Hi! I am searching for some support from some fellow lap bandees please. I have not had success in losing weight with my lap band yet. So I am just starting over again this month like I am brand new. I am 2 years into this! So needless to say I am a bit discouraged. The only positive I have to say is that I have not gained any more weight in 2 years.
I have only had 3 adjustments. For some reason I had the wrong idea that you only need a couple adjustments. Now I am finding that everyone is different and I should go every month to 6 weeks! I just thought something was wrong with me.
Any way you mentioned that you are up to 6.5 cc. I think the most my doctor has ever given me is 2 cc in the 3 adjustments I have had.
Do you have any words of encouragement for me please.