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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. Becky,

    Taking care of a 17 month old probably gives you plenty of exercise for now. As the pounds come off, you'll have more energy and hopefully will look forward to doing more exercise.

    I'm a card carrying couch potato, and because of bad knees and my weight, I found it extremely difficult to walk. Since loosing weight, I love walking, although don't do as much as I would like. My weight loss hasn't been as spectacular as some others, but I'm happy with it.

    I've never had much success with gym memberships (go for about 1 month, and pay for 12), so I won't go that route again. I recently tried a friend's WII and got a good workout, plus had fun, so I'm planning to treat myself to one for Christmas.

    Good luck on your journey.

  2. thank you for posting this. I was wondering what route I should take after my 2 days of liquids. I just had my first fill yesterday and I am still not even close to being hungry or thirsty, I am having to make myself drink.

    Congratulations on your weightloss, Coleen. I usually feel the same way after a fill. I have a hard time drining enough Water everyday, but it is important - not only for health, but also weight loss. Besides Water, the important thing is to be sure to get enough Protein. I find it very comforting to have mushies (eggs, Soups, tilapia, etc), but I found just eating them slows my weight loss. After a few days, if you can handle it, start to add solids back into your diet. The solids work the band and help you feel more satisfied after a meal.

    Good luck!


  3. ps... cindylouwho or anyone?

    what's sliming. I think I have experienced that a couple times in the last week.


    Hi Bob!

    Sliming is another term for PBing - something gets stuck, and you keep "vomiting" saliva. Hopefully, whatever food is stuck comes up, and you can beathe easy again. Sigh...

    It amazing how much saliva our body produces. lol.

    NYCgal - joan

  4. Hey everyone! I'm going in for a fill today, so I'll let you know if I get to my sweet spot (I feel like I'm close). I was just wondering if all of us banded in June were at, or close to our sweet spots yet? I'm really hoping this fill does it for me. If you've reached your sweet spot, how many fills did it take?

    Last week I just had some of my second fill that was taken out replaced. The scales are finally moving in the right direction again, and I finally managed to loose the 5 extra lbs I regained since the beginning of the month. I hope I can keep this up. I was hoping to loose 50 lbs by Halloween, but if I can maintain today's weight for the rest of the week, I'll be a happy camper.

    I now have 3.9 cc's, and am feeling a bit of restriction, especially when I drink, which never happened before, so I guess that's good. But I think it will be awhile before I hit my sweet spot.

  5. Absolutely, Manatee. What's with all this self-sacrifice? You'll never catch Tracy sacrificing herself for the good of the team. Specially when ythere's money involved. If anyone should have sacrificed themselves it should have been Daniel, but you notice he kept his mouth shut. I'm so glad Danny voted to get rid of him, even if it was only one vote.

  6. I am also getting my surgery done at NYU. The big day is Nov. 10th. I had many choices of Protein shakes. I had a list of choices in the booklet given to me by the nutritionist. I am using designer whey Protein that is 97% lactose free and I mix it with almond milk. I don't tolerate dairy well.

    The only issue I am having is that the surgical coordinator is a bit ummm...idk. But she rushes me off the phone when I have questions. I don't care though. I always call back if I didnt understand something. I think she might be on speed cause she talks a thousand miles and hour and explains too much at once. So its her fault I had to call back so many times to be sure I understood everything. She had a hard time understanding that I had to have all my pre surgical testing done within 7 days of the surgery in order for insurance to cover it. She got an attitude because I asked about changing my pre surgical testing date. You would think should would be familar with insurance companies enough to know that they may have this 7 day requirement. But anyway, once I have the testing done and get my clearance, hopefully I won't have to deal with her anymore. But Dr. Kurian and the nutritonist were awesome when I met them 8 months ago.

    Hi Willow,

    I was banded in June by Dr Fielding. I've heard wonderful things about Dr Kurian. I found the entire surgical team great, and the follow-up program is really good.

    My only complaint was getting the approval, and dealing with the surgical assistant, who almost never returned calls. I found the best way to communicate was e-mail. When the insurance approval finally came through less than a week before surgery it was a mad dash to fit in all of the pre-surgery appointments. I would recommend you get recommendations for doctors at NYU, so the results can be sent faster.

    Good luck!


  7. I believe that the new bands have less slipage & erosion. The surgery for the old & new bands is probably similar, but you might want to check on that, as if there is some difference, your surgeon might not be experienced with working with it. Just a thought, but worth checking out.

    You might also want to check on other surgeons in Mexico that use the newer bands. I saw someone post on this site that they got a new model Realize band from Dr Ortize.

    Good luck with whatever you choose. The band has definately changed my life, and I am so glad I had it done.

  8. That's what I love about this site. It's not a case of misery loves company, but one of I'm not alone in my journey, and the plateau and hard times are not only happening to me. I lve the threads of others who started around the same time as me.

    It was a nice feeling when I was loosing slighly quicker than others, and it motivates me when I'm lagging behind. No matter what our scales say today, we've come a long way, baby. Congratulations to all of us!


  9. It's been a bad week. I'm having trouble staying motivated - specially food wise. I thought I wouldn't have a problem meeting thois month's low goal, but its going to be close. I'm going to need to get out and get some serious walking in to reach it.

    Goal: 25 miles

    So far: 18.5 miles

  10. do i have to lose weight b 4 surgery since my bmi is 45??? im 5'5 245lbs i hope not

    I also had a 45 BMI before surgery. My surgeon had me on a 2 week high Protein liquid diet, that consisted mainly of shakes, plus 2 cups of veggies p/day. They purpose of the diet is to shrink the liver, making it easier to permore the surgery.

    Even within my surgeon's practice, the length and diet restrictions are different from patient to patient.

    Your surgeon/nutritionist will be able to give you details of what they want you to follow.

    Good luck.

  11. Its very normal to not be able to eat in the morning. The band tends to get looser during the day. Drinking something warm before eating should also help.

    But reflux, PB/sliming is not good, and if it occurs too often, it can cause the band to slip. If you can get someone locally to take some Fluid out, I really recommend it.

    I had a problem after my second fill, and after going through a lot of pain from being stuck, I went in for an unfill. They took out .4cc and after that, I had no problems.

    Good luck!

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