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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. A week out from surgery and I'm feeling much better. I can sleep on my stomach again . :tongue2: I got my staples out on Tuesday and weighed in at 371 so I have lost 41 pounds since the end of May. I'm starting to get bored with this liquid diet but ill be on "baby food" in less then a week. Anyways, I hope the rest of you June bandsters are doing great.

    Wow, Chris. That's fantastic. Way to go!

  2. P.S. You got any good on the sweet side recipes? lol. I can't figure out for the life of me a sweet tasting recipe that is no sugar no fat. I am not sure if the exist, but after my day today I need something sweet to ease my mind :tongue2:. I am on the mushie stage, but have been able to eat soft foods if I chew them up like a million times and I don't have a prob with that. LOL.

    I love Jello Instant SF/FF pudding. I add Protein powder to it as well. Just add milk and stir and you've got a healthy, yummy treat.

  3. Mandie - It took me over a week before I was able to get in/out of bed without a lot of pain. And almost 2 weeks before I was able to walk faster than a snail's pace. I also had chills at night. Fortunately, at 3 weeks post op, I am doing fine now. I'm sure your double surgery hasn't helped the situation. Anesthesia can take a lot out of you. But it's good that you follow up with your doctor. Good luck!

    RitaLou - I read that hernias can be quite common, and easy to fix while they are doing LBS. When I got my insurance approval it included both LBS & hernia surgery. I asked my surgeon about it, and he said it was precautionery, in case I needed it, it would be pre-approved. As it turned out, I didn't need it. Good luck on Tuesday.


    Regarding a hernia, when I got

  4. Thanks, I'll definitely look into the unjury chicken broth. That's weird about the apple sauce...they didn't list much on here for me to go by other than "protien drinks, broth, skim/lactaid milk, sugar free Jello, popsicles, low fat yogurt, sugar free pudding, or baby food fruit". :thumbdown:

    Mine was similar, also minus the yogurt, baby food & pudding. They called it "thin" liquids, basically anything that can fit through a straw. I'm sure glad that phase is over. I just started solids this weekend. YAY! I must say, the early phase passed quickly. MUshies were good - they didn't look like much, but were tasty.

  5. Question: JLray, you mention Protein shakes for breakfast or lunch. My surgery is scheduled for 7/7, and the nutritionist told me that the shakes will be a thing of the past once the 2-4 week post-op period is over because the shakes will not make me feel full since they will slide thru the band. Did anyone else get that?

    Its true that liquids will go thru the band easily, but a lot of doctors recommend still having a shake a day for the Protein. Many people can't tolerate solid food in the morning, so a shake can be a good protein source for breakfast.

    Also, whenever you have a fill, most surgeons require you to do one or two days of liquids afterwards, and 1 or two days of mushies.

  6. I lost 10 lbs on the 2 wk pre-op diet (shakes, Protein waters & up to 2 cups veggies). The first week after surgery I barely lost anything (same diet as pre-op, minus the veggies). Now after almost 3 weeks post op, I have lost a total of 28 lbs since I began (ttl 5 wks). I have to say, I am almost never hungry, and most days have difficulty in getting in all my protein. I go for my first fill on July 8.

  7. hair loss may be dur to poor nutrition - often not enough Protein or an Iron deficiency, so it it important to eat a balanced diet.

    Since our portion sizes are limited, it is important to be sure to get enough supplements in. I have been comparing the ingredients of various chewable multi Vitamins and alternates, and by far, GNC's Women's Ultra Mega Formula seems to meet the highest % of vitamin/minerals daily requirement (100% Biotin); unfortunately, no Iron. Its a powder, so you can add it to you Protein shake. They also have a version for men.

  8. I like to try and find single servings of Protein in case I don't like the taste and then don't feel like I have wasted 20-40 $. Did try the JR strawberry and liked it alot but the only other flavors the Vitamin Shoppe had as a single serving was dreamiscle and chocolate and I have plenty of chocolate. Unfortunately I don't like dreamiscles or cream in my coffee, I know I am strange. :thumbup: Wish the pina colada had been in stock - will have to go back and check it out again. GNC has Cookies and cream and non flavored whey Protein which are pretty good to me.

    You may want to try powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. You can order sample packets. I really like their chicken broth flavor. its only sold on their website: www.unjury.com

  9. Like Becky, I got a lot of information and it was a bit overwhelming. It started with a 2 hour seminar by my surgeon with a Q&A session. They gave out some info & resources, as well as 2 nicely published booklets on the LapBand & Reliable Band. Then I had to get a password to watch a 30 min video online. The nutritionist met with me for about an hour & gave me guidelines for the pre-op & post-op diets. By the time I met with my surgeon, most of my questions were answered, or at least I thought so. I got lost of post-op info (caring for the incision, when to call the doctor, etc), and I really feel the info I received was very good. Having this site to go to provides a lot of additional invaluable info. There are so many different experiences, so I guess it would be hard for the hospital to cover them all. So glad for LBT.

  10. You guys are wonderful. I really appreciate the advice and suggestions. I needed to find a solution to this issue as the Dr insists that we have at least 100g of Protein during the pre-surgery diet. Post op: Stage 1 = 60g and stage 2 on is 80-100g.

    Again thanks!!!!

    Holy Moly~! 100g p/day. That's double what I had to do pre/op. I'm about 2.5 weeks post op, in the mushie phase & I'm aiming for 70-80 calories p/day. It ain't easy, but if I wasn't drinking the Isopure at 40g, I wouldn't be able to come anywhere close.

    To hit your 100g p/day, you may want to try AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. It has 60g of Protein in a 24oz bottle. I rather like the taste. Its not sweet tasting - more tart, like unsweetened lemonade.

    Another product you may want to try is New-whey. Its only about 3oz, but has 42g protein. I haven't tried it yet, but I heard its not too bad, especially if you Water it down with ice cubes. Even if you don't like the taste, you only have to drink a little to get the protein.

    Good luck!


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