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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. Well, I decided on post-op day 1 that white wine is a clear liquid : ) and so had 1/2 glass each evening (2oz) which I personally think was good for my recovery. :wink:

    Susan, you are a woman after my own heart!

    I had my first post-op drink when I went on solids. I try to just stick with wine (lower calories), but occassionally have a martini (I love to get creative with them). The amazing thing is, although many bandsters say they feel the effects of alchohol quicker after being banded, I have noticed just the oposite. I usually have a glass or two several times a week. Since I don't eat sweets, and do watch calories, I figure I'm ok, as long as I keep it in moderation.


  2. Eating slow and chewing a lot is my nemesis. I have never been hungry through this whole process, and have been able to eat whatever foods I tried with no problems -- until my second fill. It has been downhill since then, and my bad eating habits have caught up with me (PB, sliming, etc). Today I had a small amout taken out of the band, and I am trying to really focus on developing good eating habits. It ain't easy, but I am determined.

  3. Hi Padanelle, it's taken me 3 weeks to get used to the restriction from my 3rd fill. I had to stay on soft foods for 2 weeks after this one (or starve in the bathroom). I also discovered a few foods I can no longer tolerate and the slime is an issue with only one of them so far but that was scary the first time indeed. No PB so far. I start my day with a Protein drink too, after a cup of tea which seems to open up the site, or maybe that's psychological only. As for your walking, if you're not taking much in then there's no urgency to be putting it out either. Deal with one issue at a time. That 20 mile goal can be for next month instead when you're feeling more settled.

    I work from home but had to go into the office yesterday and I bought a new outfit specially. It is 3 sizes less than when I started my post op diet and not from a specialised plus size store. I started at UK size 30 and am now 24. Some people who hadn't seen me since before my op did a double take, others just stood wide mouthed unbelievingly and as I expected, there were a few just didn't make comment at all. C'est la vie!

    Off to the gym now to work towards that size 22.

    Have a great day

    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I had a bit of an unfill today, and glad I went ahead and did it. It's been 6 weeks since my last fill, and seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I guess the next several days will tell.

    I walked home in the rain after the unfill, so have now completed 5 miles of my 20 mile goal. I'm glad I didn't set it too high - enough to challenge me, but doable.

    Congratulations on showing off your smaller size at the office. You must feel so great! I haven't bought any new clothes yet, as I have a closet full of descending sizes, including several still with the price tag on them. It is such a great feeling to be able to wear things I haven't been able to fit into for ages. No one has really commented on my weight loss, but I know I look and feel so much better, so that keeps me going.



  4. I'm still struggling with the restriction after my second fill. I experience tightness, sliming or PBing almost everyday. I'm trying very hard to work on my eating habits, but I think I should have some saline taken out before I do some damage. Wishing it wasn't raining so hard. I like to walk home after a fill. Its about 1.5 miles, and at the rate I'm going, I'll never make my 20 mi goal this month.

  5. I saw my surgeon, a nurse, his assistant and the nutritionist all on the same day. The nurse took my pressure and medical history, my surgeon went over the proceedure, the nutritionist went over what I would need to eat pre/post op, and why (my surgeon also reviewed this) and the assistant set up a date for surgery and gave me a list of what I needed to do to get cleared for surgery. Its a good thing they gave me a lot of liturature, as my head was spinning.

  6. Hi All,

    I'm the newbie among you. I was banded about 3 months ago, and am half-way to my goal of 80 lbs.

    Up until my second fill I was never hungry, and could eat any foods I tried. After my second fill, I started having food stuck on a regular basis, sometimes experiencing just tightness, other times quite a bit of pain. It came to a head on Tues & Wed evening, when I spent 3 - 4 hrs each night with a waste basket under my chin.

    I had been debating wheter to go in and have some taken out, but I truly think I have only myself to blame - bad eating habits. Although I no longer inhale my food, I definately eat too fast and usually forget to chew enough.

    So yesterday I decided to give my band a rest, go on liquids, then mushies for a few days, and start over. I'd love to hang with you.


  7. Since cream of wheat is allowed, I figured polenta is allowed (not sure). So, I've been baking some pre-made polenta, with a ramekin of low fat ricotta (you could probably also use cottage cheese) mixed with garlic powder, pepper and dried chives. I top it with pizza sauce (I found one very low sugar). I put red pepper flakes in the pizza sauce. A little parm on top. I bake for 30 - 40 minutes or so and let sit for 10.

    Mmmmmm. I hadn't thought of polenta. I'm definately going to make some. Tks for the suggestion.

  8. I can really sympathise with you, Delora. The insurance approval was the only negative aspect to the banding experience. My surgeon is very popular, and the surgical assistant was overwhelmed. Fortunately, the rest of the team is excellent, and I don"t have to deal with the assistant anymore. One thing I found out, is that the surgeon's office deals with a case worker at the insurance company. When I was calling the insurance company to see if I was approved, I got a customer service rep. Often the latest info is not in the system yet, so you should find out who your case worker is at the insurance company to get the most recent info.

    Good luck!

  9. Hello,

    I have read so many posts from people doing different diets. My hospital was very vague. They said to loose 25 lbs and I lost 37 lbs. I have week to go and should I do a liquid diet or stick with Atkins ( but with lean meats) . I loose more weight with Atkins than shakes. Does anyone know if just loosing weight make your liver shrink? Because I know that is the surgeons goal. I have called the nutritionist and they really had no clue at all. She answered a question with a question.


    9.9.09 is my big day

    Gary, thats a bit of a worry that your nut couldn't give you more specifics. Loosing weight does not necessarily shrink your liver. Atkins is low carb, but is high fat, which I don't believe is good for shrinking yor liver.

    Every surgeon's instructions are different. The guidelines I was given were 1,000 calories max, at least 50g Protein & no more than 35g fat. I was also allowed 2 cups of veggies. From reading the posts on this site, I found my surgeon's instructions somewhat strichter than others. If your nut can't give you more specifics, contact your surgeon to get more details.

    Good luck.


  10. Congratulations on being banded! I tried the Designer Whey Protein (Chocolate) and Trader Joe's Soy Protein, and liked them both. I started adding them to Jello SF/FF Instant pudding when I went to the mushie stage to increase the protein content. I have heard good thoings about powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I have only tried their chicken broth Protein powder, which I highly recommend. It has 21g of protein. The chicken broth is particularly comforting after surgery or a fill. I still use it in cooking, adding it to Soups, mashed potatoes, etc. Unjury sells sample sizes, so you can see if you like it first before ordering a large container.

    I also like Isopure ZeroCarb Protein drinks. Its a nice break from the shakes. My favorite flavors are Green Lemon Tea & Blue Raspberry. A 20oz bottle has 40g protein.

    I've also heard very good things about Syntrax nectar protein mixes. They have some really interesting flavors I haven't tried them yet, but they are on my list of things to buy. You can also get a sample pack. They have some really great sounding flavors - Apple Ectasy, Cappuccino, Roadside Lemonade, vanilla Bean Torte.

    Don't worry about your weight now. It took at least 10 days before I even noticed the swelling in my belly start to go down, so I wasn't anxious to step on a scale. One thing I can say, is everyday I felt a little better.

    Good luck on the journey.

  11. I have been eating Protein shake for Breakfast, Soup and chicken salad for lunch, yogurt mid afternoon, cottage cheese or Soup or chicken salad for dinner, Jello or pudding for snack. I feel like I could sit down and eat a normal meal. I also have trouble drinking 64 oz. of Water I'm lucky if I get down 32 oz. I can't wait for 9/17 and my first fill, I am scared I am going to gain weight or stretch my pouch:confused:

    Cindy, it looks like you are eating well. I understand that Protein will help put off hunger. Instead of regular yogurt for a snack, what about trying FF Greek yogurt w/blueberries or other fruit for a snack. 1/2 cu has 10g of protein. Or make your own SF/FF instant pudding & add Protein powder. That also has 10g protein.

    I'm with you on drinking Water. I very rarely get in 8 glasses, but I try hard to get in at least 6. I like Isopure zerocarb Lemon Green Tea. I mix it half with regular green tea, and drink it throughout the day. Half a bottle has 20g protein.

    Hope these suggestions help.


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