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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. RD, you need to check with your surgeon/nut regarding that, as everyone has different instructions. When you start the mushy stage you definatly can have them if they are pureed. When you start solids, you'll need to be careful of fibrous fruits & vegges (pineapple, asparagus stems, etc). It will be a matter of experimenting and seeing which fruits & veggies you can handle, and that could change after a fill. Good luck!

  2. Agnes,

    Glad you're no longer getting food stuck. I'm 1 month ahead of you, but learning new eating habits takes a bit of time. I think if it wasn't for food getting stuck a few times, I would still be inhaling my food. I'm hoping the new eating habits become second nature after awhile. I asked my surgeon, who was banded 9 years ago, if he still gets stuck, and he said yes, when he doesn't pay attention. I guess we'll always have to make a conscious effort, but hopefully it willl become easier.

  3. How do you make a crustless quiche??? Sounds yummy If you have a receipe that you would send me that would be great. Thank you

    Crustless Quiche Recipe

    I never make it the same way twice, but here are the basics, you adapt to your taste, or whatever you have in the fridge.

    1. Saute until soft diced onions or shallots, mushrooms and/or whatever other veggies you like. I'm not a big veggie fan, but I like spinach, so I add 2 cups of defrosted chopped spinach. It doesn't need to be cooked before baking, but it gets out the excess Water. If I have ham. chopped meat, or salami, I also add. As you are saute, add spices. I like spicy, so I usually add red pepper flakes, sometuimes basil or thyme, nutmeg, etc.

    Set aside & let cool.

    2. In a lg bowl mix 2 cups of ricotta, 2 beaten eggs, then addl cheese. I like Laughing Cow Light, which I cut in smaller pieses & mix in, or Mozarella (I prefer slized to

    shredded, as the slices get gooey when melted, which I love).

    3. Add in the cooled veggie mix an stir till blended.

    4. Spray the pip plate with Pam and lightly dust with whole wheat flour. Then pour in mixture. Sprinkle top with parmesan or other cheese. Bake at 375 for about 45 min, or until toothpick or knife comes out clean when inserted in the center.

    5. Let sit for about 15 min before cutting.

    Get adventurous with your combinations. I sometimes saute apples, shallots & mushrooms and add it to a ricotta, gruyer (Laughing Cow) & egg combination.

    Or a pizza quiche with ricotta, mozarella, egg mix with sauted veggies/meat and topped with Tomato slices, fres basil & parmesan.

  4. Hi Agnes,

    Missed seeing your posts. Sorry to hear you are getting stuck with certain foods. I have much more restriction after having my 2nd fill, and have to be careful that the food is moist, and remember to chew more carefully, small bites, etc (something I am still working on learning). Prior to my 2nd fill I had no problems eating anything. Now, I even get stuck with tilapia. And chicken is a problem unless it has a sauce. I'm a big fan of Greek yogurt and add different seasonings to it, which I then use to dip the meat/fish in before eating. If adding more moisture (mayo, sauce, etc) to your food doesn't help, you probably should have a little taken out.

    Good luck,


  5. I'm almost 3 months post surgery, but I still have problems remembering to take small bites, eat slowly, and chew thououghyl. This wasn't a problem until my 2nd fill, and I have paid the price when I don't. You'd think I would have learned after the first time something got stuck, but I seem to be slow on the uptake. It's definately a work in progress...

    I had my first glass of wine at 3 weeks post op, when I started on solids. I usually have a glass of wine before eating several times a week, and sometimes, a second glass after eating. I also sometime take a tiny sip of liquid while eating, if what I'm having is dry - maybe 2-3 sips the entire meal. My surgeon says if I can handle it, its ok.

  6. I bought the papaya enzyme at GNC, so I would be prepared in the event of a PB experience. So for my first PB experience I grabbed the bottle: dosage was 3 chewable tablets, about 3/4 in in length. Let me tell you, the last thing I wanted to do whenI was in pain, was to chew not 1, but 3 tablets! Fortunately, I was able to PB quickly ( I doubt the papaya enzyme had time to work), and the pain passed. Although I have some tablets in my wallet for emergencies, I don't kno whow how anxious I am to take them again.

  7. I was supposed to have my 3rd fill yesterday, but since I had several PBing incidents recently, the NP decided not to do a fill. I don't think the band is too tight - I just don't remember to eat slow, take small bites, and chew. Eventually, I'll get it.

    B- 1 cu 1% milk w/coffee

    S - small waffle toped w/Blueberry Activia

    L - chicken w/fresh figs

    D - 10oz Isopure Lemon Green tea - 20 g Protein

    Normally would have protein enriched sf/ff pudding for evening snack, but I'm not hungry tonight

  8. Hi Everyone!

    This is my first time posting my meals. Can someone tell me if they feel I am eating well? I feel I am eating small portions and healthy but I am losing slowly. I'm sure it's me being impatient.

    B: 1/2 of a Protein Shake (vanilla soymilk, 1/4 banana, Protein, ice)

    l: Gyro (only ate the lamb/beef meat inside and it had some taziki sauce-- maybe 3 ounces), 5 french fries-- too full

    d: 1 filet of Orangy rought fish (100 calories/20 grams of protein... so delicious and sooo filling!)

    s: string cheese wrapped in slic of turkey meat

    Welcome, Cyn. Looks like you're making good choices. Good luck!

  9. This may be a stupid question, but what is PB stand for?

    Hi Darlene,

    PB stands for productive burping. It happens when food gets stuck in the stoma, and then comes up with saliva (aka slime). It very often is accompanied by variying degrees of pain, and be over quickly, or last for what seems like eternity. The longest pain I have experienced so far is 1/2 hr. The pain usually passes after whatever was stuck comes up.

    It usually is caused by eating too fast or not chewing thoroughly. It can also be caused by the band being too tight. Mine was caused by my own stupidity. You think I'd learn...


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