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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. I haven't posted in over a month. When my digital scale died in mid-Dec, it seemed like a licsense to cheat. I am so scared to weigh in, as I know I have gained weight. I really need to go back to basics, but I keep putting it off until tomorrow. Definately need to either fix the scale, or get a new one, so I can acess the damage and start over. Wish me luck!

  2. First....I hate the embedded "commercials" for products--so scripted and fake.....UGH!!!

    Second--the "GREEN TEAM"---funky atttitudes!!!! The 2lb disadvantage had to go to someone...so why be mad???

    Third--the "RED TEAM"--game players--and there's nothing wrong with that. IT IS A GAME!!! Just don't lie about it.

    I agree.

    Last season was the first one I watched, so I had nothing to compare it to, and enjoyed it.

    I hope the rest of the green team goes home next. There's so much anger - its not healthy, and I'm sure makes everyone else uneasy.

    At this point, I also wouldn't be sad to see Michael or the red chick go, and although I have nothing against them, I have no feelings for the black team.

  3. I understand Shape-ups are really good too! I couldn't find the style I wanted, and was desperate for a new pair of walking shoes. I 'settled' for therashoe, and I'm totally happy with them. You can buy them at K-mart, and they are only $20.

  4. I wanted to buy the ankle boot shape-up, but I couldn't find them, so I bought an imitation brand at K-mart called Therashoe. The shoes only cost $20, and are so comfortable. And I really noticed how much they have toned up my legs. I plan to get the flip-flops when the weather gets warmer. I highly recommend them.

  5. I'm glad Danny won. I wouldn't have recognized him, He really looked HOT! And I'm also glad it was Rebecca, and not Tracey, who won the $100,000.

    Will all the weight they lost, where's the hanging flab? Rudy, Danny & Daniel all had huge man boobs that have miraculously disappeared.

  6. I managed to loose the lbs I gained over Thanksgiving. Some of the dished were quite salty. Last week was bad. I couldn't keep foods down. I should have gone to liquids the first day it happened, but I had several dinners scheduled, and thought if I ate slow & chewed well, I would be okay. No such luck! So I behaved over the weekend, and just had some turkey/orzo Soup. So far, so good.

  7. November was a disater for me. Its gotten colder here and barely did any walking. I finally saw the movie Mamma Mia, which got me to dig out my Abba Greatest Hits. I've been dancing to it for 30-45 min 3 times a week, so at least I'm burning off calories, plus having fun.

    Congratulations to everyone who made their goal, or at least tried.

  8. On Thanksgiving, when I got on the scale, I was half-pound short of my 50 lb goal. I was thrilled. On Thanksgiving, I ate a LITTLE of everything. Took a 15 minute break over the main course to PB from the turkey. TMI. Fortunately, I sent the leftover dessert home with a friend, but have been eating leftover ever since, and have had turkey a couple of times since, with disastrous results each time. Tonight I spent over 1.5 hrs sliming. The dogs enjoyed the rest of the turkey. I learned my lesson.

    I put on 3.5 lbs since Thanksgiving. Hoping its Water weight, and plan to start exercising again tomorrow to get it off quick.

  9. ...... I'm wondering how many of you have thyroid problems. I've been hypothyroid for a long time....... I've having a terrible time! Want to sleep 12-14 hours a night, depressed, cold all the time. My doctor doesn't want to give me more meds because my lab numbers look ok, even though I feel terrible. I'm also REALLY worried that this will slow down or stop my weight loss.

    Anyone else here think their thyroid affects their LB weight loss?

    I'm also hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism does affect weight loss, and also fatigue. Calcium supplements, and sometimes soy, can affect the absorption of your medication, so if you are taking a calcium supplement, allow at least 4 hours before or after taking your medication.

  10. hey guys i am over 50 getting banded on dec, 7,2009. nervous and happy at the same time , How hard is the liquid diet for 2 weeks post op. larry:confused:

    I had a 2 day pre-op liquid diet and a 10 day post-op liquid diet. The last week was sheer torture. I was banded on Jun 8, and haven't had a shake since. I went for Protein powder that had high amounts of protien grams so I wouldn't have to drink as many. I highly recommend getting some Unjury chicken broth protein powder. It has 21g protein per serving, provides a shake alternative, and is very comforting after surgery. Another alternative is Isopure Zero Carb Protein Drinks. A 20oz bottle has 42g protein.

    Good luck!

  11. I totally agree with Georgia Girl & some of the other posters. I was sorry to see Roberta go. Rudy has given total BS reasons for his vote the past 2 weeks. I don't mind him playing to win. Just have the guts to admit why you're voting the person off. I'm rooting for Danny or Allen.

  12. Kaninag - can you please post a link to the Valentines day challenge please and thank. I am a little late to discover the challenges but would like to join that one and let my little merry band of losers know about it.



    I'm focusing on the Turkey Day Challenge. Also signed up for the New Year, Nre You challenge. I can't even begin to think abot Valentine's at this stage.

  13. I was really sad to see Shay go and was specially disappointed with Rudy. I believe he voted her off because she was a bigger threat. Amanda should have gone. She has really not done well this season.

    I taped the show, and thought that the DVR cut off the ending by not showing Shay's transformation. So I went online, and was able to see it on hulu.com

    She is down to 238 lbs & seems to have such a new great attitude.

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