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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. In you post you said that today is been 2 weeks for you being banded, when were you banded? and you said you will start solid in 4 days! lucky you. I was banded june 6 went on liquids for 2 weeks, and have to go for 2 weeks mushies, then i can start solids on july 5....... can't wait to be able to eat real fooooooooood.

    Hi Nano,

    I was banded on Jun 8. I had a very strict pre/op diet -2 weeks of just shakes, SF Jello, caffeine free SF drinks & up 2 cups veggies. No fruits.

    Post op, diet is "Thin Liquids" - caffeine free, SF, non-carbonated beverages, plus at least 2 watered down Protein shakes. That was supposed to be for 10 days, but I went for my check-up on day 8, and since everything looked good, I was allowed to start on mushies that day. YAY! I'm on mushies for 10 days, and then start solids. My first fill is scheduled for July 8, one month after surgery.

    So far, I have not had any problems with anything coming back up. I should only be so lucky in the future. LOL. Joan

  2. This thread has become like a multiple car accident - you know you should keep driving, but you have to stop and look.

    Although there may have been a lot of different information for thought, it has been repetitive and now doesn't seem to serve any purpose but to spew anger.

    Agnes has made her decision. Whether or not you agree, let's wish her good luck on journey and move on.

  3. I'm 2 weeks post-op today. I haven't cheated since the surgery. Hang in there - once you get to the mushie stage, it gets a lot better. It may not look great, but it is oh soooooooo wonderful to be eating (if you can it eating) foods with flavor. I love the Unjury chicken broth. Its a great way to get your Protein in, and tastes good. I add it to Soups & mashed potatoes, or just have it as is. Only 4 more days to solids. YAY! I'm amazed at how the discomfort/paain after the surgery is just a faint memory already.

  4. If I never see another Protein shake again, it will be too soon! Fortunately I have found a way to get my Protein in without drinking another shake.

    Isopure is a clear Protein Drink that comes in lots of flavors. My fav is Blue Raspberry. the 20oz bottle has 40g of Protein. I buy it at GNC.

    unjury makes a chicken broth flavored Protein powder that has 21g of protein per scoop. A lot more than just a cup of regular chicken broth. I'm at the mushie stage now, so I add it to mashed potatoes and blended Soups to increase the protein count. You can order it online at unjury.com

  5. Well the poert incision is gushing out with blood so im going to have to change the bandage myself..well my mom will help me...but its soaked in blood and even leaking out of the bandage...im so frustrated......i still feel like crap....dizzy and gas seems to only be sitting in my stomach..which makes my port pain even worse.....excuse my french but i just want to fart all this mess out of me!!!!!! i try walkin but im soo dizzy...may from the codone....i sit up as much as i can but thats gets painful too...ahhhh im about to just try to go to sleep again so i dont have to feel this pain...thanks everyone for ur words of encouragement....!

    If you're bandage is still getting blood soaked - CALL YOUR SURGEON'S OFFICE NOW! They will probably have you go in for some stitches. It is not normal to have heavy bleeding afterwards. My surgery was done with a single incision. Every time I got up to walk, I left a trail of blood. They put stitches in before I left the hospital, but the next morning i woke up with bloody sheets. I went in for 2 more stitches, and was fine after that. Good luck!

  6. If all you have had is a glass or two with dinner, I wouldn't worry. They say that is actually good for you. Stick to the pre-op diet, and it will shrink the fat from your liver, making it easy to operate. You will probably have to change your drinking habits, as most people cannot tolerate drinking while eating. So enjoy your wine either before or after dinner. Good luck.

  7. For liquid stage, Isopure, snapple type drink with 40g Protein in each 20 oz bottle, available at GNC.

    Also chicken broth. I find warn chicken broth very comforting. I've been using Herb Ox, but I find it very bland, so have been adding Mrs Dash. I just ordered a chicken broth Protein Powder from powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.com. I hope its good because I ordered a large container.

  8. I was banded last Monday. It has been getting progressively worse with trying to consume the proper amount of Protein. Last night my stomach was upset all night. Just the thought of drinking another shake is really getting to me. I think I may have sipped my last shake too quickly. I decided to have a "shake free" day, and just my protiens from Isopure. I've switched to drinking from a 2 oz demitasse cup. Hopefully that will slow me down.

  9. I was banded on Jun 8 at NYU by Dr Fielding. Fortunately NYU has BIG hospital gowns, so no need for pj's. I was scheduled as an out patient, but wound up staying till the next morning. I was too tired to read and was happy just to sleep or watch TV. Regarding GAS-X, both Dr Fielding & the anesthesiologist told me that the gas pains I may be experienc will be from what is pumped into the abdominal cavity. Gas-X only relieves pain inside the organs. Walking seems to be the best cure for it.

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