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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TopTier

  1. TopTier

    Lap band vs sleeve?

    Congrats to you on your weight loss, but losing it is only half the battle, normally, with obese people. I've lost anywhere from 60 to 80 pounds before. And watched it creep back on over the years. The key, with the lap band, is not so much the weight loss (though it definitely does help one lose weight), but with the maintenance. That's where most obese people lack success. Over 95% percent of them. If it's true that you are in the 2 - 5% who can lose large amounts of weight and keep it off, then you are to be applauded. In that case, though, then you should not consider any surgery at all. You would still have to work hard to lose the weight. But why undergo an expensive surgery when one doesn't have to? Just curious, what is your BMI? What was it before you started your weight loss program?
  2. kspeaker, I just bawled my eyes out reading your UPDATE! I know how painful it was for you to finally tell him your real weight. If someone is 5 or 10 pounds overweight, sure, cut back, exercise more, that will work. But I don't think he really comprehends what people like us, who are obese, are dealing with when trying to lose weight -- and KEEP it off! I could also feel your pain -- the breathing, the sweating, the aching joints. . . Hugs to you and so proud of you for taking this step!
  3. TopTier

    I got my surg. date

    Great news! So jealous!
  4. Irish, two things, first, uber gratz on your progress! So thrilled for you! Second, wow! That's an awful lot of carbs! 32g, with 23g sugar. Yikes. I'm a diabetic and though I love Kashi (GoLean cereal), I've never tried any of their shakes. That just seem a little high in carbs, even with 7 g fiber. Do you know if it spikes your glucose?
  5. Thanks, Alliemorris! I will have to print out this list!
  6. TopTier

    At The End of My Rope

    By the way, I had uterine cancer when I was in my 20s. I'm soooo glad my insurance company didn't feel they were not responsible for my treatment, given they didn't cause my cancer, either!
  7. . . . and you stayed for the company! :wub:
  8. TopTier


    TSB: hehehe. "Nut Class."
  9. TopTier

    At The End of My Rope

    Yikes! That person needs to get another job where she/he doesn't interact with human beings!
  10. TopTier

    Surgery Date June 10th

    Welcome, Honesty! That's right around the corner! Are you excited?
  11. TopTier

    Can I get a fill?

    Wha? I thought that was a good reason to GET one?! Better contact your physician and get an expert opinion!
  12. TopTier


    How cool! I want one!
  13. TopTier

    First time on site

    Outstanding! :wub:
  14. TopTier

    First Steps

    I'm thrilled to hear things are moving forward for you! What a wonderful testament for not giving up!
  15. TopTier

    I need someone to talk to

    Stressing is normal! It's hard to put our complete health into someone else's hands. Just keep thinking, "after the surgery, I will be the one in control! And will have a tool that will help me control myself much better!" Hope all is going well with you this evening! Just remember, BREATH! And make sure to read my sig line!
  16. TopTier

    First time on site

    When it gets overwhelming, come in here from some hugs and support!
  17. TopTier

    Hello Everyone

    How wonderful for you, and how great that your husband is supporting you. Mine is, too. He says he will do everything I do, even when I have to do the liquid diets! Silly guy!
  18. TopTier

    Starting my Journey!

    Kate: eHugs and Kisses and I'm excited for you! I've only seriously been looking into lap band since January or so. But I'm so ready to have it done already. Best of luck to you and keep us posted!
  19. TopTier

    Newly banded

    Congratulations and your attitude is outstanding. Keep us posted and keep up the good work!
  20. Try right-clicking on the image. It should tell you the internet location of the original image. Then you could copy that and paste it into your post or sig line with the posting image function.
  21. Are you sure you're not dehydrated? Or maybe it's carb withdrawal? At any rate, you should probably check in with the medical staff to be sure. What makes you think the port is "too high"?
  22. TopTier

    Introduction - MissK

    MissK, hello! So excited for your upcoming "banding"! It's too bad your family is so far away, but there should be some people in your support group when you get banded who can help you out. Keep us posted on your progress!
  23. TopTier

    do fills hurt?!?!?

    I'm not banded yet, but I can't imagine the fills being any more difficult than the one-shot-a-day I have to give myself in the abdomen for my diabetes.
  24. TopTier

    I feel awful, is this normal?

    Kristen: Could be high glucose. You might want to see about using a sugar-free supplement (like Glucerna?) or adding some Fiber to control the rapid release of glucose. Just a thought.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
