing:
  6. Every surgeon apparently has different pre-op requirements. Mine alots me 3 dairies a day, 1/2 cup each. The key is the Protein and low carb/low fat. If eggs are specifically disallowed, and they only said no milk products and not no dairy, I might consider it. But. . . obviously, to be sure, call the doctor's nutritionist.
  7. TopTier

    got approved but

    That's very odd. I've never heard of that before. You have "dumping" syndrome and have no previous bariatric surgery? Did they explain in any detail what was actually going on?
  8. Mari, I hate that that happened to you. It sets a bad initial tone. One thing a patient must feel is that the "team" (the doctor AND his staff) are all partners in your health care. I know in my mother's time, the patient just pretty much sat back and took whatever the doctor and staff dished out. But that's becoming less and less the case with us Boomers and younger. But, if you think you can feel comfortable after such a disheartening beginning, that's what's ultimately important. Have you researched any other surgeons in your area? There may be some that are super great and you just don't know it.
  9. TopTier

    hiatal hernia

    In addition I would recommend you call your surgeon. My upper GI showed a small hiatal hernia as well and my surgeon told me that he fixes those as a matter of course during the lap band procedure. He calls it a "two-fer," meaning I get two surgeries for the price of one! I'm self-pay, too, by the way.
  10. TopTier

    Just banded in CT

    :blushing: Congrats and it seems like you are doing well! Are there any local support groups in your area? This forum is great, but my surgeon is really encouraging us to meet face-to-face with other local bandsters for moral support. They meet once a month. Unfortunately, I'll be on vacation the next week they meet, so I won't get to know any of them until the August meeting. On the other hand, I have two friends and two family members who have been banded already, so they sort of make up my informal support circle! Or they will after I'm banded on Weds!
  11. TopTier

    Introducing myself

    Lori! What a beautiful name. My doctor is keen on stressing that after the band to not think in terms of "diet." Simply remember a few key "band rules," and think in terms of adjusting to a "new normal." We can still eat the same things our families eat, just much smaller portions. As long as I remember to not drink while eating, and to take small bites and chew, I'm going to focus more on eating a nutritionally balanced meal, just a small portioned one!
  12. TopTier


    :blushing: I couldn't have said it better myself! But every day we get up and go out our door we take a risk. We just learn to manage those risks, almost unconsciously, and move forward.
  13. Hey, I'm not worried about other people's opinions regarding my opinions. If people don't want to actually hear a real opinion, they shouldn't ask. The poster I think we're talking about, I notice that she changes her story depending on the pushback she gets! So she's a fibber AND has serious body image issues!

  14. Almus, that stinks. And it's also one reason I don't like the technicians to "diagnose" from my results. No offense to technicians, but that's not their job. good luck to you!
  15. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    My doctor told me that he wouldn't be using any staples which I'm terribly happy about! I didn't know I was allergic to them until they used them in my lower back surgery! Yikes! That was a mess.
  16. I keep saying that because it's true based on her own statements about her weight and height. I am 5'1" -- I KNOW what size/weight I'm "supposed" to be. She is at BEST 30 pounds overweight, and pleeze, she tried TWICE and regained?! Really ?! TWICE? What, did she lose 10 pounds then give up? Seriously, I have all the sympathy and empathy in the world for people who are truly struggling with painful and life-threatening weight loss issues. I spent the majority of my life at 160 or thereabouts at 5'1". I did the IMPROPER types of dieting that lead me to obesity. It wasn't the 160 and being a mere 30 or so overweight that did me in. It was years of trying to find "quick fixes" through crash diets, and fad diets and all the things that we do to ourselves. NOT trying to lose TWICE! Should I have had the surgery at 160? Way back 20 or 30 years ago? Hardly. I should have had the patience and intelligence and self-awareness to control my weight the RIGHT way. I should have accepted that I was not going to be a 100-pound size 2 or 3 or 4. It was my constant desire to be something that was unattainable that did me in. I thought 140 was fat. I thought 120 was fat. So I dieted and dieted and lost and regained -- over a 30-year period. To achieve something that was desirable, but, frankly, unattainable. and I was in the military for a good portion of that time period. Certainly I was getting enough exercise! Once I dieted myself into obesity, there is no easy way out. And, surprise surprise, the lap band is NOT an "easy way." It's going to be very difficult and require a great deal of discipline and as well as a drastic lifestyle change. Basically, what I SHOULD have done 30 years ago WITHOUT surgery. So, again, sorry. She WANTS to be 50 pounds lighter. She doesn't NEED to be. To be within the bounds of a reasonable weight for her height, 30 would work. And for someone to get a lap band for 30 pounds, especially with NO co-moribunds and no history of weight loss problems is just not something I can support. So, frankly, I can't "reassure" her that she is doing the right thing. I can hope for her that she would get some decent therapy and join a reputable weight loss program that can help her with her weight loss journey.
  17. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    LOL! I'm hoping you are right about the surgery being over quick! I had a colonoscopy last week that lasted longer than this surgery is intended to last!
  18. LOL! I'm guessing the replies to this are going to be similar to replies to the question: Which is a better computer, PC or MAC?
  19. I agree with Restless Monkey. I had back pain years ago, which caused pain and numbness down into my legs, feet and toes. It turns out I had two lower discs in my spine with hairline fractures and some of the material was leaking out and pressing on my spinal cord. I tried therapy for over a year and finally agreed to lower back surgery. That healed my back pain and most of my leg pain and numbness, but because I had "ignored" it for so long, I did have some permanent nerve damage so parts of my leg and thigh are going to forever be "numb." However, if the back pain is from weight, once that stress is removed from the muscles of the lower back, you should begin to feel some relief. For the record, when I went on vacations during the period when I was in such pain, we always rented a wheel chair so that I could participate in all the activities with everyone.
  20. TopTier

    Three weeks post op

    Vlemus, the doctors generally don't worry about weight loss during this period. The main goal is for the stomach and the banding sutures to heal. It's not as simple a thing as wrapping a bracelet around the wrist or a belt around the waist. The band is sutured in place and the stomach must have time to heal. That usually takes from 4 to 6 weeks. Which is why most doctors wait until then to do the first fill. Once the band starts its compression around the stomach you should begin to feel that and will notice a significant drop in the amount you can eat.
  21. TopTier

    Long overdue..

    Do you mean the "pre-op" diet? Actually, the main purpose of the basic liquid pre-op diet prior to surgery is to assist in shrinking the liver. The liver sits on top of the stomach. In other words, the doctor will have to "nudge" it out of the way to get a clear path to the section of the stomach on which to place (wrap) the lap-band. The liver in most overweight/obese people is larger than most for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of the large stores of glycogen (because of the high carbs consumed). The liquid pre-op diet is designed to shrink the liver, sometimes up to 40%. It does that by denying the high level of carbs it had been getting so it releases its glycogen stores. Some doctors won't operate if the liver is too large. I don't know why the insurance companies require its weight loss period. I am self-pay.
  22. hollyluke, I feel your pain. My niece had your same issues and was banded last year. She was initially told she was infertile (somehow connected to her weight, I don't know all the details). She was banded so that she could lose weight and hopefully get those issues under control. She has lost 90 pounds, and in the process ended up getting pregnant! She now has a beautiful little girl! We're all so happy for her and she's very excited that she's still losing weight, too!
  23. TopTier

    Newbie from Virginia

    Seediesgirl, hang in there, you'll get it right soon! and look how close you are to Onederland!! You go girl!
  24. Tammy! I had the privilege of having a stop-over in Anchorage many years ago on my way to Korea. Beautiful city and gorgeous state! Thrilled your approval came through and here's to a successful outcome!
  25. TopTier

    Puree/magic bullet

    That's a bummer, Holli! There was a book in with mine. I haven't been to their website (if they even have one) but I wonder if maybe they have something online?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
