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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TopTier

  1. Hope to hear back from you soon about what your doctor says! Sending positive thoughts your way!
  2. TopTier


    My doctor prescribes medication for the nausea. Sometimes anesthesia can cause nausea. Sometimes just the gas build up in the area (from that blown into your body cavity during the surgery) can cause nausea. The meds for it are to be taken every 6 hours until the prescription is gone, so that's more than 1 pill. Probably 1 pill doesn't do it. Unfortunately for me, though, I had a severe reaction to the particular nausea medicine my doctor prescribed. But I'm on something else now and it's 150% better! Plus being a week out from surgery helps too!
  3. Thanks, yes, I'm in control now. It's taken a few years of in the 200s for my doctor and I to get a solid "combination" of meds and Lantus. But it's been in control for quite some time now. I'm so hoping that I will be able to lose enough weight, and keep it off, that I can keep my glucose levels well under control, even without meds! Thanks for the welcome back!
  4. Thanks! No apparently they had no way of knowing prior to surgery. Apparently there are various nerves that control various "thingies" inside the stomach that can be affected, and since mine was not of a particularly chronic nature, it never came up! (literally and figuratively!) But one would think, being I invented WLS and all, that I would already "know" about it?
  5. TopTier

    "Diabetic Stomach" -- Who Knew!?

    I posted this in the forums, too: Ladies, Wow. Did I get a left turn on my surgery recovery! I was doing fine all up to and through last Saturday. I was even taking a few laps through Sams Club. Then Sunday I started going backwards. I couldn't sit up or even stay awake for very long. And the pain in my upper belly was very bad. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst it was a -- 10! Finally, Monday evening, my husband took me to the emergency room. I was in severe distress. My STOMACH had filled with gas and bloated to almost 3 times its size! YIKES! And the "anti-nausea" medicine I was taking was giving me an adverse reaction, too, making me MORE nauseous instead of FIXING the nausea! They switched my anti-nausea from phenegren to fortran (?) I think. Anyway, with a few days worth of morphine dosing, some more bariatric tests to be sure everything was okay, then some meds to help break down the stomach gas, I'm doing much better. The stomach is still bloated, but it's tolerable and seems to be improving. I finally got home this afternoon. Apparently I have what the doctors referred to as "diabetic stomach," which they either a) made up to tell me something, or really exists and is a SONuvaBEECH! Apparently diabetics can sometimes have "nerve damage" in their stomachs that prevents them from creating the movement that moves gas up and out. Then add the lap band on top of that and holy cow. Ouchies! So they gave me some meds to break it up and move it out the other way. (toot toot!) I must say, I'm feeling more human today and looking very forward to the rest of this healing! All I gotta say now is, pheeeeeeeeeewwwweeeeeee.
  6. TopTier

    carbonated beverages!!!!!

    They probably use the old fashioned sugar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
  7. Grandma, I had my surgery last week, but had a horrible post-surgery episode. I'm so "bloated" and "full" from my issue that I really seriously doubt 'head hunger' is going to make an appearance. Since it's so early, my guess is you'll do just fine this weekend. Like someone said, a healthy fear of puking doesn't hurt! Best of luck to you!
  8. If this is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it! I posted this on my profile page, too: Everything went GREAT! I will try to blog it tomorrow, but for now I just want to take my next pain pill and anti-nausea medicine then hit the sack! I was tickled to death that the surgeon complimented my husband on the condition of my liver. He said it was obvious I worked hard on my pre-op diet because he had no issues with it at all! Yay, me! Now I have to admit I'm in the post-op "pain and agony," though based on previous surgeries I've had, this one really isn't too bad. I'm waiting till I can take my next set of pain and anti-nause pills and then I'm going to bed for a long, long sleep! As said elsewhere, most of the anxiety is in the anticipation. The last thing I remember was them fumbling with my arms to set them on those table extensions, then all of a sudden someone was nudging me saying, "It's Over! You done good!" LOL. Oh, one thing I need to remember is (to paraphrase Dory from "Finding Nemo) to keep on walking, just keep walking. . .
  9. Hi, everyone, thanks for asking! Everything went GREAT! I will try to blog it tomorrow, but for now I just want to take my next pain pill and anti-nausea medicine then hit the sack!

    I was tickled to death that the surgeon complimented my husband on the condition of my liver. He said it was obvious I worked hard on my pre-op diet because he had no issues with it at all!


    Yay, me!


    Now I have to admit I'm in the post-op "pain and agony," though based on previous surgeries I've had, this one really isn't too bad. I'm waiting till I can take my next set of pain and anti-nause pills and then I'm going to bed for a long, long sleep!


    As said elsewhere, most of the anxiety is in the anticipation. The last thing I remember was them fumbling with my arms to set them on those table extensions, then all of a sudden someone was nudging me saying, "It's Over! You done good!"



  10. Well, it's 10:47 pm. I'm on my way to get my last cup of soothing, decaf tea. This will be my final intake of my liquid pre-op! I'm going to brew a very special tea I've been saving for special occasions. Then I'm going to turn out all the lights, turn on some low music, and get mentally "in the game" for tomorrow morning's surgery! Ciao, Bellas! :thumbup:
  11. Here's to a safe and successful surgery! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Huggles!

  12. TopTier

    College Student in New Orleans

    Good luck to you, Odjii! :thumbup:
  13. TopTier

    Have you cheated Post op???

    What a great idea! I love French Onion Soup and never thought of this! Thanks!
  14. TopTier

    Vena Cava filter

    LOL! No, I wasn't approved. My policy doesn't allow for any bariatric surgery at all! I'm self-pay, so that's how I managed to get scheduled so quickly. I have to tell you, I actually looked forward to my 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese each day! It became my new 'oreo'! I tracked my Proteins and carbs on Sparkpeople.com and was tickled that I kept my proteins up around 80 (average) and my carbs around 80-90 (average-there was one day I had 150g of carbs).
  15. TopTier


    Welcome, both of you! Looking forward to watching you on your journeys!
  16. TopTier


    Oh, wow! Gotta love a poster who answers his own posts! I was gonna ask about the drinking while eating and the consuming high calorie, easy-to-eat/drink foods! There is a group of bandsters on here who do something called a 5-day pouch test. It's a sort of kick re-start. Here's the link to one of their threads. Maybe this will help? http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/group-5-day-pouch-test-96242/
  17. TopTier

    Who is this girl?

    Jennifer, what an awesome post and what a wonderful milestone. You are doing great and your attitude is even greaterer (yes, I know that isn't a real word, but I like it.) :thumbup:
  18. How gorgeous are YOU! (that's rhetorical, because we KNOW how gorgeous you are!)

  19. TopTier


    Holy cow! That is fast! right around the corner. Best of luck!
  20. TopTier

    Vena Cava filter

    Super! Moving fast! July 7 is right around the corner! Don't worry, I'm on the tail end of my pre-op! It's doable!
  21. TopTier

    June 2009 Surgery

    Thanks, guys! All the positive thoughts and energy is welcome! Good luck to you, too, Chris!
  22. Smart move, Grandma!! Kudos to you! I'm being banded tomorrow morning, so I can say, down to the wire now, that I only "cheated" ONCE on my second day when I took a bite of lean, thin sliced turkey breast! Yay me! :thumbup:
  23. TopTier

    Got my banding date for July 6

    Yay! Great news! That's really just right around the corner! :thumbup:
  24. TopTier

    My head is spinning....

    Everything I've been told is that this is a permanent solution, unless there are complications down the road, at which time it can be removed. That's one of the things that makes me feel comfortable about it. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't work out, it can be removed and there is hopefully no permanent damage (or restructuring of my innards).
  25. TopTier

    regrets about lapband choice?

    Ahh! I see, you have a "Hidden Agenda"! To be sure, I'm not all all "testy" in fact, it very much appears that you are the one with the chip on your shoulder! Your entire demeanor in your replies to ME have been hostile and confrontational. I will beat this dead horse yet again, I was not challenging your comments, I was simply adding additional context on restriction. Sorry that upset you, but such is life! And it's a shame you can't deal with the fact that people disagree with you. I am no more concerned about what people think, feel, say or do about me based on my very legitimate OPINIONS regarding the "other thread" than I am whether you do -- as you will notice, in that thread I stated my opinion, based on the OP's purpose for the post, and left the thread for a reason. I feel the way I do. It's not up for argument or discussion. You apparently don't follow my posts. I'm nothing but supportive, congenial, empathetic and kind to everyone on this forum. I simply don't have time for the one poster I believe is either 1) not telling us the truth, or 2) may possibly have other "issues." Again, sorry you don't like that, but then, I'm sure that there are things that people you love do all the time that you don't like. Do you write them off forever, too? Or become hostile and confrontational, JUST because you can? Kooky. You should learn to have a less hostile demeanor. All that stress over the opinions of complete strangers can test your blood pressure! :thumbup: Also, FYI, it's terribly bad forum etiquette to carry over "feuds" into other threads, even though the feud is apparently only one sided! Tsk tsk! :thumbup:

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