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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TopTier

  1. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    I dunno. everyone heals differently. It could still be some trapped gas/air bubbles. Or it could just be soreness. But my first response is: don't hesitate to contact your surgeon's office and ask. They can probably clarify it pretty quickly or let you know if it's something they need to see you for.
  2. TopTier

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Please take of your narrow-mind glasses. I'm not discounting your hormones. I get it. You love hormones. But I'm also providing additional context regarding the receptors in the stomach. It really is more complicated than you are allowing for, too. I'm not making it "simple." I'm explaining the mechanics of the restriction and why it works the way IT does. ALONG with hormones. So please chill out. And yes it IS correct, in terms of RESTRICTION. It's not "simply" restriction. It's "restriction with a purpose." Good grief.
  3. TopTier

    NSV! Got my height back!

    :smile2: How kooky is that!?
  4. TopTier

    Impatient and discouraged

    Plus, invest in some good ankle weights, and carry a bunch of quarters (or better yet, slot tokens!) in your pocket!
  5. TopTier


    Kudos! Good for you! And I might add, I don't envy you at all. It's tough to make drastic lifestyle changes. You're hitting yourself with two at a time! You have my utmost respect and I will be sending lots of positive energy your way!
  6. Two thumbs up for you! :smile2: "You can DO it, Mrs. Pendrake!" (Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man)
  7. Yikes! Well, be gentle with her, but firm. If it's when she's out of town, don't reschedule just for her. At some point the daughters have to help the moms step away! I told my daughter when she turned 18 that from that point on, all my previous "orders" to her were now converted to "friendly suggestions." It was almost harder for her to deal with that than me! :smile2: But my mom was very controlling and smothering and I wanted my daughter to understand that I'm here for support and a shoulder, and that I would offer "advice," but no longer was I "in charge" of her life -- she was, for good or bad. If she made bad choices or tripped a few times, I would be there to help steady her, but they were her own choices now. Plus, your mom is also very worried, no doubt. She brought you into this world. I think sometimes we think if we stand over our children in times of risk that we can protect them from everything that can happen. She just wants to make sure you're safe! Reassure her! But don't change your plans -- unless changing them is something you really want to do.
  8. Hey, your Number 1 is a very important question! Wonder how many people want to ask but are embarrassed to!
  9. Yup yup! I'm so excited, I could just BARF!! LMAO!

  10. TopTier

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Having fun? :smile2: I simply provided added context. The location of the receptors for "full" absolutely are important, otherwise we'd simply be "restricted" and still feel hungry. Again, just adding more context. Not sure why that bothers you. . .
  11. TopTier

    Hi Everyone

    Wow! Now how weird is that! :smile2:
  12. Also, could it be possible that you are drinking liquids with your meals therefore getting hungrier sooner than you should be?
  13. Do a search on this forum. There were several topics on the very say issue not long ago. Basically, though, if you are exercising as much as you say, and using weights, it's very probable that you might be losing adipose (fat) tissue and gaining muscle tissue, which weighs more. But that's really a good thing for several reasons, not the least of which being that the more muscle you have the more energy your body uses to simply maintain it. That means you will burn more calories at rest that you did before.
  14. :smile2: My Grand Laugh for the day! Thanks!!
  15. LMAO at the subject line! I read "annoying" as a verb and not an adjective! But in your case, it probably is both, isn't it!? Do you need your mom there to take you home from the hospital? If not, then, while it would be nice to have her around, I would go with the doctor's availability. Let your mom know you appreciate her support, but this is outpatient surgery and you'll be fine. As a mom of a 30-year-old daughter myself I know that it's tough to cut that cord. But our kiddos will be fine without us mommy birds hovering over them every step of the way! :smile2:
  16. TopTier

    newly banded

    Hi, Annette, welcome to the forum. I replied to your agony in another post, and, unfortunately, like this one, I have no real advice for you. Everyone goes through the gas problem differently. I'm not sure if you are using Gas-X or some other type of gas relieving medication, but that might help some. I'm dreading this part immensely, and my heart goes out to you. But it will eventually subside. I'm sure it's just pure murder in the meantime! Hang in there! :smile2:
  17. TopTier

    Post-Op Blues

    Hang in there! We're all in the same boat (or will be soon!), so we can feel your pain. It's just a short bout in the long haul. It's doable!
  18. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but the previous posters are correct. Too few calories will actually sabotage your metabolic process and cause your body to stop burning properly and try to start storing fat again. It is a fine line. And everyone is a tad different, but the 1000-1200 rule of thumb is a pretty standard one. Any lower than that and you're going to get stuck. But you've done a great job so far! I'm sure you're very proud of yourself!
  19. Oh, annetteleon, my heart goes out to you! I don't have any advice that can help (I'm guessing you are taking Gas-X or some other gas relief medication?). People react so differently to the surgery, but take heart, it will soon all dissipate! Hope you get some relief soon! :smile2:
  20. TopTier

    Have you cheated Post op???

    Wow! That was very informative! I knew it was a healing period but didn't know what the really big deal was if solids were introed too soon! I think the doctors or their staff should have THIS info in their material. Often if people really understand the WHY about something, it makes it easier for the mind and body to be in sync with the instructions! Seriously, that's really important detail! Thanks for sharing it!
  21. Yikes! No fun! These are the things I am dreading. Hoping against hope that I will never, EVER have to find out what that feels like!
  22. TopTier

    Bra question

    Bras bras bras. Intrusive, constricting, oppressive little things, aren't they? No wonder we tried to burn them all in the 60s. Obviously, we must have missed a few! I switched to no-wire quite a few years ago. They've improved them (the no-wire) tremendously and some are actually even quite comfortable.
  23. Wow! How disheartening! Da** bras! Why oh why didn't we burn all of them in the '60s when we had the chance! **shaking fist in air** I'm considering wearing my bathing suit top for most of my healing period -- when I'm not in my nightgown!
  24. I dunno, thinking Cream of Wheat actually tastes good may be an indication of some kind of sickness somewhere! Probably the head! JUST kidding! :smile2: Glad things are getting better for you!
  25. You and me both! LOL! I'm currently dragging my sorry rear through the final hours of my liquid pre-op diet phase and I find if I get involved in something, like, oh, say, a forum somewhere ( :smile2: ) the time passes more quickly and I stop thinking about how great some fried chicken would taste right about now!

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