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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. I had a really bad bout of pb/sliming after my 2nd fill. The longest lasted 4-5 hours. It was awful. After that I went for a bit of an unfil, and have not had problems since.

    I would recommend another day on liquids, or at least purees. I stupidly didn't do that the first few times I got stuck. Also, I found drinking something when I'm stuck mad it much worse.

    The papaya enzymes unfortunately don't work for me, but a lot of people swear by them, so I would certainly give it a try. You can get them at GNC, Vitamin shop,etc.

    Walking seems to help me. Also, bending over - but be sure to have a waste basket or something under your chin, as things have a tendancy to come flying out quick.

    The important thing is to learn the signs, so you can stop eating in time. Its a real learning experience.

    Today I went for my 3rd fill. They only put in .3 cc. I hope this gives me some restriction, as I have started to eat too much and have gained almost 5 lbs back.

    Good luck!

  2. I've been feeling very tired the past few days, so haven't gotten out to walk. I was hoping to make it up this weekend, but they're predicting a Noreaster.

    Goal: 25 miles

    So far: 14.5 miles

    The month is half-over and I'm more than half-way to goal. Just got to stay on track... I can do it!

  3. On Monday I started using one of the online food tracking sites. I was shocked to see how many calories I have been consuming lately - 100-1700 p/day! I used to consume well under 1,000 when I was manually tracking. No wonder I'm gaining weight back.

    I go for a fill next week, so hopefully that will help. I have to loose 11.4 lbs to meet my goal. It's going to be tight, but hopefully I'll make it.


  4. I can't believe they didn't vote that b*#ch off when they had the chance. Her phony crying drives me crazy. And I can't believe she won the right to choose the teams. It seems like a fix. I wouldn't be surprised if she was taking some type of diet pills to help her weight loss. I thought she wasn't even allowed to swim. I can't feel sorry for anyone on the blue team if Tracy pulls any more of her stunts on them.

  5. I've had a lousy week - weight wise. I gained 3.5 lbs!

    I used to log my food in a notebook, along with the calorie, Protein & fat count. Over a month ago I started listing the food only. Today I'm checking out some of the online calorie counting sites. Hopefully that will help me stay on track better.

    If anyone is interested in going to the Banded at NYU Sovial Group, here is the link:LAP-BAND Then just scroll down and create a new post.

    One you join, you just need to click on "user Cp" on the toolbar under the photos, then click on Social groups in the left column.

  6. Last week was a disaster! I gained 3.5 lbs. Not at all good.

    I have been journaling what I have been eating, but for over a month have stopped counting calories. So today I am starting to list everything, in hopes that help get me on track again.

    On the good side, I have been walking almost everyday. Itried my friends WII and loved it. Can't wait to get my own.

    Good luck everyone!


  7. Question for you all who have problems with certain foods.. wondering if I have no problem now (no fills yet) does that mean I may have a problem later? I'm thinking the answer is yes???

    Unfortunately, the answer is yes. And more bad news, what you can eat can change with each fill. One the brighter side, you will learn your body's signals for problems, and stop eating before getting stuck.

  8. So I bought a jug of this stuff and it doesn't taste all that bad but I was reading the lable and it specificly states that it should not be used for weight loss.

    I've read many posts where people have used this product and have had good success. Should I not be using it?



    Hi Dan,

    I believe most of the posts are refering to Isopure Zero Carb liquid drinks. 0 g of Protein in 20 oz bottle. I like most of the flavors, but I usually buy a case of the Lemon Green Tea, and i dilute it with regular green tea, and drink it throughout the day.


  9. Hi guys. I just wanted to check in. I joined the Thanksgiving Day challenge (Im hoping for onederland by then!). A few days ago my BMI went below 40 and I'm so happy about it! Really hoping to meet the Thanksgiving goal. We'll see! Good luck everyone!

    So glad you've joined the challenge and congrats on your new BMI. Good luck on meeting your Thanksgiving goal. So great to have so many of us working hard on the challenge.

  10. Dr F is very popular, and the most experienced person on the team. He was the one who gave the seminar that I attended, so I had no frame of reference for the 2 other drs on the team. I was actually surprised that I was able to get an appointment with him quickly.

    I have heard wonderful things about all3 surgeons on the NYU team. I can only speak from my experience with Dr F. I met with him for the original consult. On the day of surgery, he visited me briefly. I really didn't have any questions at that point, but I believe if I di, he would have spent watever time necessary to answer them. He also came by when I was in recovery. I was still a bit loopy from the surgery, but he answered whatever questions I had.

    Regarding post care, my check up was with one of the NP's. Dr F's schedule was full for my first fill, so Gaspar (who is fantastic) did it. My second fill appt was with Dr F. He popped in quickly to see how I was doing, but Gaspar did the fill again, and seems to be the person who will probably be doing most of my future fills. Actually, I don't have a problem with that, I I think if I said I wanted to have an appt with Dr F, I would get one, although the wait might be longer.

    Perhaps other NYU bandsters can say wheter they have more contact with their surgeon.

  11. UPPER WEST SIDE - 8 hours. YIKES! You're a trooper. Did you consider going to ER? My worst experience was 4-5 hours of sliming from a scrambeled egg wrap. I felt like the waste basket was welded under my chin. It got me to go for a bit of an unfill, and I have missed 2 fills since.

    I have not had any problems with steak or even calamari, probably because I know they can be a problem, so I am careful. I was banded a little over 4 months ago, and due to bad experiences, I am STARTINg to finally remember to chew more and eat slowly. I'm a slow learner, but starting to get it. As they say, better late, than never.


  12. I just added myself to the list. It's so nice to share your goals with others, it tends to keep you focused and motivated. I have given myself a huge goal and I am going to need to work really hard to meet it. I want to be down to 175 by Thanksgiving. That is losing an average of 3.25 pounds per week. My first fill isn't until October 26 so these next few weeks will be challenging. I believe if I focus, I can do it!! :wink2:

    Welcome, Jody. And good luck in making your goal.


  13. I just discovered a PROBIOTIC cheese. Its made by DCI Cheese Co, their County Line brand, and comes in several flavors. The package claims that you should see results after having 1 oz for at least 14 days. I tried the Pepper Jack. Each oz has 100 calories, 8g Protein, 8 g fat, 0 carb. I've only had it for 4 days, so too soon to tell if it works. But I like the taste, and its an easy way to get in my protein. I've been having 2 oz a day, either in an omlette or with a piece of fruit.< /p>

  14. I FINALLY just last week got some restriction with my 3rd fill.. and I think that was my problem. Until last week, I had zero restriction and have not had to really chew well or take such small bites so I am still training myself to slow down and be conscious of the bites I am taking. Well, that one time I forgot until I swallowed, then I knew instantly.

    Getting fills it such a weird experience.. one day you are able to eat pretty much anything and the next, you better watch it. You don't feel any different when you get a fill so you have to keep reminding yourself that you are unable to eat like before. But I learned quick enough!

    So true! I'm learning the hard way.

  15. My surgery was 3/9/09, and I have lost almost 60lbs. since I started this journey. ...

    I have only had 2 fills, need another but got a dumba** reason for not getting it. I love steak and not ready to give it up yet.

    Hi nite run,

    I love steak too! The items that cause me the most problems are chicken & tilapia. I think its because I think they should be easy to eat, so I'm not as careful.. On the other hand, I've not had any problems with steak. Probably because I cut it in VERY tiny pieces, try to remember to chew a lot, and dip it in a Greek yogurt & horseradish sauce. Mmmm. I'm getting an urge for some steak...


  16. Hi Cathy,

    I wasn't afraid of the surgery, so that wasn't an issue for me. For me it was mainly a health issue. I could barely walk without being in a lot of pain. Bending over to pick up something made me out of breath. Plus I have had high blood pressure for years and a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family. At sixty, I was feeling that my days were numbered.

    Then of course, there is a bit of vanity. I felt like a beachball with arms and legs, so hated going anywhere.

    I love the fact that I can walk again. I like what I see in the mirror. And I feel so much better. I love my band!

  17. I'm 60 and was banded in June, and am so happy with the band. I have had some PB/sliming incidents, but that was a result of not changing my eating habits. After years of inhaling my food, its an adjustment, but I'm learning.

    Before being banded I could barely walk without being in a lot of pain. Now I actually have a spring in my step.

    Good luck!

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