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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. I had my second fill yesterday, so am back on liquids for 2 days. I lost 33 lbs since the 2 week pre-op. It seems to come off in spurts. I do well when I am on liquids or mushies, but seem to struggle with the same 2-3 lbs when I'm on solids. Fortunately, I have not any problems with eating. But the nutritionist reminded me that can change after a fill. Hopefully, I'll remember to eat slower & chew more.

  2. There is a support piece that they put on me after surgery. I think they called it a binder, but I'm not sure. It was a stretch material, kind of like those knee support bands, about 8 inches high, that they wrapped around my middle. I was a bit out of it, but I think it stayed closed by velcros. It actually felt good and supportive while I was weraring it. I think the purpose was to help in the healing process.

  3. Looking for Brooklyn, NY recommendations. Want lap band through belly button.

    I am just starting to investigate lap band surgery. I am 59, 5'1 and weigh 200 pounds. I am diabetic with hypertension. Have a great life but I used to be small and cute and can't stand this. Have been this heavy or close to it over the last 10 years. It sucks.

    Looking for suggestions or personal recommendations for resident of Brooklyn, NY . Is it hard to get insurance companies to agree?

    HI BJ,

    I had my lapband done by Dr Fielding at NYU. He did a single incision thru the navel. Dr Fielding & the whole surgical team at NYU are great. Suggest you attend one of their seminars.

    Like you, I used to be 'small & cute', but over the years (I'm 60) ballooned up to over 200 lbs. I was banded on Jun 8, had my second fill today, and so far, have not had any problems, and am able to eat most foods (steak, shrimp, salad, calamari). That may change after today's fill, but I am working hard to remember to eat slowly & chew, chew, chew...

    Wherever you choose to have your surgery, be sure that it is a 'center for excellence', as you want an experienced surgeon for the proceedure.

    Good luck!


  4. 7_13_18.gif

    I have never cooked fish before. Does anyone know of GOOD recipe for Talapia. That is the least fishy fish out there and I want to start eating fish, but don't want fishy taste. Thanks. Oh and is Chili ok to eat?

    Hi Ruth,

    I have a very simple, but great recipe for tilapia. Coat the fish with mustard. Dip in Panko (Japanese style) breadcrumbs, then saute in a skillet for about 2.5 min on each side. Enjoy!



  5. I was banded Jun 8. I work from home, and often try to prepare some of my meals ahead of time. For the mushie stage, I mae a big pot of lentil Soup with spinach and powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken broth Protein powder and put it through a blender. I froze some of it in 1 cup and 1/2 cup containers, so I have it for when I need to go back to mushies after a fill. I also mad a big pot of Tomato sauce with sausage, blended it and froze some of it in portions. For the mushie phase, I put it over ricotta cheese & bake. I also use it when on solids for wholewheat english muffin pizza, or over Pasta.

    One of my favorites is a crustless quiche. I get 8 slices per pie, so can have breakfast, lunch or dinner for a week.

    tuna fish is another one of my favorite quick meals. With just some balsamic vinegar and spices when I'm on the mushie stage, or mixed with either garbonzo or canellini Beans or Water chestnuts when I'm on solids.

    I like Cereal, usually Special K, as it has 10g Protein, usually add fresh fruit, and can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner.< /p>

    I usually try to have a meat of fish for dinner. So far, I have been able to eat everything - chicken, steak, shrimp, even calamari. I can also handle salad.

    My favorite snack is Jello SF/FF instant pudding, which I add Protein Powder to. I usually have 1/2 cup in the evening before I go to bed. I also find the chocolate or Calcium calcium chews fill my urge for sweets. I have one in the afternoon & one in the evening.

  6. I'm doing a little better than you - was banded Jun 8 and lost around 30 lbs since the 2 week pre-op. I was loosing nicely, but when I started solids the scale started going the other direction. After my first fill, being back on liquids/mushies for 4 days, I lost 4 lbs in 3 days, but again started to plateau. I weigh myself everymorning, and keep struggling with the same 2 lbs. Since I keep a journal of what I eat, I can usually track the weight gain to what I ate/drank. But its sooooo frustrating, since I am consuming a fraction of what I ate in the past. I go for my second fill this week. Hopefully more restriction will help. As they say, one day at a time...

  7. It is quite common to have a Vitamin D deficiency. Most surgeons/strongly recommend a Calcium supplement. Many of them come with Vit D as well (generally 400-600 IU per dose),a s it helps the body absorb the Calcium. Depending on how much calcium you intake through other sources, women should take 1000 - 1500 mg calcium p/day. This should not be taken all at once, as the body cannot absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at a time.

  8. I use use GNC Solotron chewable Multi-V or Trader Joe's High Chewable Multi-V. They both taste ok & contain good quantities of vit/minerals. GNC is clighly more potent, but the dose is 2 tablets, slightly smaller than an alka seltzer. The TJ dose is one tablet, a bit larger, an thicker, than a dime. I used to use Trader Joe's Gummy Multi Vitamins, which I could eat all day, however they are not as potent, and don't contain a lot of the minerals that are in the others.

  9. I was banded almost 7 weeks ago, and am still not hungry, even though I had my first fill over 2 wks ago. I do sometimes experience head hunger, specially when I know that there's something in the fridge I really want to eat.

    Immediately after surgery, and after my fill, I had absolutely no desire to eat anything,, and had to force myself to get in the proper amt of Protein and Water. I discovered Isopure Protein waters which is a lifesaver when I am not hungry or don't have the time to have all my protein (40g protein in 20oz bottle). I also find powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken broth Protein powder, which I find very soothing.

    It seems every surgeon/nutritionist's instructions are different. I was not supposed to have pudding until the mushy stage - 10 days after surgery. That actually got pushed up a few days when I went for my 1 wk post-op visit and everything was ok. I use Jello SF/FF instant pudding and add Protein Powder when I make it.

    Many others on this site were allowed to have pudding after surgery. Follow your dr/nut's instructions. Try to get you required protein in, but a few days of not meeting the quota won't hurt. The hunger will come back soon enough...


  10. im glad I helped some people find something to like...I hope every1 is satisfied with their diet cuz I kno it sucks not liking it...For some reason I cant stand Isopure anymore...im 6 days post op and im really tired of drinking it...They sold out on raspberry blue so I drink alpine punch...i can do that but i dont enjoy drinking it...I would rather enjoy raspberry blue but somebody keeps stackin up on them...vitamin shoppe was suppost to call me when it comes back into the store but they never did....I dont kno how im goin to finish this liquid diet for the next 11 days :lol: I need the raspberry blue

    Try GNC. That's where I buy Isopure.

  11. I'm doing medifast (well not really) for my pre-op weight loss. I cannot handle the oatmeal and I think the shakes are awful too. i would love to try Isopure - but when I clicked on a link for it Isopure plus - the nutritional value showed it was only 15 grams of Protein - are there different kinds?

    1.00 off : Buy Isopure Plus - Protein Drink Online

    Let me know what I'm missing!



    Hi Renee,

    There are 2 types of Protein drinks. The Isopure Plus comes in 2 flavors, a smaller plastic bottle & contains 11g of sugar & 15g of protein.

    Isopure Zero Carb comes in a 20oz glass bottle, lots of flavors, and has 40g of protein. Hope this helps.


  12. Hi Scotgrl,

    Saw your post on the NYU site. I always feel like I have to be careful what I post there. Tammy seems to take any criticsm personally.

    I can't say enough great things about the whole surgical team. During the whole process - from the moment I checked in for the surgery until I left - I felt like I was in good hands. Everyone seemed genuinely warm and caring. If you have any questions or want further info, feel free to send me a PM.


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