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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. When I first met with my surgeon, he said I should be able to loose 80 lbs, which seemed like a good goal for me. I'm 4'11", so that would put me at 139. Although I won't exactly be thin at that weight, I know I'll feel great. And once I get there and maintain - who knows - maybe I'll be able to loose even more.

    Enjoy the seminar tonight. I was banded at NYU. They have a great team.


  2. I take 2 children's chewables. I'm still looking for the right Calcium. I don't like any of the chewables that I've tried.

    I think GNC's soft chews are the best tasting (Caramel or Chocolate). Unfortunately, they only have 100 IU of VitD, which I have a shortage of. I take one in the afternoon, and one before going to bed. In the morning I take Caltrate D plus , which has 400 IU of Vit D, plus zinc and other minerals. They are fruit flavored chewables, and I like the taste.

  3. Hi Padanelle, does this mean I motivated you? If so it sure feels mighty fine to me! :thumbup: Let us know how you go on.


    Elle, you definately inspired me. I had all of the best intentions to start the month out with a nice long walk. Wound up cleaning the closets & that tired me out. In the words of Scarlett O'Hara, "Tomorrow is another day."

  4. Many women who loose 20 lbs or more in 3 months are less is likely to experience some hair loss. The good news is its temporary.

    In addition to proper Protein intake, several minerals play an important part in Hair growth for women. Iron is important for hair growth. The recopmmended daily dose is 18 mg. If you take more, you should consult your doctor first. Taking 100mg of Vitamin c with Iron will aid absorption.

    Many Multivitamins do not contain iron. Also, taking Calcium along with iron will hinder the iron absorption (take them at least 2 hrs apart).

    Biotin (which is said to enhance hair growth, thicken fibers and diminish shedding), folate and zinc are also important for hair growth. So it is important to read the labels closely and select a Multivitamin and/or supplement to cover your bases.

    Hope this helps.

    Biotin is .

  5. I read all the previous posts in this thread. I can't imagine WHY anyone would pay the amount we pay for surgery, go thru surgery, pain, have scars, etc. etc and then talk about CHEATING!

    Congratulations to you Lolly, on you great will power and determination. I wish you much success in maintaining it.

    I don't think most people go into this, planning on cheating. And reading the posts, most of what people consider 'cheating' is permissable by a different surgeon.

    As long as its only occassional, and is not causing regular PBing, in IMHO, I actually think 'occasional' cheating can actually be good. Otherwise, if someone finds the 'rules' too strict, it could result in throwing everything out. Common sense is the rule.

  6. I am a new bander as of 8/11/09. On Mondays, I quilt at my local church with a bunch of wonderful cooks that bring food for lunch. At 11:00 a.m., we stop quilting and eat together. Some of the husbands join us also. The main thing I am most proud of is I was able to eat my Protein (fish) and I didn't drool over all of the other food. I was satisfied and happy with what I had for myself. That is a huge step forward for me. You don't know what great cooks these ladies are.....


    You need to get those wonderful cooks to make something you can comfortably eat - AND be sure to take home a doggie bag!

  7. My doctor doesn't do the fills - his PA does - I got my band over a year ago and only have seen my doctor twice since - once 6 weeks post-op and then not until my year checkup. Is this normal? Thanks.

    The NP does my fills. I've been back 4x since surgery, and have only seen my surgeon once - at my second fill, when he popped in to say hello and ask how I was doing. Since I haven't had any problems, I'm okay with that. I guess its the trade-off for getting a popular surgeon.

  8. Whenever I get close to a goal, I have a tendancy to sabatoge myself. For all of you who fall of the bandwagon from time to time, I'd like to share a quote from Mary Pickford (sorry youngins, if you've never heard of her):

    "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ' failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

  9. Hi Dawn,

    There are a lot of suggestions for receipes and food suggestion in the nutrition section of this site. If you are able to keep things cold, then carry a can opener and make tuna or egg salad with LF mayo. If you can't keep it cold while at the convention, make the tuna salad with FF dressing. Eating out, you can eat fish that will flake with a fork, mashed potatoes. eggs or oatmeal or a Protein shake make a good Breakfast. Cottage with Jello is another suggestion. And you can keep small cups of applesauce handy for a snack.< /p>

    As you will be eating out a lot, you can't always control what goes in the food, but it is more important to focus on the Protein content and, while in the mushy stage, the soft consistency of the food.

    If you haven't already tried Isopure Zero Carb Protein Drink, you may want to see if you like it. Each 20 oz bottle has 42g of protein. They come in lots of flavors. My favorites are Lemon Green Tea & blue Raspberry. They need to be dunk VERY cold.

    Hope this helps.


  10. Wally,

    The lapband is not always the best choice for everyone. That being said, many surgeons sometimes push one type of surgery over another because they have limited experience with doing one proceedure over another. If you haven't already asked, ask your surgeon how many lapband proceedures he has performed. Don't let him be general and give you total number of weight loss proceedures. Gastric bypass has been around in the US a lot longer than the lapband, so many surgeon promote what they are more comfortable with. It pays to question. Good luck.

  11. I'm usually too lazy to try on a bra before buying, so as a result, I have a draw full of bras that don't fit - all too small. So at least I don't have to go out and buy any new ones as the girls shrink (lol).

    Most women underestimate their cup size, and overcompensate on the band size. Here's a handy guide for measuring.

    Measurement # 1 - Band Size: Put on your best-fitting, unpadded, under wire bra. Measure underneath the bust line and make sure to measure tightly. Be sure the tape measure is straight across your back.

    The general rule of thumb for all measuring is: less than ½”, round DOWN, more than a ½”, round UP. So if your measurement is 32 ¼”, call it 32. Write this number down. This is measurement number 1.

    If measurement 1 is UNDER 33 inches, add 5 inches. If this number is odd, round up to the next EVEN number. If measurement 1 is OVER 33 inches, add 3 inches. If this number is odd, round up to the next EVEN number. Write this EVEN number down. This is your band size.

    Measurement # 2 - Cup Size. Measure over the biggest point of your bust line. This is a looser measurement. Make sure the tape measure is straight. Write this number down. This is measurement # 2.

    First subtract measurement # 1 from measurement # 2. Then consult the following chart to find your cup size.


    I like Cacique, which I think may be a Lane Bryant in-house brand.

    Hope this helps.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
